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As an example of "big data," we consider a repository of Arctic sea ice concentration data collected from satellites over the years 1979-2005. The data is represented by a graph, where vertices correspond to measurement points, and an edge is

As an example of "big data," we consider a repository of Arctic sea ice concentration data collected from satellites over the years 1979-2005. The data is represented by a graph, where vertices correspond to measurement points, and an edge is inserted between two vertices if the Pearson correlation coefficient between them exceeds a threshold. We investigate new questions about the structure of the graph related to betweenness, closeness centrality, vertex degrees, and characteristic path length. We also investigate whether an offset of weeks and years in graph generation results in a cosine similarity value that differs significantly from expected values. Finally, we relate the computational results to trends in Arctic ice.
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  • Exploration of Sea Ice Concentrations using Graph Metrics
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  • Text
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