Understanding governance dynamics in a social-ecological system: Chitwan community forests and the invasive mile-a-minute weed

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Employing an interdisciplinary approach with a grounding in new institutional economics, this dissertation investigates how institutions, as shared rules, norms, and strategies, mediate social-ecological outcomes in a system exposed to a novel threat in the form of a rapidly growing

Employing an interdisciplinary approach with a grounding in new institutional economics, this dissertation investigates how institutions, as shared rules, norms, and strategies, mediate social-ecological outcomes in a system exposed to a novel threat in the form of a rapidly growing and especially destructive invasive plant, Mikania micrantha (Mikania). I explore whether and how communities (largely part of community forest user groups in the buffer zone of Chitwan National Park in Chitwan, Nepal) collectively act in the face of Mikania invasion. Collective action is vital to successful natural resource governance in a variety of contexts and systems globally. Understanding collective action and the role of institutions is especially important in the face of continued and amplifying global environmental changes impacting social-ecological systems, such as climate change and invasive species. Contributing to efforts to bolster knowledge of the role of collective action and institutions in social-ecological systems, this research first establishes that community forest governance and institutional arrangements are heterogeneous. I subsequently utilize content and institutional analyses to identify and address themes and norms related to Mikania management. The content analysis contributes an empirical study of the influence of trust in collective natural resource management efforts. Using two complementary econometric analyses of survey data from 1235 households, I additionally assess equity in access to community forest resources, an understudied area in the institutional literature, and the factors affecting collective action related to Mikania removal. Finally, an agent-based model of institutional change facilitates the comparison of two perspectives, rational choice and cultural diffusion, of how shared norms and strategies for Mikania management change over time, providing insight into institutional change generally. Results highlight the importance of trust and understanding the de facto, or on-the-ground institutions; the influence of perception on collective action; that integrating equity into institutional analyses may strengthen sustainable resource management efforts; and that rational choice is an unlikely mechanism of institutional change. The mixed-methods approach contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the role of institutions and collective action in invasive species management and broadly to the scientific understanding of the role of institutions in mediating global environmental changes.
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Male education and son preference in India

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The study of son preference in India has been the focus of research for a few decades. The desire for sons leads to unfavorable consequences for daughters such as unequal access to resources, abortion, and female infanticide. Work on men's

The study of son preference in India has been the focus of research for a few decades. The desire for sons leads to unfavorable consequences for daughters such as unequal access to resources, abortion, and female infanticide. Work on men's education and son preference is relatively scarce and this dissertation contributes to existing literature by exploring this relationship from a life course perspective. I have argued that education changes men's attitudes towards son preference by encouraging them to re-evaluate traditional gender roles and that this relationship is mediated by wealth. I use the National Family and Health Survey-III to examine fertility intentions and behaviors as measures of son preference. I have found support for some of my hypotheses. The findings from three studies walk through the different phases of reproduction for the Indian man. They show that son preference manifests itself at the beginning when there are no children, is strongly present after the birth of children, and then shows itself again at the end when the man wishes to stop childbearing. Being educated leads to the preference of sons being weaker and this is perhaps due to traditional gender roles being challenged. Wealth may mediate the relationship between men's education and son preference at the beginning, but does not act as a mediator once children are born.
Date Created

A comparative analysis of health-seeking behaviors for women at risk of primary or secondary infertility

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Health-seeking behaviors are influenced by multiple factors including an assessment of the symptoms, what degree of personal commitment is involved in treatment, and what, if any, alternative methods of treatment are available. In the case of infertility, seeking treatment is

Health-seeking behaviors are influenced by multiple factors including an assessment of the symptoms, what degree of personal commitment is involved in treatment, and what, if any, alternative methods of treatment are available. In the case of infertility, seeking treatment is likely to occur after the inability to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term persists for longer then a year or more. This is after prolonged exposure to the risk of pregnancy fails to provide a successful pregnancy, and the desire for children remains. Most research on health-seeking behaviors for infertility focus on the nulliparous woman who is at risk of primary infertility. This research furthers this examination by comparing the rates of health-seeking behaviors for women at risk of primary infertility to women at risk of secondary infertility. A woman at risk of primary infertility is identified as nulliparous in that she has never been pregnant, or has never had a pregnancy end in live birth. A woman at risk of secondary infertility is identified as parous and has already had one pregnancy end in live birth. Using three pathways that include social factors, biological mechanisms, and contextual effects, I hypothesize that the rates of health-seeking behaviors will vary by infertility risk and that women at risk of primary infertility will have higher rates of health-seeking behaviors for infertility. These hypotheses are based on the Behavioral Model of Health Services Utilization and the Health Belief Model that states health-seeking behaviors are influenced by the presence of enabling and predisposing factors, combined with internal and external cues. Findings from this dissertation suggest that the rates of health-seeking behaviors do indeed vary by infertility risk.
Date Created