The Effect of Hydration Pulse Duration on the Diversity and Composition of Soil Microbiomes

The study of organismal adaptations oftentimes focuses on specific, constant conditions, but environmental parameters are characterized by more or less marked levels of variability, rather than constancy. This is important in environments like soils where microbial activity follows pulses of

The study of organismal adaptations oftentimes focuses on specific, constant conditions, but environmental parameters are characterized by more or less marked levels of variability, rather than constancy. This is important in environments like soils where microbial activity follows pulses of water availability driven by precipitation. Nowhere are these pulses more variable and unpredictable than in arid soils. Pulses constitute stressful conditions for bacteria because they cause direct cellular damage that must be repaired and they force cells to toggle between dormancy and active physiological states, which is energetically taxing. I hypothesize that arid soil microorganisms are adapted to the variability in wet/dry cycles itself, as determined by the frequency and duration of hydration pulses. To test this, I subjected soil microbiomes from the Chihuahuan Desert to controlled incubations for a total common growth period of 60 hours, but separated into treatments in which the total active time was reached with hydration pulses of different length with intervening periods of desiccation, so as to isolate pulse length and frequency as the varying factors in the experiment. Using 16S rRNA amplicon data, I characterized changes in microbiome growth, diversity, and species composition, and tracked the individual responses to treatment intensity in the 447 most common bacterial species (phylotypes) in the soil. Considering knowledge of extremophile microbiology, I hypothesized that growth yield and diversity would decline with shorter pulses. I found that microbial diversity was indeed a direct function of pulse length, but surprisingly, total yield was an inverse function of it. Pulse regime treatments resulted in progressively more significant differences in community composition with increasing pulse length, as differently adapted phylotypes became more prominent. In fact, more than 30% of the most common bacterial phylotypes demonstrated statistically significant population growth responses to pulse length. Most responsive phylotypes were apparently best adapted to short pulse regimes (known in the literature as Nimble Responders or NIRs), while fewer did better under long pulse regimes (known as TORs or Torpid Responders). Examples of extreme NIRs and TORs could be found among bacteria from different phyla, indicating that these adaptations have occurred multiple times during evolution.