The Cyberfem Experience: An Examination of Our World Through Intersectional Technofeminist Satire and Comedy


Amanda Federico’s Honors Thesis Creative Project, The Cyberfem Experience, is a 38-minute technofeminist satire comedy show comprised of ten original sketches told within a synthesized multimedia format. The show opens a conversation on modern feminist issues by imagining and staging

Amanda Federico’s Honors Thesis Creative Project, The Cyberfem Experience, is a 38-minute technofeminist satire comedy show comprised of ten original sketches told within a synthesized multimedia format. The show opens a conversation on modern feminist issues by imagining and staging possible situations affecting women and other marginalized groups that may arise in time from the current state of our technology, cyberspace, and political climate. The Cyberfem Experience wields the approachable avenue of comedy to explore and demonstrate how technology might be utilized–within the industry, online communities, or through the design of technology itself–to perpetuate biases, harmful sexual fantasies, dangerous subgroup ideologies, and enforce roles/conditions of women in a patriarchal society.

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“Expose”ing Myself: An Exploration of iOS Development and My Revelations in
Building My Own Piece of Digital Culture


A friend of mine once told me that coding is like doing magic, and frankly, I am inclined to agree. With a keyboard, a development environment, and a little bit of language skill, you can build an entire world. Despite

A friend of mine once told me that coding is like doing magic, and frankly, I am inclined to agree. With a keyboard, a development environment, and a little bit of language skill, you can build an entire world. Despite being heavily rooted in logic, math, and science, there is a certain mystery to it, a sense of illusion and wizardry. The sense of pride and power that comes from successfully finishing an app, program, or website is like no other. I recently watched the film Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2014) for the first time, and I was struck by one of the lines. In thinking about the success of his creation and what that means for the world, he says, “I’m not a man, I’m God.” And although I wouldn’t say that is exactly how I feel when I turn in a coding assignment, I understand the sentiment. This thesis is going to be a bit different than the one I thought I was going to write. When I started this, I thought it would be about an amazing coding project I had completed. I would write about all the beautiful code and the nitty gritty of the technical aspects. But, the project that I intended to create is not the project I ended up with, and I couldn’t be happier. I finished with something a lot more meaningful, a lot more interdisciplinary, and a lot more me. In this essay and the accompanying coding project, I aim to take you on the journey of building my own piece of digital culture, an app titled “Exposed.” I begin by discussing how the motivation to create Exposed came from the desire to stop using an app made by an internet celebrity and how the values of Gen Z and their relationship with technology influenced and guided the creation of the app. Then I examine the relationship between code and the coder, and how external factors such as being a woman in technology impacts project development. Then I explain the results of the coding process and outline how Exposed turned out. Finally, I consider the meaning of digital culture and how it functions in the creation of Exposed. Along the way this project became extremely personal. I found that the deeper I dove into making the code work, the more I learned about myself and my relationship to technology. If I promise to be honest with you, will you promise to listen to what I have to say?

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Poetry Anthology on Sexist Subordination: Drawn From Personal and Professional Experience and Scholarship

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In this anthology, I will delve into two spheres of my personal and professional life: how my gender has inhibited my authority in the workplace, and how my gender has impacted the assumptions others make of my aptitude and worth.

In this anthology, I will delve into two spheres of my personal and professional life: how my gender has inhibited my authority in the workplace, and how my gender has impacted the assumptions others make of my aptitude and worth. In each entry, I explore the intersection of poetry and literary criticism regarding internalized gendered assumptions. My headnote offers questions to consider upon reading each poem, and I have taken techniques and examples from Mary Oliver’s handbook on writing poetry, to then offer my own poem in response. Finally, I then analyze relevant scholarship to the gender-based issue I am referencing, alongside a personal explanation of how this issue materializes in my poems.

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An Explorative Study of the Challenges and Opportunities Surrounding Nonprofit Social Media Marketing

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This thesis paper examines the challenges and opportunities that are present for nonprofit organizations seeking to engage in social media marketing. By analyzing the rise of social media as a prevalent tool for business-consumer outreach the paper proposes a dialogic

This thesis paper examines the challenges and opportunities that are present for nonprofit organizations seeking to engage in social media marketing. By analyzing the rise of social media as a prevalent tool for business-consumer outreach the paper proposes a dialogic approach to social media for nonprofits to effectively engage with their audiences, develop relationships with them, and mobilize them towards a common mission.

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Failure, Play Conditioning, and Accomplishment: Learning Sekiro with Dark Souls Habits


In my creative project I created a video essay examining the mechanical differences found in the games, Dark Souls and Sekiro: Shadow's Die Twice from developer, FromSoftware. I analyze these mechanical changes and their potential impact on players mindsets and

In my creative project I created a video essay examining the mechanical differences found in the games, Dark Souls and Sekiro: Shadow's Die Twice from developer, FromSoftware. I analyze these mechanical changes and their potential impact on players mindsets and playstyles. I pull from my own experience as well as Katherine Isbister, and the wider internet discourse on game design.

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Examining Gender, Race, & Class Depictions in Neoliberal Feminist Media

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Neoliberal feminism has gained significant popularity in fourth-wave feminist media. In this paper, I analyze the 2017 limited television series "Big Little Lies" to uncover the intricacies of neoliberal feminist theory in practice, particularly how it speaks to gender, race, and class relations.

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