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This paper details the regulations and the history behind the new federal mandatory GMO labeling law that was enacted in the United States on July 29, 2016. In addition, it will analyze a similar bill, House of Representatives Bill 1599,

This paper details the regulations and the history behind the new federal mandatory GMO labeling law that was enacted in the United States on July 29, 2016. In addition, it will analyze a similar bill, House of Representatives Bill 1599, that was in committee (in the House and Senate) around the same time as this new law. Furthermore, this paper will discuss the reasons this new GMO labeling law is controversial, highlighting both the opposing and supporting arguments for the bill, and in turn analyzing the arguments behind both. This article will go into depth about the regulations of each of these bills, and will highlight the stark differences between the two, as well as analyze the possible affects we may see occur in U.S. law and corporate transparency as a result. Using foreign precedent as well as U.S. precedent, this paper will discuss whether the new GMO labeling law might be challenged in Court, and if so, whether or not the Courts would validate the law or hold it unconstitutional based on the Supremacy Clause, First Amendment Protection of Commercial Speech and the Commerce Clause.
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  • An Introduction into the New GMO Labeling Law and its Possible Implications for U.S. Laws and Corporate Transparency
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