Dance for saxophone and piano Permanent Link ContributorsMilhaud, Darius, 1892-1974 (Composer) Load Player
Sonata for alto saxophone and piano. II. With tranquility Permanent Link ContributorsCreston, Paul, 1906-1985 (Composer) Load Player
Five pieces for clarinet alone. I. Vigorous Permanent Link ContributorsSmith, William O. (William Overton), 1926-2020 (Composer) Load Player
Five pieces for clarinet alone. II. Flowing Permanent Link ContributorsSmith, William O. (William Overton), 1926-2020 (Composer) Load Player
Five pieces for clarinet alone. III. Rhythmic Permanent Link ContributorsSmith, William O. (William Overton), 1926-2020 (Composer) Load Player
Five pieces for clarinet alone. IV. Singing Permanent Link ContributorsSmith, William O. (William Overton), 1926-2020 (Composer) Load Player
Tableaux de provence. II. Chanson pour ma mie Permanent Link ContributorsMaurice, Paule (Composer) Load Player
Tableaux de provence. III. La bohemienne Permanent Link ContributorsMaurice, Paule (Composer) Load Player
Three romances for oboe and piano, op. 94. I. Nicht schnell Permanent Link ContributorsSchumann, Robert, 1810-1856 (Composer) / Hemke, Fred (Arranger) Load Player
Bourree Permanent Link ContributorsHandel, George Frideric, 1685-1759 (Composer) / Arnold, Jay (Arranger) Load Player