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Vulnerability research is a fairly new field of study and has yet to be applied to fields such as improvisation or online content creation. Making vulnerability public in a way that necessitates improvisation is fundamental to YouTube content creation. This

Vulnerability research is a fairly new field of study and has yet to be applied to fields such as improvisation or online content creation. Making vulnerability public in a way that necessitates improvisation is fundamental to YouTube content creation. This Creative Project focuses on drawing connections between Vulnerability and Improvisation as it relates to creating content for YouTube. I did this through creating my own content which consisted of four YouTube videos centering around the theme of embracing fear. I found that in order to create content, I had to practice vulnerability myself and embrace improvisation if I wished to communicate those same themes to my audience. This project revealed that there are many ways which this powerful vulnerability research is yet to be applied, specifically in the realm of vastly public arenas such as YouTube. This research shows that vulnerability is not only applicable to interpersonal relationships, but has the potential to influenced thousands when used in public spheres.
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  • Vulnerability and Improvisation: Creating YouTube Content
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  • Text
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