Towards Robust VQA: Evaluations and Methods

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Visual Question Answering (VQA) is an increasingly important multi-modal task where models must answer textual questions based on visual image inputs. Numerous VQA datasets have been proposed to train and evaluate models. However, existing benchmarks exhibit a unilateral focus on

Visual Question Answering (VQA) is an increasingly important multi-modal task where models must answer textual questions based on visual image inputs. Numerous VQA datasets have been proposed to train and evaluate models. However, existing benchmarks exhibit a unilateral focus on textual distribution shifts rather than joint shifts across modalities. This is suboptimal for properly assessing model robustness and generalization. To address this gap, a novel multi-modal VQA benchmark dataset is introduced for the first time. This dataset combines both visual and textual distribution shifts across training and test sets. Using this challenging benchmark exposes vulnerabilities in existing models relying on spurious correlations and overfitting to dataset biases. The novel dataset advances the field by enabling more robust model training and rigorous evaluation of multi-modal distribution shift generalization. In addition, a new few-shot multi-modal prompt fusion model is proposed to better adapt models for downstream VQA tasks. The model incorporates a prompt encoder module and dual-path design to align and fuse image and text prompts. This represents a novel prompt learning approach tailored for multi-modal learning across vision and language. Together, the introduced benchmark dataset and prompt fusion model address key limitations around evaluating and improving VQA model robustness. The work expands the methodology for training models resilient to multi-modal distribution shifts.
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When is temporal planning really temporal

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In this dissertation I develop a deep theory of temporal planning well-suited to analyzing, understanding, and improving the state of the art implementations (as of 2012). At face-value the work is strictly theoretical; nonetheless its impact is entirely real and

In this dissertation I develop a deep theory of temporal planning well-suited to analyzing, understanding, and improving the state of the art implementations (as of 2012). At face-value the work is strictly theoretical; nonetheless its impact is entirely real and practical. The easiest portion of that impact to highlight concerns the notable improvements to the format of the temporal fragment of the International Planning Competitions (IPCs). Particularly: the theory I expound upon here is the primary cause of--and justification for--the altered (i) selection of benchmark problems, and (ii) notion of "winning temporal planner". For higher level motivation: robotics, web service composition, industrial manufacturing, business process management, cybersecurity, space exploration, deep ocean exploration, and logistics all benefit from applying domain-independent automated planning technique. Naturally, actually carrying out such case studies has much to offer. For example, we may extract the lesson that reasoning carefully about deadlines is rather crucial to planning in practice. More generally, effectively automating specifically temporal planning is well-motivated from applications. Entirely abstractly, the aim is to improve the theory of automated temporal planning by distilling from its practice. My thesis is that the key feature of computational interest is concurrency. To support, I demonstrate by way of compilation methods, worst-case counting arguments, and analysis of algorithmic properties such as completeness that the more immediately pressing computational obstacles (facing would-be temporal generalizations of classical planning systems) can be dealt with in theoretically efficient manner. So more accurately the technical contribution here is to demonstrate: The computationally significant obstacle to automated temporal planning that remains is just concurrency.
Date Created

Data driven framework for prognostics

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Prognostics and health management (PHM) is a method that permits the reliability of a system to be evaluated in its actual application conditions. This work involved developing a robust system to determine the advent of failure. Using the data from

Prognostics and health management (PHM) is a method that permits the reliability of a system to be evaluated in its actual application conditions. This work involved developing a robust system to determine the advent of failure. Using the data from the PHM experiment, a model was developed to estimate the prognostic features and build a condition based system based on measured prognostics. To enable prognostics, a framework was developed to extract load parameters required for damage assessment from irregular time-load data. As a part of the methodology, a database engine was built to maintain and monitor the experimental data. This framework helps in significant reduction of the time-load data without compromising features that are essential for damage estimation. A failure precursor based approach was used for remaining life prognostics. The developed system has a throughput of 4MB/sec with 90% latency within 100msec. This work hence provides an overview on Prognostic framework survey, Prognostics Framework architecture and design approach with a robust system implementation.
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