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The Honorable Anthony Blinken<br/>Secretary of State<br/>U.S. Department of State<br/>2201 “C” Street NW<br/>Washington, D.C.<br/><br/>Dear Secretary Blinken,<br/>I am writing you to bring to your attention a potential policy solution in regards to the struggled implementation of the Colombian Peace Accords with the

The Honorable Anthony Blinken<br/>Secretary of State<br/>U.S. Department of State<br/>2201 “C” Street NW<br/>Washington, D.C.<br/><br/>Dear Secretary Blinken,<br/>I am writing you to bring to your attention a potential policy solution in regards to the struggled implementation of the Colombian Peace Accords with the FARC Insurgency. This policy brief has been written with extensive research and input from experts in Colombian foreign policy and general foreign and domestic policy alike. <br/>The research has found that due of the current status of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia on the Foreign Terrorists Organization (FTO) Classification list, aid and protections that have been promised to the former members has not been provided, causing a rise in members re-arming themselves against the national Colombian government. This policy brief recommends that the State Department authorize the removal of the FARC from the FTO Classification list in order for U.S. AID and other forms of finance can reach former FARC members and deter them from becoming actively violent once again.<br/>Thank you for taking the time to consider this policy proposal, I look forward to hearing back from your office. <br/><br/>Sincerely,<br/>Kyle Slaughter<br/>Honors Student<br/>Arizona State University

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  • Securing Colombia: An Exploration into the Failures of the Colombian Peace Accords in Relation to the U.S. Foreign Terrorist Organization Designations List
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