This podcast considers the history of online courses in higher education and research into them, focusing on how well they serve a diverse student population. It considers how online learning developed, and how studies into the practices and effectiveness of online courses find inequality in academic outcomes and access. The podcast explores how research approaches bring to light these inequalities or fail to consider them. The future of online learning is also considered.
Over the past several decades, the incarceration rates have continued to rise in the United States with seemingly no end in sight. Many of the prisons within America are experiencing major overcrowding of incarcerated persons in addition to an ever expanding budget that seems impossible to adhere to. Qualitative and quantitative studies conclude that preventative and post release programs reduce crime rates and recidivism which saves taxpayer dollars. This paper addresses how much prisons cost, why this is important to the taxpayer, and possible solutions to make the penal system more efficient.
Through research, interviews, and analysis, our paper provides the local community with a resource that offers a comprehensive collection of insight into the Mirabella at ASU Life Plan Community and the projected impact it will have on the City of Tempe and Arizona State University.
Since the inception of what is now known as the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the 1970s, criminal profiling has become an increasingly prevalent entity in both forensic science and the popular imagination. The fundamental idea of which profiling is premised – behavior as a reflection of personality – has been the subject of a great deal of misunderstanding, with professionals and nonprofessionals alike questioning whether profiling represents an art or a science and what its function in forensic science should be. To provide a more thorough understanding of criminal profiling’s capabilities and its efficacy as a law enforcement tool, this thesis will examine the application of criminal profiling to investigations, various court rulings concerning profiling’s admissibility, and the role that popular media plays in the perception and function of the practice. It will also discuss how future research and regulatory advancements may strengthen criminal profiling’s scientific merit and legitimacy.
This thesis looks at three different inventory management strategies that can be implemented into a small business. Using GameSet Style as a research subject, this study analyzes current practices and problems that can be fixed when dealing with an excess amount of inventory. The three inventory management strategies that are compared are demand forecasting, inventory management software, and ABC analysis. Inventory can be a small business's highest cost if not managed effectively. The goal for this thesis is to find the best obtainable solution for a small business like GameSet that can be implemented into their business strategy.
In this paper, our Founders Lab team members — Jacob Benevento, Sydney Evans, and Alec Whiteley — recount the year-long entrepreneurial journey that led to the creation and launch of our venture, Certified Circular. Certified Circular is a program that certifies on-campus events for implementing circular practices into their activities as well as off-campus businesses. The venture was formed in response to our group’s propelling question and industry selection, which called on us to create and market a venture within the ethical circular economy.
Radiation hardening of electronic devices is generally necessary when designing for the space environment. Non-volatile memory technologies are of particular concern when designing for the mitigation of radiation effects. Among other radiation effects, single-event upsets can create bit flips in non-volatile memories, leading to data corruption. In this paper, a Verilog implementation of a Reed-Solomon error-correcting code is considered for its ability to mitigate the effects of single-event upsets on non-volatile memories. This implementation is compared with the simpler procedure of using triple modular redundancy.
Music has consistently been documented as a manner to bring people together across cultures throughout the world. In this research, we propose that people use similar musical tastes as a strong sign of potential social connection. To investigate this notion, we draw on literature examining how music merges the public/private self, the link to personality, and group identity, as well as how it is linked to romantic relationships. Thus, music can be a tool when wanting to get to know someone else and/or forge a platonic relationship. To test this hypothesis, we designed an experiment comparing music relative to another commonality (sharing a sports team in common) to see which factor is stronger in triggering an online social connection. We argue that people believe they have more in common with someone who shares similar music taste compared to other commonalities. We discuss implications for marketers on music streaming platforms.
This thesis explores the potential for software to act as an educational experience for engineers who are learning system dynamics and controls. The specific focus is a spring-mass-damper system. First, a brief introduction of the spring-mass-damper system is given, followed by a review of the background and prior work concerning this topic. Then, the methodology and main approaches of the system are explained, as well as a more technical overview of the program. Lastly, a conclusion and discussion of potential future work is covered. The project was found to be useful by several engineers who tested it. While there is still plenty of functionality to add, it is a promising first attempt at teaching engineers through software development.
Papago Park in Tempe, Arizona (USA) is host to several buttes composed of landslide breccias. The focus of this thesis is a butte called “Contact Hill,” which is composed of metarhyolitic debris flows, granitic debris flows, and Barnes Butte Breccia. The Barnes Butte Breccia can be broken down into several different compositional categories that can be dated based on their relative ages. The depositional timeline of these rocks is explored through their mineral and physical properties. The rhyolitic debris flow is massively bedded and dips at 26° to the southeast. The granitic debris flow is not bedded and exhibits a mixture of granite clasts of different grain sizes. In thin section analysis, five mineral types were identified: opaque inclusions, white quartz, anhedral and subhedral biotite, yellow stained K-feldspar, and gray plagioclase. It is hypothesized that regional stretching and compression of the crust, accompanied with magmatism, helped bring the metarhyolite and granite to the surface. Domino-like fault blocks caused large brecciation, and collapse of a nearby quartzite and granite mountain helped create the Barnes Butte Breccia: a combination of quartzite, metarhyolite, and granite clasts. Evidence of Papago Park’s ancient terrestrial history is seen in metarhyolite clasts containing sand grains. These geologic events, in addition to erosion, are responsible for Papago Park’s unique appearance today.