Affect-driven self-adaptation: a manufacturing vision with a software product line paradigm

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Affect signals what humans care about and is involved in rational decision-making and action selection. Many technologies may be improved by the capability to recognize human affect and to respond adaptively by appropriately modifying their operation. This capability, named affect-driven

Affect signals what humans care about and is involved in rational decision-making and action selection. Many technologies may be improved by the capability to recognize human affect and to respond adaptively by appropriately modifying their operation. This capability, named affect-driven self-adaptation, benefits systems as diverse as learning environments, healthcare applications, and video games, and indeed has the potential to improve systems that interact intimately with users across all sectors of society. The main challenge is that existing approaches to advancing affect-driven self-adaptive systems typically limit their applicability by supporting the creation of one-of-a-kind systems with hard-wired affect recognition and self-adaptation capabilities, which are brittle, costly to change, and difficult to reuse. A solution to this limitation is to leverage the development of affect-driven self-adaptive systems with a manufacturing vision.

This dissertation demonstrates how using a software product line paradigm can jumpstart the development of affect-driven self-adaptive systems with that manufacturing vision. Applying a software product line approach to the affect-driven self-adaptive domain provides a comprehensive, flexible and reusable infrastructure of components with mechanisms to monitor a user’s affect and his/her contextual interaction with a system, to detect opportunities for improvements, to select a course of action, and to effect changes. It also provides a domain-specific architecture and well-documented process guidelines, which facilitate an understanding of the organization of affect-driven self-adaptive systems and their implementation by systematically customizing the infrastructure to effectively address the particular requirements of specific systems.

The software product line approach is evaluated by applying it in the development of learning environments and video games that demonstrate the significant potential of the solution, across diverse development scenarios and applications.

The key contributions of this work include extending self-adaptive system modeling, implementing a reusable infrastructure, and leveraging the use of patterns to exploit the commonalities between systems in the affect-driven self-adaptation domain.
Date Created

Visualizing numerical uncertainty in climate ensembles

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The proper quantification and visualization of uncertainty requires a high level of domain knowledge. Despite this, few studies have collected and compared the roles, experiences and opinions of scientists in different types of uncertainty analysis. I address this gap by

The proper quantification and visualization of uncertainty requires a high level of domain knowledge. Despite this, few studies have collected and compared the roles, experiences and opinions of scientists in different types of uncertainty analysis. I address this gap by conducting two types of studies: 1) a domain characterization study with general questions for experts from various fields based on a recent literature review in ensemble analysis and visualization, and; 2) a long-term interview with domain experts focusing on specific problems and challenges in uncertainty analysis. From the domain characterization, I identified the most common metrics applied for uncertainty quantification and discussed the current visualization applications of these methods. Based on the interviews with domain experts, I characterized the background and intents of the experts when performing uncertainty analysis. This enables me to characterize domain needs that are currently underrepresented or unsupported in the literature. Finally, I developed a new framework for visualizing uncertainty in climate ensembles.
Date Created

Toward customizable multi-tenant SaaS applications

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Nowadays, Computing is so pervasive that it has become indeed the 5th utility (after water, electricity, gas, telephony) as Leonard Kleinrock once envisioned. Evolved from utility computing, cloud computing has emerged as a computing infrastructure that enables rapid

Nowadays, Computing is so pervasive that it has become indeed the 5th utility (after water, electricity, gas, telephony) as Leonard Kleinrock once envisioned. Evolved from utility computing, cloud computing has emerged as a computing infrastructure that enables rapid delivery of computing resources as a utility in a dynamically scalable, virtualized manner. However, the current industrial cloud computing implementations promote segregation among different cloud providers, which leads to user lockdown because of prohibitive migration cost. On the other hand, Service-Orented Computing (SOC) including service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web Services (WS) promote standardization and openness with its enabling standards and communication protocols. This thesis proposes a Service-Oriented Cloud Computing Architecture by combining the best attributes of the two paradigms to promote an open, interoperable environment for cloud computing development. Mutil-tenancy SaaS applicantions built on top of SOCCA have more flexibility and are not locked down by a certain platform. Tenants residing on a multi-tenant application appear to be the sole owner of the application and not aware of the existence of others. A multi-tenant SaaS application accommodates each tenant’s unique requirements by allowing tenant-level customization. A complex SaaS application that supports hundreds, even thousands of tenants could have hundreds of customization points with each of them providing multiple options, and this could result in a huge number of ways to customize the application. This dissertation also proposes innovative customization approaches, which studies similar tenants’ customization choices and each individual users behaviors, then provides guided semi-automated customization process for the future tenants. A semi-automated customization process could enable tenants to quickly implement the customization that best suits their business needs.
Date Created

Instrumentation and coverage analysis of cyber physical system models

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A Cyber Physical System consists of a computer monitoring and controlling physical processes usually in a feedback loop. These systems are increasingly becoming part of our daily life ranging from smart buildings to medical devices to automobiles. The controller comprises

A Cyber Physical System consists of a computer monitoring and controlling physical processes usually in a feedback loop. These systems are increasingly becoming part of our daily life ranging from smart buildings to medical devices to automobiles. The controller comprises discrete software which may be operating in one of the many possible operating modes and interacting with a changing physical environment in a feedback loop. The systems with such a mix of discrete and continuous dynamics are usually termed as hybrid systems. In general, these systems are safety critical, hence their correct operation must be verified. Model Based Design (MBD) languages like Simulink are being used extensively for the design and analysis of hybrid systems due to the ease in system design and automatic code generation. It also allows testing and verification of these systems before deployment. One of the main challenges in the verification of these systems is to test all the operating modes of the control software and reduce the amount of user intervention.

This research aims to provide an automated framework for the structural analysis and instrumentation of hybrid system models developed in Simulink. The behavior of the components introducing discontinuities in the model are automatically extracted in the form of state transition graphs. The framework is integrated in the S-TaLiRo toolbox to demonstrate the improvement in mode coverage.
Date Created

Modeling, simulation and analysis for software-as-service in cloud

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Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has received significant attention in recent years as major computer companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Salesforce are adopting this new approach to develop software and systems. Cloud computing is a computing infrastructure to enable rapid delivery

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has received significant attention in recent years as major computer companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Salesforce are adopting this new approach to develop software and systems. Cloud computing is a computing infrastructure to enable rapid delivery of computing resources as a utility in a dynamic, scalable, and virtualized manner. Computer Simulations are widely utilized to analyze the behaviors of software and test them before fully implementations. Simulation can further benefit SaaS application in a cost-effective way taking the advantages of cloud such as customizability, configurability and multi-tendency.

This research introduces Modeling, Simulation and Analysis for Software-as-Service in Cloud. The researches cover the following topics: service modeling, policy specification, code generation, dynamic simulation, timing, event and log analysis. Moreover, the framework integrates current advantages of cloud: configurability, Multi-Tenancy, scalability and recoverability.

The following chapters are provided in the architecture:

Multi-Tenancy Simulation Software-as-a-Service.

Policy Specification for MTA simulation environment.

Model Driven PaaS Based SaaS modeling.

Dynamic analysis and dynamic calibration for timing analysis.

Event-driven Service-Oriented Simulation Framework.

LTBD: A Triage Solution for SaaS.
Date Created

Visual analytics tool for the Global Change Assessment Model

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The Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) is an integrated assessment tool for exploring consequences and responses to global change. However, the current iteration of GCAM relies on NetCDF file outputs which need to be exported for visualization and analysis purposes.

The Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) is an integrated assessment tool for exploring consequences and responses to global change. However, the current iteration of GCAM relies on NetCDF file outputs which need to be exported for visualization and analysis purposes. Such a requirement limits the uptake of this modeling platform for analysts that may wish to explore future scenarios. This work has focused on a web-based geovisual analytics interface for GCAM. Challenges of this work include enabling both domain expert and model experts to be able to functionally explore the model. Furthermore, scenario analysis has been widely applied in climate science to understand the impact of climate change on the future human environment. The inter-comparison of scenario analysis remains a big challenge in both the climate science and visualization communities. In a close collaboration with the Global Change Assessment Model team, I developed the first visual analytics interface for GCAM with a series of interactive functions to help users understand the simulated impact of climate change on sectors of the global economy, and at the same time allow them to explore inter comparison of scenario analysis with GCAM models. This tool implements a hierarchical clustering approach to allow inter-comparison and similarity analysis among multiple scenarios over space, time, and multiple attributes through a set of coordinated multiple views. After working with this tool, the scientists from the GCAM team agree that the geovisual analytics tool can facilitate scenario exploration and enable scientific insight gaining process into scenario comparison. To demonstrate my work, I present two case studies, one of them explores the potential impact that the China south-north water transportation project in the Yangtze River basin will have on projected water demands. The other case study using GCAM models demonstrates how the impact of spatial variations and scales on similarity analysis of climate scenarios varies at world, continental, and country scales.
Date Created

Eclipse BIRT plug-ins for dynamic piecewise constant and event time-series

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Time-series plots are used in many scientific and engineering applications. In this thesis, two new plug-ins for piecewise constant and event time-series are developed within the Eclipse BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) framework. These customizable plug-ins support superdense time,

Time-series plots are used in many scientific and engineering applications. In this thesis, two new plug-ins for piecewise constant and event time-series are developed within the Eclipse BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) framework. These customizable plug-ins support superdense time, which is required for plotting the dynamics of Parallel DEVS models. These plug-ins are designed to receive time-based alphanumerical data sets from external computing sources, which can then be dynamically plotted. Static and dynamic time-series plotting are demonstrated in two settings. First, as standalone plug-ins, they can be used to create static plots, which can then be included in BIRT reports. Second, the plug-ins are integrated into the DEVS-Suite simulator where runtime simulated data generated from model components are dynamically plotted. Visual representation of data sets can simplify and improve model verification and simulation validation.
Date Created

Test algebra for concurrent combinatorial testing

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A new algebraic system, Test Algebra (TA), is proposed for identifying faults in combinatorial testing for SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) applications. In the context of cloud computing, SaaS is a new software delivery model, in which mission-critical applications are composed, deployed, and

A new algebraic system, Test Algebra (TA), is proposed for identifying faults in combinatorial testing for SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) applications. In the context of cloud computing, SaaS is a new software delivery model, in which mission-critical applications are composed, deployed, and executed on cloud platforms. Testing SaaS applications is challenging because new applications need to be tested once they are composed, and prior to their deployment. A composition of components providing services yields a configuration providing a SaaS application. While individual components

in the configuration may have been thoroughly tested, faults still arise due to interactions among the components composed, making the configuration faulty. When there are k components, combinatorial testing algorithms can be used to identify faulty interactions for t or fewer components, for some threshold 2 <= t <= k on the size of interactions considered. In general these methods do not identify specific faults, but rather indicate the presence or absence of some fault. To identify specific faults, an adaptive testing regime repeatedly constructs and tests configurations in order to determine, for each interaction of interest, whether it is faulty or not. In order to perform such testing in a loosely coupled distributed environment such as

the cloud, it is imperative that testing results can be combined from many different servers. The TA defines rules to permit results to be combined, and to identify the faulty interactions. Using the TA, configurations can be tested concurrently on different servers and in any order. The results, using the TA, remain the same.
Date Created

Model-based design, simulation and automatic code generation for embedded systems and robotic applications

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As the complexity of robotic systems and applications grows rapidly, development of high-performance, easy to use, and fully integrated development environments for those systems is inevitable. Model-Based Design (MBD) of dynamic systems using engineering software such as Simulink® from MathWorks®,

As the complexity of robotic systems and applications grows rapidly, development of high-performance, easy to use, and fully integrated development environments for those systems is inevitable. Model-Based Design (MBD) of dynamic systems using engineering software such as Simulink® from MathWorks®, SciCos from Metalau team and SystemModeler® from Wolfram® is quite popular nowadays. They provide tools for modeling, simulation, verification and in some cases automatic code generation for desktop applications, embedded systems and robots. For real-world implementation of models on the actual hardware, those models should be converted into compilable machine code either manually or automatically. Due to the complexity of robotic systems, manual code translation from model to code is not a feasible optimal solution so we need to move towards automated code generation for such systems. MathWorks® offers code generation facilities called Coder® products for this purpose. However in order to fully exploit the power of model-based design and code generation tools for robotic applications, we need to enhance those software systems by adding and modifying toolboxes, files and other artifacts as well as developing guidelines and procedures. In this thesis, an effort has been made to propose a guideline as well as a Simulink® library, StateFlow® interface API and a C/C++ interface API to complete this toolchain for NAO humanoid robots. Thus the model of the hierarchical control architecture can be easily and properly converted to code and built for implementation.
Date Created