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Building information modeling (BIM) has already sparked changes in design and construction practices, ranging from new methods to coordinate work during design to supporting paperless construction sites where crews use handheld devices in lieu of paper plans. It is seen

Building information modeling (BIM) has already sparked changes in design and construction practices, ranging from new methods to coordinate work during design to supporting paperless construction sites where crews use handheld devices in lieu of paper plans. It is seen as the starting point for the larger picture, virtual design and construction (VDC). While some research has explored the feasibility of using BIM for Facilities Management (FM) this practice is yet to become widely accepted and integrated. This paper explores how VDC could improve the operations of a Facilities Management department at a large state university. Specifically, the authors examine the degree to which institutional requirements foster BIM use during building operations, the ability of models to interface with existing FM software, and the willingness of FM executives to incorporate BIM into their processes. The authors also discuss the sorts of information contained in building models that FM could find most useful, and highlight those pieces of information required for FM that many building models do not contain. Finally, the paper closes with a set of recommendations about how to create building models that more seamlessly integrate into existing Facilities Management processes at the university studied, in order to draw a set of recommendations that may apply more broadly to state universities and similar institutions.
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  • Leveraging Building Information Modeling to Support Building Portfolio Management: A Case Study
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