Nurse Practitioner Residency Programs and Provider Satisfaction

Purpose & Background: Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) residency programs are meant to ease providers' transition into practice, but there is limited evidence about their overall effectiveness and impact on provider satisfaction. When a FNP residency program in the Southwestern United

Purpose & Background: Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) residency programs are meant to ease providers' transition into practice, but there is limited evidence about their overall effectiveness and impact on provider satisfaction. When a FNP residency program in the Southwestern United States found they had high resident provider attrition rates, it prompted an investigation into current and past residents’ satisfaction levels. Methods: Arizona State University’s (ASU’s) Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the project site’s review committee approved the project design for human subject protection. After approval, all current and past residents employed at the practice were e-mailed a link to SurveySparrow with the Misener Nurse Practitioner Job Satisfaction Scale (MNPJSS) and a demographic questionnaire in December 2021 and February 2022. Results: Mean satisfaction scores indicated “minimally satisfied” overall. When satisfaction was compared over time using a two-tailed independent t-test for an alpha value of 0.05, p = 0.731, indicating no significant change in satisfaction over two months. Total satisfaction and subscales of satisfaction were divided by cohort, averaged, and compared on a Likert scale from “1” (Very Dissatisfied) to “6” (Very Satisfied). Current residents’ average satisfaction score was M = 3.77. They were most satisfied with challenge and autonomy, M = 4.28, and least with collegiality, M = 3.26. Providers' one-year post-residency average satisfaction score was M = 3.98. They were most satisfied with benefits, M = 4.53, and least with time, M = 3.04. Providers' two-year post- residency average satisfaction score was M = 3.49. They were most satisfied with benefits, M = 4.56, and least with time, M = 2.90. Using Pearson Correlation tests there was no correlation between average satisfaction and average performance on Uniform Data Systems (UDS), r = 0.01, p = 0.968. Conclusions: Overall providers were “minimally satisfied.” Opportunities to make program improvements were identified and could help improve retention and reduce costs and provider shortages.