Message sources, targeted messages, and physical activity: a social cognitive theory view

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This study utilized targeted messages and expert and referent sources in an effort to promote physical activity behavior in college students. College students aged 18-25, excluding collegiate athletes, were randomized into three conditions using their current physical activity level. Two

This study utilized targeted messages and expert and referent sources in an effort to promote physical activity behavior in college students. College students aged 18-25, excluding collegiate athletes, were randomized into three conditions using their current physical activity level. Two of the conditions received targeted messages highlighting three primary components of social cognitive theory - self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and goals - while the third condition received no messages. In addition, the experimental conditions received the messages from either an expert (i.e., a personal trainer) or a referent (i.e., a close friend). In this way, this experiment analyzed whether receiving social cognitive theory messages increased physical activity indicators compared to the control condition, as well as if the message source caused differences in the physical activity indicators. Moreover, participants completed Time 1 and Time 2 measures to determine if receiving messages or not caused changes over a one week time period. Seven physical activity indicators were assessed: self-efficacy, positive outcome expectations, negative outcome expectations, attitudes, response-efficacy, intentions, and physical activity behavior. Results revealed that both the personal trainer and close friend conditions had significantly higher scores than the control condition for intentions at Time 1 and Time 2, as well as physical activity behavior at Time 2. Moreover, the personal trainer condition had significantly higher positive outcome expectations compared to both the friend and control conditions. No other significant differences were found across conditions for Time 1 attitudes, response-efficacy, negative outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and Time 2 attitudes, and self-efficacy. Overall, targeted messages were effective in increasing physical activity intentions and behavior regardless of the message source.
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Evaluation of Taylor Place Fit's motivational signage and mural painting to determine the influence on stair use

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Encouraging stair use may increase physical activity among college students. The overall goals of this study were to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate a stair use initiative, which included a mural painting contest in a residential hall. The number of

Encouraging stair use may increase physical activity among college students. The overall goals of this study were to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate a stair use initiative, which included a mural painting contest in a residential hall. The number of individuals exiting the stairs were counted and interview data were obtained regarding the visibility of the signs and murals and whether the signs or murals influenced stair use. Focus groups and interviews were conducted with the community assistants (CAs) and staff members involved with the project to obtain qualitative data on their perceptions and opinions of the mural painting event. It was hypothesized that the average number of individuals per half hour who used the stairs would significantly increase from baseline to post-test. To examine changes over time in individuals exiting the stairs, a quasi-experimental design was used with one baseline measurement and multiple posttests (n=5). Stair use was determined by counting individuals exiting the stairwells. Time differences in exiting stair use were examined with repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Descriptive statistics and t-tests were used to analyze interview data. Qualitative data were analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. There was a significant time effect on stair use (F=7.512, p =0.000) and a significant interaction between staircase and time (F=7.518, p=0.000). There was no significant interaction of gender over time (F=.037, p=0.997). A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted on each staircase individually and showed that significant time differences were only found in the Southwest staircase. Based on exit interviews (n=28), most students saw the directional signs (61%) and murals (89.3%). However, neither the signs (71.4%) nor the murals (82.1%) were perceived as influential on stair use. Data from the focus groups and interviews revealed that the mural painting contest did not occur as intended, because the contest piece did not take place. In conclusion, solely having residents of a residential hall paint murals in stairwells was insufficient for increasing stair use. A mural painting contest may be a viable approach if properly planned and implemented.
Date Created