Multi-Robot Task Allocation with Inter-Agent Distance Constraints

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This thesis considers the problem of multi-robot task allocation with inter-agent distance constraints, e.g., due to the presence of physical tethers or communication requirements, that must be satisfied at all times. Specifically, three optimization-based formulations are explored: (i) a “Naive

This thesis considers the problem of multi-robot task allocation with inter-agent distance constraints, e.g., due to the presence of physical tethers or communication requirements, that must be satisfied at all times. Specifically, three optimization-based formulations are explored: (i) a “Naive Method” that leverages the classical multiple traveling salesman (mTSP) formulation to find solutions that are then filtered out when the inter-agent distance constraints are violated, (ii) a “Timed Method” thatconstructs a new formulation that explicitly accounts for robot timings, including the inter-agent distance constraints, and (iii) an “Improved Naive Method” that reformulates the Naive Method with a novel graph-traversal algorithm to produce tours that, unlike the Naive Method, allow backtracking and also introduces a more systematic approach to filter out solutions that violate inter-agent distance constraints. The effectiveness of the approaches to return task allocations that satisfy the constraints are demonstrated and compared in simulation experiments.
Date Created

Acid Rain Monitoring and Catchment System


As a result of the increase of pollution related to industrialization in Vietnam, acid rain has become a prevalent issue for Vietnamese farmers who are forced to rinse their crops – risking damage due to overwatering and poor harvest. Thus,

As a result of the increase of pollution related to industrialization in Vietnam, acid rain has become a prevalent issue for Vietnamese farmers who are forced to rinse their crops – risking damage due to overwatering and poor harvest. Thus, the team was motivated to develop a solution to harmful impacts of acidic rainwater by creating a system with the ability to capture rainwater and determine its level of acidity in order to optimize the crop watering process, and promote productive crops. By conducting preliminary research on rainfall and tropical climate in Vietnam, existing products on the market, and pH sensors for monitoring and device material, the team was able to design a number of devices to collect, store, and measure the pH of rainwater. After developing a number of initial design requirements based on the needs of the farmers, a final prototype was developed using the best aspects of each initial design. Tests were conducted with varying structural and aqueous materials to represent a broad range of environmental conditions. While the scope of the project was ultimately limited to prototyping purposes, the principles explored throughout this thesis project can successfully be applied to a fully-functioning production model available for commercial use on Vietnamese farms. Given more time for development, improvements would be made in the extent of materials tested, and the configuration of electronics and data acquisition, in order to further optimize the process of determining rainwater acidity.

Date Created

Acid Rain Monitoring and Catchment System


As a result of the increase of pollution related to industrialization in Vietnam, acid rain has become a prevalent issue for Vietnamese farmers who are forced to rinse their crops – risking damage due to overwatering and poor harvest. Thus,

As a result of the increase of pollution related to industrialization in Vietnam, acid rain has become a prevalent issue for Vietnamese farmers who are forced to rinse their crops – risking damage due to overwatering and poor harvest. Thus, the team was motivated to develop a solution to harmful impacts of acidic rainwater by creating a system with the ability to capture rainwater and determine its level of acidity in order to optimize the crop watering process, and promote productive crops. By conducting preliminary research on rainfall and tropical climate in Vietnam, existing products on the market, and pH sensors for monitoring and device material, the team was able to design a number of devices to collect, store, and measure the pH of rainwater. After developing a number of initial design requirements based on the needs of the farmers, a final prototype was developed using the best aspects of each initial design. Tests were conducted with varying structural and aqueous materials to represent a broad range of environmental conditions. While the scope of the project was ultimately limited to prototyping purposes, the principles explored throughout this thesis project can successfully be applied to a fully-functioning production model available for commercial use on Vietnamese farms. Given more time for development, improvements would be made in the extent of materials tested, and the configuration of electronics and data acquisition, in order to further optimize the process of determining rainwater acidity.

Date Created

Analyzing a Soft, Pneumatically Actuated, Torso Stabilizing Device to Reduce the Risk of Falls Among the Elderly

Over the past decade, fall related injuries and death among individuals 65 and older due to osteosarcopenia have increased significantly. To reduce the risk of recurrent falls among the elderly caused by osteosarcopenia, a soft-body pneumatically stabilizing device is designed.

Over the past decade, fall related injuries and death among individuals 65 and older due to osteosarcopenia have increased significantly. To reduce the risk of recurrent falls among the elderly caused by osteosarcopenia, a soft-body pneumatically stabilizing device is designed. A few different actuation methods are considered, both rigid and soft body actuators, before deciding the best fit for the design goals of the wearable assistive device. Much of the design is developed through numerically modeling and analyzing the human upper body as an inverted pendulum. Through this method, common characteristics of falling behavior are identified to develop a control system that counteracts falling motion with pneumatically produced forces. An emphasis on human-oriented design provides much of the framework for translating the numerical model of forces into a device that prioritizes user comfort without sacrificing assistive performance.
Date Created

Energy efficient optimal formation control of a multiple quadrotor UAV system with uncertain payload


This thesis presents the design and simulation of an energy efficient controller for a system of three drones transporting a payload in a net. The object ensnared in the net is represented as a mass connected by massless stiff springs

This thesis presents the design and simulation of an energy efficient controller for a system of three drones transporting a payload in a net. The object ensnared in the net is represented as a mass connected by massless stiff springs to each drone. Both a pole-placement approach and an optimal control approach are used to design a trajectory controller for the system. Results are simulated for a single drone and the three drone system both without and with payload.

Date Created

The Viability of Humanoid Robotics Utilizing the Kinetic Chain Approach, Assessed in the Optimization of a Thrown Disc

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The objective goal of this research is to maximize the speed of the end effector of a three link R-R-R mechanical system with constrained torque input control. The project utilizes MATLAB optimization tools to determine the optimal throwing motion of

The objective goal of this research is to maximize the speed of the end effector of a three link R-R-R mechanical system with constrained torque input control. The project utilizes MATLAB optimization tools to determine the optimal throwing motion of a simulated mechanical system, while mirroring the physical parameters and constraints of a human arm wherever possible. The analysis of this final result determines if the kinetic chain effect is present in the theoretically optimized solution. This is done by comparing it with an intuitively optimized system based on throwing motion derived from the forehand throw in Ultimate frisbee.

Date Created

Position-Controlled Quadcopter Drone

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The goal for this thesis is to construct a quadcopter drone and design a controller for precise movements. The drone will be used to replace dangerous tasks that are currently done by hand like elevated painting, window washing, phoneline repair,

The goal for this thesis is to construct a quadcopter drone and design a controller for precise movements. The drone will be used to replace dangerous tasks that are currently done by hand like elevated painting, window washing, phoneline repair, etc. There are hundreds of different models and specifications of quadcopter drones, but the focus of the thesis is not on the actual body of the drone. The parts will be ordered online and assembled without rigorous design and analysis. The main goal of the drone design is within the controller to allow for precise movements from one location to another. The best software currently on the market for flight control is a program called ArduPilot. The first step will be to learn the software behind ArduPilot and design the controller in it. Since it is a popular software, the controller design might be very straightforward. If that is the case, the next step will be to design my own controller with a different software. After the controller design it finished, I will test the drone for flying precision and tweak the controller as necessary.

Date Created

Determining an Optimal Task Allocation Algorithm for Multi-Tethered
(MuTheR) Robot Systems


This project compared two optimization-based formulations for solving multi-robot task allocation problems with tether constraints. The first approach, or the ”Iterative Method,” used the common multiple traveling salesman (mTSP) formulation and implemented an algorithm over the formulation to filter out

This project compared two optimization-based formulations for solving multi-robot task allocation problems with tether constraints. The first approach, or the ”Iterative Method,” used the common multiple traveling salesman (mTSP) formulation and implemented an algorithm over the formulation to filter out solutions that failed to satisfy the tether constraint. The second approach, named the ”Timing Formulation,” involved constructing a new formulation specifically designed account for robot timings, including the tether constraint in the formulation itself. The approaches were tested against each other in 10-city simulations and the results were compared. The Iterative Method could provide answers in 1- and 2-norm variations quickly, but its mTSP model formulation broke down and became infeasible at low city numbers. The 1-norm Timing Formulation quickly and reliably produced solutions but faced high computation times in its 2-norm manifestation. Ultimately, while the Timing Formulation is a more optimal method for solving tether-constrained task allocation problems, its reliance on the 1-norm for low computation times causes it to sacrifice some realism.

Date Created