Characterization of petroleum spill site source zones directly influences the selection of corrective action plans and frequently affects the success of remediation efforts. For example, simply knowing whether or not nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) is present, or if there is

Characterization of petroleum spill site source zones directly influences the selection of corrective action plans and frequently affects the success of remediation efforts. For example, simply knowing whether or not nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) is present, or if there is chemical storage in less hydraulically accessible regions, will influence corrective action planning. The overarching objective of this study was to assess if macroscopic source zone features can be inferred from dissolved concentration vs. time data. Laboratory-scale physical model studies were conducted for idealized sources; defined as Type-1) NAPL-impacted high permeability zones, Type-2) NAPL-impacted lower permeability zones, and Type-3) dissolved chemical matrix storage in lower permeability zones. Aquifer source release studies were conducted using two-dimensional stainless steel flow-through tanks outfitted with sampling ports for the monitoring of effluent concentrations and flow rates. An idealized NAPL mixture of key gasoline components was used to create the NAPL source zones, and dissolved sources were created using aqueous solutions having concentrations similar to water in equilibrium with the NAPL sources. The average linear velocity was controlled by pumping to be about 2 ft/d, and dissolved effluent concentrations were monitored daily. The Type-1 experiment resulted in a source signature similar to that expected for a relatively well-mixed NAPL source, with dissolved concentrations dependent on chemical solubility and initial mass fraction. The Type-2 and Type-3 experiments were conducted for 320 d and 190 d respectively. Unlike the Type-1 experiment, the concentration vs. time behavior was similar for all chemicals, for both source types. The magnitudes of the effluent concentrations varied between the Type-2 and Type-3 experiments, and were related to the hydrocarbon source mass. A fourth physical model experiment was performed to identify differences between ideal equilibrium behavior and the source concentration vs. time behavior observed in the tank experiments. Screening-level mathematical models predicted the general behavior observed in the experiments. The results of these studies suggest that dissolved concentration vs. time data can be used to distinguish between Type-1 sources in transmissive zones and Type-2 and Type-3 sources in lower permeability zones, provided that many years to decades of data are available. The results also suggest that concentration vs. time data alone will be insufficient to distinguish between NAPL and dissolved-phase storage sources in lower permeability regions.
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    • Improving our understanding of source zones at petroleum impacted sites through physical model studies
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    • thesis
      Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2014
    • bibliography
      Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-169)
    • Field of study: Civil and environmental engineering

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    by Sean Tomas Wilson

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