Bella porta di rubini Permanent Link ContributorsRespighi, Ottorino, 1879-1936 (Composer) Load Player
Clairieres dans le ciel. Les lilas qui avaient fleuri Permanent Link ContributorsBoulanger, Lili, 1893-1918 (Composer) Load Player
Clairieres dans le ciel. Je garde une medaille d'elle Permanent Link ContributorsBoulanger, Lili, 1893-1918 (Composer) Load Player
Clairieres dans le ciel. Deux ancolies Permanent Link ContributorsBoulanger, Lili, 1893-1918 (Composer) Load Player
Clairieres dans le ciel. Par ce que j'ai souffert Permanent Link ContributorsBoulanger, Lili, 1893-1918 (Composer) Load Player
Ich wollt ein Strausslein binden Permanent Link ContributorsStrauss, Richard, 1864-1949 (Composer) Load Player
Sonnets from the Portuguese. I thought once how Theocritus had sung Permanent Link ContributorsLarsen, Libby (Composer) Load Player
Sonnets from the Portuguese. My letters! Permanent Link ContributorsLarsen, Libby (Composer) Load Player
Sonnets from the Portuguese. If I leave all for thee Permanent Link ContributorsLarsen, Libby (Composer) Load Player