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The purpose of this thesis is to establish how the Nuremberg trials set precedence for future war crime tribunals like the ICTY (the first tribunal since Nuremberg). An analyses of Hermann Goering is given in order to illustrate how his

The purpose of this thesis is to establish how the Nuremberg trials set precedence for future war crime tribunals like the ICTY (the first tribunal since Nuremberg). An analyses of Hermann Goering is given in order to illustrate how his case, from its arguments and indictments to the structure of the court, is similar to Slobodan Milosevic's. These two are the most likely candidates to compare to due to their high ranking position in the political structure of their regime as well as having remarkable similarities to the conditions of their trail by the two tribunals
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  • How the Nuremberg Trials Set Precedence for Future War Crimes Tribunals to be Conducted: Comparing Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering and Former President of Serbia Slobodan Milosevic
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