Founders Lab: A2Z Chutneys


Chutneys are a form of Indian condiment that can be made in many different flavors and paired with various foods. However, the availability of chutneys in the United States is very limited and many people have not tried them before.

Chutneys are a form of Indian condiment that can be made in many different flavors and paired with various foods. However, the availability of chutneys in the United States is very limited and many people have not tried them before. With this observation in mind, we founded A2Z Chutneys, which is a business that aims to distribute a variety of organic and locally produced chutneys. Through the Founders Lab program, A2Z Chutneys was created and research was conducted to justify the viability of our business. We were able to gather and interpret data from potential customers, which allowed us to identify a target market. Additionally, time was spent identifying and creating a variety of authentic and unique chutneys that have proven to be desired. This report demonstrates and outlines the feasibility of A2Z Chutneys in providing unique and desirable flavors to the population.

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Founders Lab: A2Z Chutneys


Chutneys are a form of Indian condiment that can be made in many different flavors and paired with various foods. However, the availability of chutneys in the United States is very limited and many people have not tried them before.

Chutneys are a form of Indian condiment that can be made in many different flavors and paired with various foods. However, the availability of chutneys in the United States is very limited and many people have not tried them before. With this observation in mind, we founded A2Z Chutneys, which is a business that aims to distribute a variety of organic and locally produced chutneys. Through the Founders Lab program, A2Z Chutneys was created and research was conducted to justify the viability of our business. We were able to gather and interpret data from potential customers, which allowed us to identify a target market. Additionally, time was spent identifying and creating a variety of authentic and unique chutneys that have proven to be desired. This report demonstrates and outlines the feasibility of A2Z Chutneys in providing unique and desirable flavors to the population.

Date Created

CAKED: Sludge Management

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The product our team is commercializing is a NASA designed technology designed to store waste in space. This product works on Earth as well and has applicable multi-use capabilities. Throughout the last several months, the team has identified different markets

The product our team is commercializing is a NASA designed technology designed to store waste in space. This product works on Earth as well and has applicable multi-use capabilities. Throughout the last several months, the team has identified different markets to determine which of them would experience the most value from this product. The team conducted 25 interviews to grasp the landscape of the different markets related to this product. After a thorough analysis, it was found that vendors who support the disposal of different types of waste and sludge would be the best fit for this product. Vendors like Waste Management, Sharps, Stericycle, Sludge USA, etc.,” have large contracts with hospitals, biotech firms, labs, and cities to manage a wide spectrum of waste. The companies bring value to their clients by making a difficult process easier. However, the process is not seamless and, with certain types of waste, there are significant costs associated with not following an exact process. Throughout this process and interviews with companies like Sludge USA and Waste Management, the team identified a niche market in supporting sludge processes. Caked: Sludge Management is designed to bring value to this market by making their waste disposal process seamless, and saving these institutions significant costs in the long run, while creating additional value.

Date Created

Founders Lab — Caked: Sludge Management

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Our team was tasked with creating a business model for a piece of technology developed by NASA. We then had to launch said business and find a way to measure its traction in a specific niche market.

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