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This thesis aims to gain a broader understanding of the perceptions of Jewish identity amongst Jewish adults of three generations. In doing so, I aim to contribute to research and previous scholarly works that have examined how the views and

This thesis aims to gain a broader understanding of the perceptions of Jewish identity amongst Jewish adults of three generations. In doing so, I aim to contribute to research and previous scholarly works that have examined how the views and perspectives of those the three different aging ‘tiers’ contribute to furthering cultural perceptions, stereotypes, theories, and ideologies of identity in Judaism. People of different ages possess varying views and understandings of aging and the aging process. Society, too, says different things about aging and how aging plays a role in relationships amongst people. People have certain and often strong views as to what is considered “old” and “aging”. There are societal benchmarks establishing that people of the age of 60, 62, or 65 are considered “seniors” and therefore put in a special box relegated to those of that age. In addition, there are many perceptions of aging and Jewish identity, varying among those with different backgrounds and cultures, experiences, familial relationships, and more. These views and understandings are not singularly applicable. Cultures may have their own unique customs and beliefs, and at the same time many cultures are also influenced by the larger American understanding - these perceptions contribute to many subgroups, including Judaism, and are evidenced in Jewish culture. In this study, I endeavored to survey members of the Jewish community to find out their experiences and perspectives relating to Jewish identity and what it means to them, both in the personal and Jewish cultural context.

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    • Intergenerational Perceptions and Understandings in Jewish Culture
    Date Created
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