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Gamification is the idea of “gamifying” work, to make it more intrinsically motivating. This is an incredibly important aspect of management theory because it gives a different approach to the age old question, how do I motivate my employees to

Gamification is the idea of “gamifying” work, to make it more intrinsically motivating. This is an incredibly important aspect of management theory because it gives a different approach to the age old question, how do I motivate my employees to perform better? This study not only looks at gamification, what it is, and how it is used successfully and unsuccessfully; but also looks at gamification from a different light. This study dives into the idea of employee gamification, or when employees “gamify” their own work to keep themselves motivated, without the direction or guidance of a manager. Most importantly, this study looks at the correlation between gamification, likeness of manager, enthusiasm, physical engagement, and a few other variables to figure out what truly is the driving force behind employee motivation. Without the study and proper application of gamification, both managers and employees could be missing out on the potential to increase motivation dramatically, thus in turn creating a more efficient and productive work environment. At the end of the day, every single company is concerned with efficiency; and increasing it should be of the highest concern. This study looks at the potential benefits of gamifying work, while also figuring out what truly is the driving force behind workplace motivation.
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  • Motivation in the Workplace: Mind Games
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