Measure to measure: additional lengths using educative music therapy to increase the math aptitude and social competency of the "forgotten middle

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Educators and therapists must unify and formulate new strategies to address the academic and social needs of a newly emerging at risk demographic, "the forgotten middle." Currently, a paradigm shift within educative music therapy, human development study, and educational

Educators and therapists must unify and formulate new strategies to address the academic and social needs of a newly emerging at risk demographic, "the forgotten middle." Currently, a paradigm shift within educative music therapy, human development study, and educational psychology, suggests that curriculums need to integrate alternative methods into their framework, change the definition of at-risk, and recognize math aptitude and social competency as predictors of a student's ability to gain upward mobility and self-sufficiency. Musical interaction, although considered a secondary measure within educational forums, is a viable means to address the socio-emotional and academic needs of students. In order to substantiate the need for educators to integrate educative music therapy and social competency programs into standard curriculums, the researcher conducted a study using 23 students from a beginning high school guitar class and 4 students from a high school after-school program. These students participated in a ten-week study involving educative music therapy, social competency, and math aptitude. Participants completed the math fluency and math calculations sections of the Wechsler's Individual Achievement Test version 3, along with a questionnaire examining the participants' beliefs about the influence of music on math aptitude and social competency. Although the pre- and post-test results show no statistically significant difference between educative music therapy and math aptitude, the results from the questionnaires administered suggest that students perceive that social competency and musical interaction augment academic and social performance.
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