Ching-a-ring chaw Permanent Link ContributorsCopland, Aaron, 1900-1990 (Composer) / Fine, Irving, 1914-1962 (Arranger) Load Player
Fain would I change that note Permanent Link ContributorsVaughan Williams, Ralph, 1872-1958 (Composer) Load Player
Soon-ah will be done Permanent Link ContributorsDawson, William L. (William Levi), 1899-1990 (Composer) Load Player
Neue Liebeslieder. No. 13. My beloved Permanent Link ContributorsBrahms, Johannes, 1833-1897 (Composer) Load Player
Home on the range Permanent Link ContributorsHayes, Mark (Arranger) / Casarow, Pattye (Arranger) Load Player
Homeland Permanent Link ContributorsHolst, Gustav, 1874-1934 (Composer) / Stroope, Z. Randall (Arranger) Load Player