Pilot test of the Validity of a Novel Animal-based Food Frequency Questionnaire
A large amount of research associates the lack of fruit and vegetable consumption and the intake of animal-based foods with poor health outcomes. Making shifts towards a plant-focused diet could benefit the health of individuals. Individuals who show the highest long-term adherence to the avoidance of animal-based foods are those who value animal welfare. PURPOSE: The primary purpose of this study is to explore the validity of a novel animal food frequency questionnaire (AFFQ) in relation to dietary animal food intake using 3-day dietary food logs and measuring potential renal acid load (PRAL). PRAL is the amount of acid that is produced by the body after digesting food. Fruits and vegetables produce a lower acid load, which is reflective of positive health outcomes. A secondary aim of this study is to explore the relation between AFFQ scores and measures of empathy. METHODS: Participants complete a 10-minute survey including the AFFQ and the BES-A. The Basic Scale of Empathy for adults will be viewed based on the 2 factor and 3 factor analysis assessing: Affective empathy, Cognitive empathy, Emotional contagion, and Emotional Disconnection. The AFFQ will be scored and correlated with the 3-day food log and PRAL to explore validity of the new AFFQ scale. Secondarily, the AFFQ will be scored and correlated with the BES-A to explore an association. RESULTS: The null hypotheses H01 and H02 were rejected. H01 showed that AFFQ correlates significantly with percentage of dietary protein coming from animal- based products (r=.676, p=.016). H02 showed AFFQ has a significant correlation to PRAL (r=.831, p<.001). PRAL and the percentage of protein in the diet coming from animal-based products have a significant correlation (r=.725, p=.008). The null hypothesis H03 was accepted with AFFQ and BES-A 2 factor and 3 factor’s correlations showing (r= -.412, p=.183) and (r= -.307, p=.332). CONCLUSION: The AFFQ was able to reflect differences in frequency of animal-based food intake among the convenience sample. The AFFQ and individuals’ food choices were not related to their empathy levels.