Compact modeling of multi-gate transistors

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Scaling of the classical planar MOSFET below 20 nm gate length is facing not only technological difficulties but also limitations imposed by short channel effects, gate and junction leakage current due to quantum tunneling, high body doping induced threshold voltage

Scaling of the classical planar MOSFET below 20 nm gate length is facing not only technological difficulties but also limitations imposed by short channel effects, gate and junction leakage current due to quantum tunneling, high body doping induced threshold voltage variation, and carrier mobility degradation. Non-classical multiple-gate structures such as double-gate (DG) FinFETs and surrounding gate field-effect-transistors (SGFETs) have good electrostatic integrity and are an alternative to planar MOSFETs for below 20 nm technology nodes. Circuit design with these devices need compact models for SPICE simulation. In this work physics based compact models for the common-gate symmetric DG-FinFET, independent-gate asymmetric DG-FinFET, and SGFET are developed. Despite the complex device structure and boundary conditions for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, the core structure of the DG-FinFET and SGFET models, are maintained similar to the surface potential based compact models for planar MOSFETs such as SP and PSP. TCAD simulations show differences between the transient behavior and the capacitance-voltage characteristics of bulk and SOI FinFETs if the gate-voltage swing includes the accumulation region. This effect can be captured by a compact model of FinFETs only if it includes the contribution of both types of carriers in the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. An accurate implicit input voltage equation valid in all regions of operation is proposed for common-gate symmetric DG-FinFETs with intrinsic or lightly doped bodies. A closed-form algorithm is developed for solving the new input voltage equation including ambipolar effects. The algorithm is verified for both the surface potential and its derivatives and includes a previously published analytical approximation for surface potential as a special case when ambipolar effects can be neglected. The symmetric linearization method for common-gate symmetric DG-FinFETs is developed in a form free of the charge-sheet approximation present in its original formulation for bulk MOSFETs. The accuracy of the proposed technique is verified by comparison with exact results. An alternative and computationally efficient description of the boundary between the trigonometric and hyperbolic solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for the independent-gate asymmetric DG-FinFET is developed in terms of the Lambert W function. Efficient numerical algorithm is proposed for solving the input voltage equation. Analytical expressions for terminal charges of an independent-gate asymmetric DG-FinFET are derived. The new charge model is C-infinity continuous, valid for weak as well as for strong inversion condition of both the channels and does not involve the charge-sheet approximation. This is accomplished by developing the symmetric linearization method in a form that does not require identical boundary conditions at the two Si-SiO2 interfaces and allows for volume inversion in the DG-FinFET. Verification of the model is performed with both numerical computations and 2D TCAD simulations under a wide range of biasing conditions. The model is implemented in a standard circuit simulator through Verilog-A code. Simulation examples for both digital and analog circuits verify good model convergence and demonstrate the capabilities of new circuit topologies that can be implemented using independent-gate asymmetric DG-FinFETs.
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Scalable surface-potential-based compact model of high-voltage LDMOS transistors

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Lateral Double-diffused (LDMOS) transistors are commonly used in power management, high voltage/current, and RF circuits. Their characteristics include high breakdown voltage, low on-resistance, and compatibility with standard CMOS and BiCMOS manufacturing processes. As with other semiconductor devices, an accurate and

Lateral Double-diffused (LDMOS) transistors are commonly used in power management, high voltage/current, and RF circuits. Their characteristics include high breakdown voltage, low on-resistance, and compatibility with standard CMOS and BiCMOS manufacturing processes. As with other semiconductor devices, an accurate and physical compact model is critical for LDMOS-based circuit design. The goal of this research work is to advance the state-of-the-art by developing a physics-based scalable compact model of LDMOS transistors. The new model, SP-HV, is constructed from a surface-potential-based bulk MOSFET model, PSP, and a nonlinear resistor model, R3. The use of independently verified and mature sub-models leads to increased accuracy and robustness of an overall LDMOS model. Improved geometry scaling and simplified statistical modeling are other useful and practical consequences of the approach. Extensions are made to both PSP and R3 for improved modeling of LDMOS devices, and one internal node is introduced to connect the two component models. The presence of the lightly-doped drift region in LDMOS transistors causes some characteristic device effects which are usually not observed in conventional MOSFETs. These include quasi-saturation, a sharp peak in transconductance at low VD, gate capacitance exceeding oxide capacitance at positive VD, negative transcapacitances CBG and CGB at positive VD, a "double-hump" IB(VG) current and expansion effects. SP-HV models these effects accurately. It also includes a scalable self-heating model which is important to model the geometry dependence of the expansion effect. SP-HV, including its scalability, is verified extensively by comparison both to TCAD simulations and experimental data. The close agreement confirms the validity of the model structure. Circuit simulation examples are presented to demonstrate its convergence.
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Accurate RTA-based non-quasi-static compact MOSFET model for RF and mixed-signal simulations

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The non-quasi-static (NQS) description of device behavior is useful in fast switching and high frequency circuit applications. Hence, it is necessary to develop a fast and accurate compact NQS model for both large-signal and small-signal simulations. A new relaxation-time-approximation based

The non-quasi-static (NQS) description of device behavior is useful in fast switching and high frequency circuit applications. Hence, it is necessary to develop a fast and accurate compact NQS model for both large-signal and small-signal simulations. A new relaxation-time-approximation based NQS MOSFET model, consistent between transient and small-signal simulations, has been developed for surface-potential-based MOSFET compact models. The new model is valid for all regions of operation and is compatible with, and at low frequencies recovers, the quasi-static (QS) description of the MOSFET. The model is implemented in two widely used circuit simulators and tested for speed and convergence. It is verified by comparison with technology computer aided design (TCAD) simulations and experimental data, and by application of a recently developed benchmark test for NQS MOSFET models. In addition, a new and simple technique to characterize NQS and gate resistance, Rgate, MOS model parameters from measured data has been presented. In the process of experimental model verification, the effects of bulk resistance on MOSFET characteristics is investigated both theoretically and experimentally to separate it from the NQS effects.
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Modeling of total ionizing dose effects in advanced complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technologies

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The increased use of commercial complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technologies in harsh radiation environments has resulted in a new approach to radiation effects mitigation. This approach utilizes simulation to support the design of integrated circuits (ICs) to meet targeted tolerance specifications.

The increased use of commercial complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technologies in harsh radiation environments has resulted in a new approach to radiation effects mitigation. This approach utilizes simulation to support the design of integrated circuits (ICs) to meet targeted tolerance specifications. Modeling the deleterious impact of ionizing radiation on ICs fabricated in advanced CMOS technologies requires understanding and analyzing the basic mechanisms that result in buildup of radiation-induced defects in specific sensitive regions. Extensive experimental studies have demonstrated that the sensitive regions are shallow trench isolation (STI) oxides. Nevertheless, very little work has been done to model the physical mechanisms that result in the buildup of radiation-induced defects and the radiation response of devices fabricated in these technologies. A comprehensive study of the physical mechanisms contributing to the buildup of radiation-induced oxide trapped charges and the generation of interface traps in advanced CMOS devices is presented in this dissertation. The basic mechanisms contributing to the buildup of radiation-induced defects are explored using a physical model that utilizes kinetic equations that captures total ionizing dose (TID) and dose rate effects in silicon dioxide (SiO2). These mechanisms are formulated into analytical models that calculate oxide trapped charge density (Not) and interface trap density (Nit) in sensitive regions of deep-submicron devices. Experiments performed on field-oxide-field-effect-transistors (FOXFETs) and metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors permit investigating TID effects and provide a comparison for the radiation response of advanced CMOS devices. When used in conjunction with closed-form expressions for surface potential, the analytical models enable an accurate description of radiation-induced degradation of transistor electrical characteristics. In this dissertation, the incorporation of TID effects in advanced CMOS devices into surface potential based compact models is also presented. The incorporation of TID effects into surface potential based compact models is accomplished through modifications of the corresponding surface potential equations (SPE), allowing the inclusion of radiation-induced defects (i.e., Not and Nit) into the calculations of surface potential. Verification of the compact modeling approach is achieved via comparison with experimental data obtained from FOXFETs fabricated in a 90 nm low-standby power commercial bulk CMOS technology and numerical simulations of fully-depleted (FD) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) n-channel transistors.
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Design of a continuous time sigma delta analog-to-digital converter for operation in extreme environments

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In this work, a high resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for use in harsh environments is presented. The ADC is implemented in bulk CMOS technology and is intended for space exploration, mining and automotive applications with a range of temperature variation

In this work, a high resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for use in harsh environments is presented. The ADC is implemented in bulk CMOS technology and is intended for space exploration, mining and automotive applications with a range of temperature variation in excess of 250°C. A continuous time (CT) sigma delta modulator employing a cascade of integrators with feed forward (CIFF) architecture in a single feedback loop topology is used for implementing the ADC. In order to enable operation in the intended application environments, an RC time constant tuning engine is proposed. The tuning engine is used to maintain linearity of a 10 ksps 20 bit continuous time sigma delta ADC designed for spectroscopy applications in space. The proposed circuit which is based on master slave architecture automatically selects on chip resistors to control RC time constants to an accuracy range of ±5% to ±1%. The tuning range, tuning accuracy and circuit non-idealities are analyzed theoretically. To verify the concept, an experimental chip was fabricated in JAZZ .18µm 1.8V CMOS technology. The tuning engine which occupies an area of .065mm2; consists of only an integrator, a comparator and a shift register. It can achieve a signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) greater than 120dB over a ±40% tuning range.
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