Hospital Discharge for Children with Medical Complexity and Adverse Events
Objective: To understand and prevent adverse discharge events, the project assesses the needs and gaps of discharge care coordination for child(ren) with medical complexities (CMC). The National Survey of Children’s Health show 87.4% of CMC does not receive care in a well-functioning system, and 47.4% did not receive adequate care coordination 1. Therefore, does initiating measurement tools and communication before and after discharge identify and prevent discharge related adverse events?
Methods: After IRB approval, a mixed-methods approach project occurred at southwestern pediatric free-standing hospital. Through eight weeks of convenience sampling, CMC caregivers were recruited in the inpatient setting (n=5). Qualitative and quantitative data were obtained through: [Pediatric] Care Transitions Measurement Tool – 15 (CTM- 15), with a Cronbach’s alpha of .932; a demographics survey; a post-discharge survey; and electronic health records.
Results: The CTM-15 post-discharge score was 83.3 (N = 4, SD = 9.83, SE¬M = 4.92). CTM-15 qualitative data included: communication issues; rushed discharge; poor discharge anticipatory guidance; hospital policy concerns; follow-up appointment issues; and prescription errors. LOS average for all participants was 137.8 days (SD = 102.75, SEM = 45.95) with 40 unintended hospital days (SD = 41.55, SEM = 18.51). Issues encountered 30 days post-discharge included: prescription errors, follow-up issues, and home health issues.
Conclusion: Hospitalized CMC have an increased risk to encounter a discharge adverse event because of a complex intertwining of disciplines, services, medications, and needs. Communication, tools, and surveys did not capture all the problems encountered by families with CMC; however, it did identify areas of notable concern.