Vouchers Welcome? Three Essays Exploring Landlords’ Views on Housing Vouchers

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The Housing Choice Voucher Program (“HCVP”) is one of the largest housing subsidy programs targeting low-income households. Despite its history and scale of the program, however, the impact of the HCVP is still unsatisfactory. One of the reasons is landlord

The Housing Choice Voucher Program (“HCVP”) is one of the largest housing subsidy programs targeting low-income households. Despite its history and scale of the program, however, the impact of the HCVP is still unsatisfactory. One of the reasons is landlord discrimination against housing vouchers that prevents voucher families from moving to ‘opportunity neighborhoods’. Although landlord participation in the HCVP is instrumental in achieving the program’s policy goals, as the vouchers’ high demand for rental housing units in ‘opportunity neighborhoods’ cannot be met without it, little systematic discussion has taken place regarding landlords’ perception and strategies for housing vouchers. Based on idiosyncratic text data scraped from five U.S. landlords’ forums, three essays in this dissertation answer questions of housing vouchers, discrimination, and landlords. The first essay identifies the topics that are discussed among landlords regarding housing vouchers and voucher tenants. The second essay examines landlords’ emotions regarding the HCVP and voucher households and analyzes the factors that contribute to their perceptions. The third essay delves into landlords’ strategies toward tenants with housing vouchers and analyzes how their reactions may vary depending on contexts such as the existence of Source of Income protections in state and local jurisdictions. Findings from the three essays provide theoretical and practical implications on landlords and housing vouchers, and the analytic strategies employed in this dissertation expand the scope of methodological approaches that could be used in social science and policy research.
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Nonparental child care during nonstandard hours: who uses it and how does it influence child well-being?

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Over the last three decades there has been a rise in the number of workers employed during nonstandard (evening and overnight) hours; accompanying this trend has been a renewed interest in documenting workers, their families, and outcomes associated with nonstandard-hour

Over the last three decades there has been a rise in the number of workers employed during nonstandard (evening and overnight) hours; accompanying this trend has been a renewed interest in documenting workers, their families, and outcomes associated with nonstandard-hour employment. However, there are important gaps in the current literature. Few have considered how parents who work nonstandard hours care for their children when parental care is unavailable; little is known about who participates in nonparental child care during nonstandard hours, or the characteristics of those who participate. Most pressingly from a policy perspective, it is unclear how participation in nonparental child care during nonstandard hours influences child well-being. This study aims to fill these gaps. This dissertation paints a descriptive portrait of children and parents who use nonstandard child care, explores the relationship between nonstandard hours of nonparental child care participation and various measures of child well-being, and identifies longitudinal patterns of participation in nonstandard-hour child care. I find that children who participate in nonstandard-hours of nonparental child care look significantly different from those who do not participate. In particular, children are more likely to be older, identify as black or Hispanic, and reside with younger, unmarried parents who have lower levels of education. Estimates also suggest a negative relationship between participation in nonstandard-hour child care and child well-being. Specifically, children who participate in nonstandard-hour care show decreased school engagement and school readiness, increased behavioral problems, decreased social competency, and lower levels of physical health. These findings have serious implications for social and education policy.
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Punishing criminals or protecting victims: a critical mixed methods analysis of state statutes related to prostitution and sex trafficking

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This study uses the ontological lenses of discourse theory to conduct a critical mixed-methods analysis of state statutes related to prostitution and sex trafficking. The primary research question of the study was, "How do state laws communicate and reinforce discourses

This study uses the ontological lenses of discourse theory to conduct a critical mixed-methods analysis of state statutes related to prostitution and sex trafficking. The primary research question of the study was, "How do state laws communicate and reinforce discourses related to sex trafficking and prostitution and how do these discourses reinforce hegemony and define the role of the state?" A mixed methods approach was used to analyze prostitution and sex trafficking related annotated and Shepardized statutes from all fifty states. The analysis found that not all prostitution related discourses found in the literature were present in state statutes. Instead, statutes could be organized around five different themes: child abuse, exploitation, criminalization, place, and licensing and regulation. A deeper analysis of discourses present across and within each of these themes illustrated an inconsistent understanding of prostitution as a social problem and an inconsistent understanding of the legitimate role of the state in regulating or criminalizing prostitution. The inconsistencies in the law suggest concerns for equal protection under the law based upon a person's perceived deservingness, which often hinges on his or her race, class, gender identity, sexuality, age, ability, and nationality. Implications for the field include insights into a substantive policy area rarely studied by policy and administration scholars, a unique approach to mixed methods research, and the use of a new technique for analyzing vast quantities of unstructured data.
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Fiscal sustainability of local governments: effects of government structure, revenue diversity, and local economic base

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This dissertation develops a framework for the analysis of fiscal sustainability among U.S. local governments. Fiscal sustainability is defined as a type of fiscal condition that allows a government to continue service provision now and in the future without introducing

This dissertation develops a framework for the analysis of fiscal sustainability among U.S. local governments. Fiscal sustainability is defined as a type of fiscal condition that allows a government to continue service provision now and in the future without introducing disruptive revenue or expenditure patterns. An assessment of local fiscal sustainability is based on three types of indicators: pension liability funding, debt burden, and budgetary balance. Three main factors affect a government's long-term financial condition: government structure, financial structure and performance, and local economic base. This dissertation uses a combination of the U.S. Census Bureau Annual Survey of Government Finances and Employment, the U.S. Census Bureau Decennial Census, the Bureau of Labor Statistics data, and the Government Finance Officers Association financial indicators database to study the effects of the three factors on local fiscal sustainability. It is a pioneer effort to use government-wide accounting information from Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports to predict local fiscal sustainability status. The results of econometric models suggest that pension liability funding is most affected by the size of government, debt burden is most strongly associated with the size of local economic base; and budgetary balance is influenced by the degree of local own-source revenue diversification.
Date Created