Data-Efficient Paradigms for Personalized Assessment of Taskable AI Systems

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Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have brought AI closer to laypeople than ever before. This leads to a pervasive problem: how would a user ascertain whether an AI system will be safe, reliable, or useful in a given situation?

Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have brought AI closer to laypeople than ever before. This leads to a pervasive problem: how would a user ascertain whether an AI system will be safe, reliable, or useful in a given situation? This problem becomes particularly challenging when it is considered that most autonomous systems are not designed by their users; the internal software of these systems may be unavailable or difficult to understand; and the functionality of these systems may even change from initial specifications as a result of learning. To overcome these challenges, this dissertation proposes a paradigm for third-party autonomous assessment of black-box taskable AI systems. The four main desiderata of such assessment systems are: (i) interpretability: generating a description of the AI system's functionality in a language that the target user can understand; (ii) correctness: ensuring that the description of AI system's working is accurate; (iii) generalizability creating a solution approach that works well for different types of AI systems; and (iv) minimal requirements: creating an assessment system that does not place complex requirements on AI systems to support the third-party assessment, otherwise the manufacturers of AI system's might not support such an assessment. To satisfy these properties, this dissertation presents algorithms and requirements that would enable user-aligned autonomous assessment that helps the user understand the limits of a black-box AI system's safe operability. This dissertation proposes a personalized AI assessment module that discovers the high-level ``capabilities'' of an AI system with arbitrary internal planning algorithms/policies and learns an accurate symbolic description of these capabilities in terms of concepts that a user understands. Furthermore, the dissertation includes the associated theoretical results and the empirical evaluations. The results show that (i) a primitive query-response interface can enable the development of autonomous assessment modules that can derive a causally accurate user-interpretable model of the system's capabilities efficiently, and (ii) such descriptions are easier to understand and reason with for the users than the agent's primitive actions.
Date Created

Autonomously Learning World-Model Representations For Efficient Robot Planning

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In today's world, robotic technology has become increasingly prevalent across various fields such as manufacturing, warehouses, delivery, and household applications. Planning is crucial for robots to solve various tasks in such difficult domains. However, most robots rely heavily on humans

In today's world, robotic technology has become increasingly prevalent across various fields such as manufacturing, warehouses, delivery, and household applications. Planning is crucial for robots to solve various tasks in such difficult domains. However, most robots rely heavily on humans for world models that enable planning. Consequently, it is not only expensive to create such world models, as it requires human experts who understand the domain as well as robot limitations, these models may also be biased by human embodiment, which can be limiting for robots whose kinematics are not human-like. This thesis answers the fundamental question: Can we learn such world models automatically? This research shows that we can learn complex world models directly from unannotated and unlabeled demonstrations containing only the configurations of the robot and the objects in the environment. The core contributions of this thesis are the first known approaches for i) task and motion planning that explicitly handle stochasticity, ii) automatically inventing neuro-symbolic state and action abstractions for deterministic and stochastic motion planning, and iii) automatically inventing relational and interpretable world models in the form of symbolic predicates and actions. This thesis also presents a thorough and rigorous empirical experimentation. With experiments in both simulated and real-world settings, this thesis has demonstrated the efficacy and robustness of automatically learned world models in overcoming challenges, generalizing beyond situations encountered during training.
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Estimating Object Kinematic State Machines Via Human Demonstration

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As robots become increasingly integrated into the environments, they need to learn how to interact with the objects around them. Many of these objects are articulated with multiple degrees of freedom (DoF). Multi-DoF objects have complex joints that require specific

As robots become increasingly integrated into the environments, they need to learn how to interact with the objects around them. Many of these objects are articulated with multiple degrees of freedom (DoF). Multi-DoF objects have complex joints that require specific manipulation orders, but existing methods only consider objects with a single joint. To capture the joint structure and manipulation sequence of any object, I introduce the "Object Kinematic State Machines" (OKSMs), a novel representation that models the kinematic constraints and manipulation sequences of multi-DoF objects. I also present Pokenet, a deep neural network architecture that estimates the OKSMs from the sequence of point cloud data of human demonstrations. I conduct experiments on both simulated and real-world datasets to validate my approach. First, I evaluate the modeling of multi-DoF objects on a simulated dataset, comparing against the current state-of-the-art method. I then assess Pokenet's real-world usability on a dataset collected in my lab, comprising 5,500 data points across 4 objects. Results showcase that my method can successfully estimate joint parameters of novel multi-DoF objects with over 25% more accuracy on average than prior methods.
Date Created

A Streamlined Pipeline to Generate Synthetic Identity Documents

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In contemporary society, the proliferation of fake identity documents presents a profound menace that permeates various facets of the social fabric. The advent of artificial intelligence coupled with sophisticated printing techniques has significantly exacerbated this issue. The ramifications of counterfeit

In contemporary society, the proliferation of fake identity documents presents a profound menace that permeates various facets of the social fabric. The advent of artificial intelligence coupled with sophisticated printing techniques has significantly exacerbated this issue. The ramifications of counterfeit identity documents extend far beyond the legal infractions and financial losses incurred by victims of identity theft because they pose a severe threat to public safety, national security, and societal trust. Given these multifaceted threats, the imperative to detect and thwart fraud identity documents has become paramount. The efficacy of fraud detection tools is contingent upon the availability of extensive identity document datasets for training purposes. However, existing benchmark datasets such as MIDV-500, MIDV-2020, and FMIDV exhibit notable deficiencies such as a limited number of samples, insufficient coverage of various fraud patterns, and occasional alterations in critical personal identifier fields, particularly portrait images. These limitations constrain their effectiveness in training models capable of detecting realistic fraud instances while also safeguarding privacy. This thesis delineates the research work to address this gap by proposing a streamlined pipeline for generating synthetic identity documents and introducing the resultant benchmark dataset, named IDNet. IDNet is meticulously crafted to propel advancements in privacy-preserving fraud detection initiatives and comprises 597,900 images of synthetically generated identity documents, amounting to approximately 350 gigabytes of data. These documents are categorized into 20 types, encompassing identity documents from 10 U.S. states and 10 European countries. Additionally, the dataset includes identity documents consisting of either a single fraud pattern or multiple fraud patterns, to cater to various model training requirements.
Date Created

Machine Learning for Hardware-Constrained Wireless Communication Systems

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Millimeter wave (mmWave) and massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are intrinsic components of 5G and beyond. These systems rely on using beamforming codebooks for both initial access and data transmission. Current beam codebooks, however, are not optimized for the given

Millimeter wave (mmWave) and massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are intrinsic components of 5G and beyond. These systems rely on using beamforming codebooks for both initial access and data transmission. Current beam codebooks, however, are not optimized for the given deployment, which can sometimes incur noticeable performance loss. To address these problems, in this dissertation, three novel machine learning (ML) based frameworks for site-specific analog beam codebook design are proposed. In the first framework, two special neural network-based architectures are designed for learning environment and hardware aware beam codebooks through supervised and self-supervised learning respectively. To avoid explicitly estimating the channels, in the second framework, a deep reinforcement learning-based architecture is developed. The proposed solution significantly relaxes the system requirements and is particularly interesting in scenarios where the channel acquisition is challenging. Building upon it, in the third framework, a sample-efficient online reinforcement learning-based beam codebook design algorithm that learns how to shape the beam patterns to null the interfering directions, without requiring any coordination with the interferers, is developed. In the last part of the dissertation, the proposed beamforming framework is further extended to tackle the beam focusing problem in near field wideband systems. %Specifically, the developed solution can achieve beam focusing without knowing the user position and can account for unknown and non-uniform array geometry. All the frameworks are numerically evaluated and the simulation results highlight their potential of learning site-specific codebooks that adapt to the deployment. Furthermore, a hardware proof-of-concept prototype based on mmWave phased arrays is built and used to evaluate the developed online beam learning solutions in realistic scenarios. The learned beam patterns, measured in an anechoic chamber, show the performance gains of the developed framework. All that highlights a promising ML-based beam/codebook optimization direction for practical and hardware-constrained mmWave and terahertz systems.
Date Created

Autonomous System Control of Multiple Robotic Arms Collaboration via Machine Learning

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Multiple robotic arms collaboration is to control multiple robotic arms to collaborate with each other to work on the same task. During the collaboration, theagent is required to avoid all possible collisions between each part of the robotic arms. Thus, incentivizing

Multiple robotic arms collaboration is to control multiple robotic arms to collaborate with each other to work on the same task. During the collaboration, theagent is required to avoid all possible collisions between each part of the robotic arms. Thus, incentivizing collaboration and preventing collisions are the two principles which are followed by the agent during the training process. Nowadays, more and more applications, both in industry and daily lives, require at least two arms, instead of requiring only a single arm. A dual-arm robot satisfies much more needs of different types of tasks, such as folding clothes at home, making a hamburger in a grill or picking and placing a product in a warehouse. The applications done in this paper are all about object pushing. This thesis focuses on how to train the agent to learn pushing an object away as far as possible. Reinforcement Learning (RL), which is a type of Machine Learning (ML), is then utilized in this paper to train the agent to generate optimal actions. Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) and Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) are the two RL methods used in this thesis.
Date Created

Adapting Robotic Systems to User Control

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In this work, I propose to bridge the gap between human users and adaptive control of robotic systems. The goal is to enable robots to consider user feedback and adjust their behaviors. A critical challenge with designing such systems

In this work, I propose to bridge the gap between human users and adaptive control of robotic systems. The goal is to enable robots to consider user feedback and adjust their behaviors. A critical challenge with designing such systems is that users are often non-experts, with limited knowledge about the robot's hardware and dynamics. In the domain of human-robot interaction, there exist different modalities of conveying information regarding the desired behavior of the robot, most commonly used are demonstrations, and preferences. While it is challenging for non-experts to provide demonstrations of robot behavior, works that consider preferences expressed as trajectory rankings lead to users providing noisy and possibly conflicting information, leading to slow adaptation or system failures. The end user can be expected to be familiar with the dynamics and how they relate to their desired objectives through repeated interactions with the system. However, due to inadequate knowledge about the system dynamics, it is expected that the user would find it challenging to provide feedback on all dimension's of the system's behavior at all times. Thus, the key innovation of this work is to enable users to provide partial instead of completely specified preferences as with traditional methods that learn from user preferences. In particular, I consider partial preferences in the form of preferences over plant dynamic parameters, for which I propose Adaptive User Control (AUC) of robotic systems. I leverage the correlations between the observed and hidden parameter preferences to deal with incompleteness. I use a sparse Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model formulation to learn hidden variables that represent the relationships between the observed and hidden preferences over the system parameters. This model is trained using Stochastic Variational Inference with a distributed loss formulation. I evaluate AUC in a custom drone-swarm environment and several domains from DeepMind control suite. I compare AUC with the state-of-the-art preference-based reinforcement learning methods that are utilized with user preferences. Results show that AUC outperforms the baselines substantially in terms of sample and feedback complexity.
Date Created

Dynamic Potential Fields for Flexible Behavior-based Swarm Control via Reinforcement Learning

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In this thesis work, a novel learning approach to solving the problem of controllinga quadcopter (drone) swarm is explored. To deal with large sizes, swarm control is often achieved in a distributed fashion by combining different behaviors such that each behavior implements

In this thesis work, a novel learning approach to solving the problem of controllinga quadcopter (drone) swarm is explored. To deal with large sizes, swarm control is often achieved in a distributed fashion by combining different behaviors such that each behavior implements some desired swarm characteristics, such as avoiding ob- stacles and staying close to neighbors. One common approach in distributed swarm control uses potential fields. A limitation of this approach is that the potential fields often depend statically on a set of control parameters that are manually specified a priori. This paper introduces Dynamic Potential Fields for flexible swarm control. These potential fields are modulated by a set of dynamic control parameters (DCPs) that can change under different environment situations. Since the focus is only on these DCPs, it simplifies the learning problem and makes it feasible for practical use. This approach uses soft actor critic (SAC) where the actor only determines how to modify DCPs in the current situation, resulting in more flexible swarm control. In the results, this work will show that the DCP approach allows for the drones to bet- ter traverse environments with obstacles compared to several state-of-the-art swarm control methods with a fixed set of control parameters. This approach also obtained a higher safety score commonly used to assess swarm behavior. A basic reinforce- ment learning approach is compared to demonstrate faster convergence. Finally, an ablation study is conducted to validate the design of this approach.
Date Created

Foundations of Human-Aware Explanations for Sequential Decision-Making Problems

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Recent breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have brought the dream of developing and deploying complex AI systems that can potentially transform everyday life closer to reality than ever before. However, the growing realization that there might soon be people from

Recent breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have brought the dream of developing and deploying complex AI systems that can potentially transform everyday life closer to reality than ever before. However, the growing realization that there might soon be people from all walks of life using and working with these systems has also spurred a lot of interest in ensuring that AI systems can efficiently and effectively work and collaborate with their intended users. Chief among the efforts in this direction has been the pursuit of imbuing these agents with the ability to provide intuitive and useful explanations regarding their decisions and actions to end-users. In this dissertation, I will describe various works that I have done in the area of explaining sequential decision-making problems. Furthermore, I will frame the discussions of my work within a broader framework for understanding and analyzing explainable AI (XAI). My works herein tackle many of the core challenges related to explaining automated decisions to users including (1) techniques to address asymmetry in knowledge between the user and the system, (2) techniques to address asymmetry in inferential capabilities, and (3) techniques to address vocabulary mismatch.The dissertation will also describe the works I have done in generating interpretable behavior and policy summarization. I will conclude this dissertation, by using the framework of human-aware explanation as a lens to analyze and understand the current landscape of explainable planning.
Date Created

What Do You Want Me To Do? Addressing Model Differences for Human-Aware Decision-Making from A Learning Perspective

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As intelligent agents become pervasive in our lives, they are expected to not only achieve tasks alone but also engage in tasks with humans in the loop. In such cases, the human naturally forms an understanding of the agent, which

As intelligent agents become pervasive in our lives, they are expected to not only achieve tasks alone but also engage in tasks with humans in the loop. In such cases, the human naturally forms an understanding of the agent, which affects his perception of the agent’s behavior. However, such an understanding inevitably deviates from the ground truth due to reasons such as the human’s lack of understanding of the domain or misunderstanding of the agent’s capabilities. Such differences would result in an unmatched expectation of the agent’s behavior with the agent’s optimal behavior, thereby biasing the human’s assessment of the agent’s performance. In this dissertation, I focus on when these differences are due to a biased belief about domain dynamics. I especially investigate the impact of such a biased belief on the agent’s decision-making process in two different problem settings from a learning perspective. In the first setting, the agent is tasked to accomplish a task alone but must infer the human’s objectives from the human’s feedback on the agent’s behavior in the environment. In such a case, the human biased feedback could mislead the agent to learn a reward function that results in a sub-optimal and, potentially, undesired policy. In the second setting, the agent must accomplish a task with a human observer. Given that the agent’s optimal behavior may not match the human’s expectation due to the biased belief, the agent’s optimal behavior may be viewed as inexplicable, leading to degraded performance and loss of trust. Consequently, this dissertation proposes approaches that (1) endow the agent with the ability to be aware of the human’s biased belief while inferring the human’s objectives, thereby (2) neutralize the impact of the model differences in a reinforcement learning framework, and (3) behave explicably by reconciling the human’s expectation and optimality during decision-making.
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