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Virtual Reality is being widely adapted for use in the consumer market. There are adaptations of the technology for every purpose, from education, to gaming, and even medical. There are businesses being formed worldwide that incorporate the gaming utility in

Virtual Reality is being widely adapted for use in the consumer market. There are adaptations of the technology for every purpose, from education, to gaming, and even medical. There are businesses being formed worldwide that incorporate the gaming utility in an arcade/internet café style. However, there are other plausible business models. There is the preexisting model that companies are currently using, another option is to add this technology to preexisting physical arcades, and to create a new business with practices decided by consumer statistics. These three models were tested in this study to determine the profitability, feasibility, and best practices for each. Each business model appears to be incredibly profitable based on the assumptions used for this study.

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  • Economic Analysis of Virtual Reality as an Arcade System
Date Created
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  • Text
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