How Will Agrochemical Exposure and Climatic Warming Affect Honey Bee Morphology, Foraging Performance, and Heat and Water Balance During Flight?

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The alarming decline of insect pollinators is due in part to agrochemical exposure and climate warming. This thesis focuses on understanding how exposure to a commonly used fungicide and high air temperature affect the flight behavior and physiology of the

The alarming decline of insect pollinators is due in part to agrochemical exposure and climate warming. This thesis focuses on understanding how exposure to a commonly used fungicide and high air temperature affect the flight behavior and physiology of the very important commercial pollinator, Apis mellifera. I found that honey bees reared on pollen contaminated with field-realistic levels of a fungicide (Pristine®) commonly applied to almond blossoms before pollination had smaller thoraxes, possibly due to inhibition of protein digestion, plausibly reducing flight capability. By flying unloaded bees in low density air to elicit maximal performance, I found that consumption of high doses of fungicide during development inhibited maximal flight performance, but consumption of field-realistic doses did not. To understand climatic-warming effects on honey bees, I flew unloaded foragers at various air densities and temperatures to assess the effects of flight muscle temperature (29 to 44°C) on maximal aerobic metabolism. Flight metabolic rate peaked at a muscle temperature of 39°C and decreased by ~2% per degree below and ~5% per degree above this optimum. Carrying nectar loads increased flight muscle temperatures and flight metabolism of foragers flying at air temperatures of 20 or 30°C. Yet, remarkably, bees flying at 40°C were able to carry loads without heating up or increasing metabolic rate. Bees flying at 40°C increased evaporative cooling and decreased metabolic heat production to thermoregulate. High speed video revealed that bees flying at 40°C air temperature lowered their wing beat frequency while increasing stroke amplitude, increasing flight efficiency. My data also suggests that cooler bees use wing kinematic strategies that increase flight stability and maneuverability while generating excess heat that warms their flight muscle toward optimum. High water loss rates during flight likely limit foraging in dry air temperatures above 46°C, suggesting that CTmax measures of resting honey bees significantly overestimate when high air temperature will negatively impact flight and foraging.
Date Created

Metabolic and behavioral integration in social insect colonies

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In social insect colonies, as with individual animals, the rates of biological processes scale with body size. The remarkable explanatory power of metabolic allometry in ecology and evolutionary biology derives from the great diversity of life exhibiting a nonlinear scaling

In social insect colonies, as with individual animals, the rates of biological processes scale with body size. The remarkable explanatory power of metabolic allometry in ecology and evolutionary biology derives from the great diversity of life exhibiting a nonlinear scaling pattern in which metabolic rates are not proportional to mass, but rather exhibit a hypometric relationship with body size. While one theory suggests that the supply of energy is a major physiological constraint, an alternative theory is that the demand for energy is regulated by behavior. The central hypothesis of this dissertation research is that increases in colony size reduce the proportion of individuals actively engaged in colony labor with consequences for energetic scaling at the whole-colony level of biological organization. A combination of methods from comparative physiology and animal behavior were developed to investigate scaling relationships in laboratory-reared colonies of the seed-harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex californicus. To determine metabolic rates, flow-through respirometry made it possible to directly measure the carbon dioxide production and oxygen consumption of whole colonies. By recording video of colony behavior, for which ants were individually paint-marked for identification, it was possible to reconstruct the communication networks through which information is transmitted throughout the colony. Whole colonies of P. californicus were found to exhibit a robust hypometric allometry in which mass-specific metabolic rates decrease with increasing colony size. The distribution of walking speeds also scaled with colony size so that larger colonies were composed of relatively more inactive ants than smaller colonies. If colonies were broken into random collections of workers, metabolic rates scaled isometrically, but when entire colonies were reduced in size while retaining functionality (queens, juveniles, workers), they continued to exhibit a metabolic hypometry. The communication networks in P. californicus colonies contain a high frequency of feed-forward interaction patterns consistent with those of complex regulatory systems. Furthermore, the scaling of these communication pathways with size is a plausible mechanism for the regulation of whole-colony metabolic scaling. The continued development of a network theory approach to integrating behavior and metabolism will reveal insights into the evolution of collective animal behavior, ecological dynamics, and social cohesion.
Date Created