Growth and grazing mortality of pico- and nano-phytoplankton and their role in the carbon export in the Sargasso Sea

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The ocean sequesters more than 25% of the carbon released by anthropogenic action every year, and oligotrophic oceans, such as the Sargasso Sea, are responsible for about 50% of the global carbon export. Pico- and nano-phytoplankton (cells < 5 µm),

The ocean sequesters more than 25% of the carbon released by anthropogenic action every year, and oligotrophic oceans, such as the Sargasso Sea, are responsible for about 50% of the global carbon export. Pico- and nano-phytoplankton (cells < 5 µm), mostly unicellular eukaryotes (protists) and cyanobacteria, dominate the primary production in the Sargasso Sea; however, little is known about their contribution to the export of carbon into the deep ocean via sinking particles. The overall goal of this study is to examine the link between growth and grazing rates of pico- and nano-phytoplankton and the carbon export in the Sargasso Sea. I investigate three aspects: 1) how microzooplankton grazing and physical forcing affect taxon-specific primary productivity in this region, 2) how these microbial trophic dynamics impact their contribution to the export of particulate matter, and 3) how much pico-phytoplankton, specifically the pico-cyanobacteria Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus, contribute to the carbon export. I collected seawater samples within the sunlit (euphotic) zone, and sinking particles at 150 m depth using particle traps in the Sargasso Sea during the winter and summer seasons of 2011 and 2012. I conducted dilution experiments to determine the growth and grazing rates of the pico- and nano-phytoplankton community, and used 454 pyrosequencing and quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction to measure the relative and absolute contribution of these primary producers to the plankton community within the euphotic zone and in the sinking particles. I found that micrograzing controls taxon-specific primary production, and that microbial trophic dynamics impact directly the taxonomical composition of the sinking particles. For the first time, I was able to quantify clade-specific carbon export of pico-cyanobacteria and found that, despite their small size, these tiny primary producers are capable of sinking from the surface to the deeper oceans. However, their contribution to the carbon flux is often less than one tenth of their biomass contribution in the euphotic zone. Our study provides a comprehensive approach to better understand the role of pico- and nano-phytoplankton in the carbon cycle of oligotrophic oceans, and a baseline to study changes in the carbon export in future warmer oceans.
Date Created

Protist and cyanobacterial contributions to particle flux in oligotrophic ocean regions

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The oceans play an essential role in global biogeochemical cycles and in regulating climate. The biological carbon pump, the photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide by phytoplankton and subsequent sequestration of organic carbon into deep water, combined with the physical carbon

The oceans play an essential role in global biogeochemical cycles and in regulating climate. The biological carbon pump, the photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide by phytoplankton and subsequent sequestration of organic carbon into deep water, combined with the physical carbon pump, make the oceans the only long-term net sink for anthropogenic carbon dioxide. A full understanding of the workings of the biological carbon pump requires a knowledge of the role of different taxonomic groups of phytoplankton (protists and cyanobacteria) to organic carbon export. However, this has been difficult due to the degraded nature of particles sinking into particle traps, the main tools employed by oceanographers to collect sinking particulate matter in the ocean. In this study DNA-based molecular methods, including denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, cloning and sequencing, and taxon-specific quantitative PCR, allowed for the first time for the identification of which protists and cyanobacteria contributed to the material collected by the traps in relation to their presence in the euphotic zone. I conducted this study at two time-series stations in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean, one north of the Canary Islands, and one located south of Bermuda. The Bermuda study allowed me to investigate seasonal and interannual changes in the contribution of the plankton community to particle flux. I could also show that small unarmored taxa, including representatives of prasinophytes and cyanobacteria, constituted a significant fraction of sequences recovered from sediment trap material. Prasinophyte sequences alone could account for up to 13% of the clone library sequences of trap material during bloom periods. These observations contradict a long-standing paradigm in biological oceanography that only large taxa with mineral shells are capable of sinking while smaller, unarmored cells are recycled in the euphotic zone through the microbial loop. Climate change and a subsequent warming of the surface ocean may lead to a shift in the protist community toward smaller cell size in the future, but in light of these findings these changes may not necessarily lead to a reduction in the strength of the biological carbon pump.
Date Created