Cancion de cuna para dormir a un negrito Permanent Link ContributorsMontsalvatge, Xavier (Composer) Load Player
Wiegenlied, op. 49, no. 4 Permanent Link ContributorsBrahms, Johannes, 1833-1897 (Composer) Load Player
Les berceaux, op. 23, no. 1 Permanent Link ContributorsFauré, Gabriel, 1845-1924 (Composer) Load Player
The confession stone (Songs of Mary) Permanent Link ContributorsFleming, Robert (Composer) Load Player
Mother and Child. What art thou thinking of? Permanent Link ContributorsIreland, John (Composer) Load Player
Frauenlieben und leben. An meinem Herzen Permanent Link ContributorsSchumann, Robert, 1810-1856 (Composer) Load Player
When I bring you colour'd toys ; Rabindranath Tagore. The sleep that flits on Baby's eyes Permanent Link ContributorsCarpenter, John Alden, 1876-1951 (Composer) Load Player
Ariettes oubliees. Chevaux de bois Permanent Link ContributorsDebussy, Claude, 1862-1918 (Composer) Load Player
The nursery Permanent Link ContributorsMussorgsky, Modest Petrovich, 1839-1881 (Composer) Load Player