The sensor industry is a growing industry that has been predicted by Allied Market Research to be a multi-billion industry by 2022. One of the many key drives behind this rapid growth in the sensor industry is the increase

The sensor industry is a growing industry that has been predicted by Allied Market Research to be a multi-billion industry by 2022. One of the many key drives behind this rapid growth in the sensor industry is the increase incorporation of sensors into portable electrical devices. The value for sensor technologies are increased when the sensors are developed into innovative measuring system for application uses in the Aerospace, Defense, and Healthcare industries. While sensors are not new, their increased performance, size reduction, and decrease in cost has opened the door for innovative sensor combination for portable devices that could be worn or easily moved around. With this opportunity for further development of sensor use through concept engineering development, three concept projects for possible innovative portable devices was undertaken in this research. One project was the development of a pulse oximeter devise with fingerprint recognition. The second project was prototyping a portable Bluetooth strain gage monitoring system. The third project involved sensors being incorporated onto flexible printed circuit board (PCB) for improved comfort of wearable devices. All these systems were successfully tested in lab.
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    • Sensor Development for Physiological and Environmental Monitoring
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  • Collections this item is in
    • Masters Thesis Engineering 2018

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