The Price of Winning: Understanding the Mindset & Motivation of Successful Individuals


In today's society, success is often associated with conventional norms and expectations. The pressure to conform to these norms can be daunting, especially for those who are aiming to succeed in highly competitive fields such as entrepreneurship or the healthcare

In today's society, success is often associated with conventional norms and expectations. The pressure to conform to these norms can be daunting, especially for those who are aiming to succeed in highly competitive fields such as entrepreneurship or the healthcare field. However, to truly achieve success, it is important to think outside the box and push past one's comfort zone. Success in any career requires a combination of learning from others, embracing a growth mindset, developing discipline, harnessing the power of manifestation and visualization, and effectively handling negative criticism. This thesis and two podcast episodes linked at the end of the document will explore these topics in-depth, drawing upon personal experiences and anecdotes to illustrate the significance of these concepts. The thesis will also discuss the Dunning-Kruger effect and the Law of Attraction to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities on the path to success.

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Doctors Create: An Analysis of Doctor Created Educational Videos on YouTube

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Educational videos are a large part of the YouTube community, and an emerging niche of these videos is educational videos created by professionals in the field. Creating content on their profession establishes them as experts and trustworthy sources of information

Educational videos are a large part of the YouTube community, and an emerging niche of these videos is educational videos created by professionals in the field. Creating content on their profession establishes them as experts and trustworthy sources of information that audiences can turn to while researching topics relating to the field. This study includes eighteen videos from three doctors creating medical-educational content posted to YouTube. The purpose of this study was to determine if these content creators use best practices for educational videos and the common themes these videos share. The best practices were gathered from previous research conducted on educational videos. These practices are viewability, timing, accessibility, reliability, and confidence. Commonalities noted across channels were then coded to find common themes within the niche. These themes do not need to be in every video, but they should be present on two channels. These themes include formatting videos and thumbnails, styles of videos, and their use of humor and entertaining additional content. These videos also break down the negative perceptions of authority that are often attached to doctors by humanizing the doctors to the audience. Combining these best practices and the use of the found common themes strengthen the videos to create engaging and educational content.
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Dark Patterns: A Survival Guidebook


This Creative Thesis is a popularization on the subject of Dark Patterns. Dark Patterns are deceptive functionality implemented online by developers seeking to manipulate users and benefit from their misfortune. They work by using psychological techniques to influence a user’s

This Creative Thesis is a popularization on the subject of Dark Patterns. Dark Patterns are deceptive functionality implemented online by developers seeking to manipulate users and benefit from their misfortune. They work by using psychological techniques to influence a user’s behavior, like by toying with a user’s emotion. I hope to spread the knowledge of Dark Patterns to as many people as possible. Once people know how Dark Patterns work, Dark Patterns will not be effective on them anymore.

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Nonverbal Immediacy and Similarity Effects on Initial Intercultural and Intracultural Interaction: First Impressions of U.S. and Middle Eastern Students

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In the U.S, Middle Eastern (M.E) students often struggle with negative biases toward them and experience isolation, discrimination, and report a lack of meaningful interactions with U.S. students. Against this backdrop, this dissertation explored the impact of enacted similarity and

In the U.S, Middle Eastern (M.E) students often struggle with negative biases toward them and experience isolation, discrimination, and report a lack of meaningful interactions with U.S. students. Against this backdrop, this dissertation explored the impact of enacted similarity and nonverbal immediacy on social attraction and friendship-potential between same-sex U.S. and M.E. international students during first time interactions on Zoom. A 2 (M.E. vs. U.S. confederate) x 2 (low vs. high similarity) x 2 (low vs. high nonverbal immediacy) x 2 (pre- vs. post-interaction) experimental design was employed, with participants reporting on their perceptions after viewing a profile of a confederate and then again after they interacted with the confederate on Zoom for three minutes. Pre-interaction results indicated that M.E. women were perceived as the most socially attractive, highest friendship potential, and as most likely to engage in pleasant interaction, compared to the other three groups. This finding emerged even though U.S. women rated fellow U.S. women as more similar to them than they rated M.E. women. A potential explanation is intersectionality of gender and ethnicity, with U.S. women stereotyping M.E. women as quiet, submissive, and oppressed, and therefore have sympathy for them and expect them to be kind. Post-interaction results revealed that in interactions between U.S. students, similarity impacted friendship potential but not social attraction, while nonverbal immediacy had a significant impact on both. In intercultural interactions between the U.S. and M.E. students, both nonverbal immediacy and similarity impacted social attraction and friendship potential. There were especially sharp drops in social attraction and friendship potential when the confederates enacted low levels of nonverbal immediacy. Overall, nonverbal immediacy had stronger and more consistent effects compared to similarity. Results indicate that to make positive impressions, both U.S. and M.E. students should use nonverbal immediacy cues such as smiling, leaning in, and being attentive to their interactional partner rather than looking away. Future directions include determining if findings can be generalized to face-to-face interactions and to perceptions of individuals from various cultures.
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An Exploration of the Biblical Story and Its Implications for American Political Engagement

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Politics is an extremely controversial topic. In the midst of a global pandemic and an election year, issues and animosity towards one another on different sides of the political spectrum seem to have compounded tenfold. It seems rather obvious that

Politics is an extremely controversial topic. In the midst of a global pandemic and an election year, issues and animosity towards one another on different sides of the political spectrum seem to have compounded tenfold. It seems rather obvious that our human efforts alone have never been enough to repair the brokenness present in politics. Why is this? I believe the answer is found in the biblical story. This study traces through the biblical story of creation, fall, and redemption and highlights its implications for American political engagement. The Bible is the inspired word of God revealed to humanity and should speak into every aspect of our lives, including politics. The biblical story shows us what God's intention for politics was in His good creation, why it is not that way now, and what God did, is doing, and will do to completely restore all that is broken through Jesus Christ. The biblical story is a story that is still unfolding to this day, and followers of Jesus Christ are called to participate in this story in all aspects of their lives, which includes politics. The truth and good news of the biblical story is still relevant and should shape the way we approach politics.

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Using a Web Survey to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Podcast on Organizational Outreach for the State Bar of New Mexico


The purpose of this project was to evaluate the State Bar of New Mexico's (SBNM) new podcast series, SBNM is Hear. The podcast was initially developed as a member outreach tool and a new platform for professional development and survey

The purpose of this project was to evaluate the State Bar of New Mexico's (SBNM) new podcast series, SBNM is Hear. The podcast was initially developed as a member outreach tool and a new platform for professional development and survey questions were developed to gauge the podcast’s effectiveness in these two areas. An electronic survey was deployed to active members of the SBNM through email. Respondents were asked questions regarding their demographics, whether they had listened to the series, and what content they would like to hear in the future. The survey resulted in 103 responses, of which 60% indicated that they had not listened to the podcast. The results showed that listenership was evenly divided between generations and that more females listened to at least one episode. The open-ended responses indicated that the two cohorts of respondents (listeners and non- listeners) viewed the podcast a potential connection to the New Mexico judiciary. Future recommendations include conducting an annual survey to continue to understand the effectiveness of the podcast and solicit feedback for continued growth and improvement

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Generation Z Workplace Communication Habits and Expectations

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The members of Generation Z are often referred to as "digital natives," having been born between 1995–2012, into a time of significant technological advancements. Members of Generation Z were between the ages of 7–24 years old in 2019. The world

The members of Generation Z are often referred to as "digital natives," having been born between 1995–2012, into a time of significant technological advancements. Members of Generation Z were between the ages of 7–24 years old in 2019. The world Generation Z knows has been impacted by the current technological environment including the use of personal smartphones and smart devices, the rise in social media use, and the preference of texting and instant messaging over voice/phone communications. The oldest members of Generation Z are just starting to enter the workforce. While there are studies on Generation Z's personal communication preferences and habits, there is very little research how these preferences and habits will impact business communication. This study examines specifically the older members of Generation Z, between ages 18–24 years old, who are currently in the workforce. The study gives insight into how Generation Z's personal communication habits are impacting their expectations of business communication..

The study includes results of a survey of 207 participants and in-depth interviews with six Generation Z members. The survey included both quantitative multiple choice and qualitative open-ended questions on the respondents’ personal and workplace communication habits and expectations. The in-depth interviews expanded on the findings of the survey and added additional context to many of the survey's findings.

Through researching the habits and expectations of members of Generation Z who are currently in the workplace, the study uncovered many unexpected attitudes and behaviors among working Generation Z respondents. These insights include: the

respondents’ awareness of the negatives of technology usage, differences in personal preferences and professional behaviors, the self-regulation of technology usage, and the concern for boundaries between personal and work life.
Date Created