Profile monitoring-- control chart schemes for monitoring linear and low order polynomial profiles

The emergence of new technologies as well as a fresh look at analyzing existing processes have given rise to a new type of response characteristic, known as a profile. Profiles are useful when a quality variable is functionally dependent on

The emergence of new technologies as well as a fresh look at analyzing existing processes have given rise to a new type of response characteristic, known as a profile. Profiles are useful when a quality variable is functionally dependent on one or more explanatory, or independent, variables. So, instead of observing a single measurement on each unit or product a set of values is obtained over a range which, when plotted, takes the shape of a curve. Traditional multivariate monitoring schemes are inadequate for monitoring profiles due to high dimensionality and poor use of the information stored in functional form leading to very large variance-covariance matrices. Profile monitoring has become an important area of study in statistical process control and is being actively addressed by researchers across the globe. This research explores the understanding of the area in three parts. A comparative analysis is conducted of two linear profile-monitoring techniques based on probability of false alarm rate and average run length (ARL) under shifts in the model parameters. The two techniques studied are control chart based on classical calibration statistic and a control chart based on the parameters of a linear model. The research demonstrates that a profile characterized by a parametric model is more efficient monitoring scheme than one based on monitoring only the individual features of the profile. A likelihood ratio based changepoint control chart is proposed for detecting a sustained step shift in low order polynomial profiles. The test statistic is plotted on a Shewhart like chart with control limits derived from asymptotic distribution theory. The statistic is factored to reflect the variation due to the parameters in to aid in interpreting an out of control signal. The research also looks at the robust parameter design study of profiles, also referred to as signal response systems. Such experiments are often necessary for understanding and reducing the common cause variation in systems. A split-plot approach is proposed to analyze the profiles. It is demonstrated that an explicit modeling of variance components using generalized linear mixed models approach has more precise point estimates and tighter confidence intervals.