Eel Farming: A Theoretical Research Design on Improving the Success of Eel Reproduction in Captivity


This thesis’s goal was to design a theoretical research study based on a literature review on improving the aquaculture of European eels. Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic species such as fish. The European eel is a critically endangered catadromous

This thesis’s goal was to design a theoretical research study based on a literature review on improving the aquaculture of European eels. Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic species such as fish. The European eel is a critically endangered catadromous fish species that faces a continuous decline in wild populations over the years due to pollution, climate change, industrial development, and overfishing. The replenishing of the fishery stock of European eels relies heavily on the wild population since there is no sustainable way of creating a generational captive population. The reason for this is that the lifecycle and environmental triggers of freshwater eels are relatively unknown due to their long lifespan, migratory lifestyle, metamorphoses, and sex differentiation timing. The primary focus of the design was to use different hormonal regiments and compared their effects on hatch rate, clutch size, survival rate, and lifespan of the juvenile eels. From this, it was concluded that the mother eel’s lipid storage impacts the quality of yolk sacs which in turn impacts the survival of leptocephali (eel larvae). The primary focus on eel population recovery should be habitat restoration and research on the leptocephalus stage since they both have the most evidence of success in eel population recovery.

Date Created

A Change in Classification: Health Inequity and Stigma of Schizophrenia


Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder that affects an individual's ability to function per societal expectations, leading to the onset of stigmatization and discrimination. This can affect the course and outcome of the individual's diagnosis, which impacts several aspects of

Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder that affects an individual's ability to function per societal expectations, leading to the onset of stigmatization and discrimination. This can affect the course and outcome of the individual's diagnosis, which impacts several aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships, self-care, and medical attention. Reclassifying the term "schizophrenia" can create a better understanding of the disorder's symptoms and increase funding and research to alleviate the stigmatization currently affecting individuals with this diagnosis.

Date Created

A Change in Classification: Health Inequity and Stigma of Schizophrenia


Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder that affects an individual's ability to function per societal expectations, leading to the onset of stigmatization and discrimination. This can affect the course and outcome of the individual's diagnosis, which impacts several aspects of

Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder that affects an individual's ability to function per societal expectations, leading to the onset of stigmatization and discrimination. This can affect the course and outcome of the individual's diagnosis, which impacts several aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships, self-care, and medical attention. Reclassifying the term "schizophrenia" can create a better understanding of the disorder's symptoms and increase funding and research to alleviate the stigmatization currently affecting individuals with this diagnosis.

Date Created

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Facial Recognition and its Ethical Implications in Medicine


This thesis explores the ethical implications of using facial recognition artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in medicine, with a focus on both the opportunities and challenges presented by the use of this technology in the diagnosis and treatment of rare genetic

This thesis explores the ethical implications of using facial recognition artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in medicine, with a focus on both the opportunities and challenges presented by the use of this technology in the diagnosis and treatment of rare genetic disorders. We highlight the positive outcomes of using AI in medicine, such as accuracy and efficiency in diagnosing rare genetic disorders, while also examining the ethical concerns including bias, misdiagnosis, the issues it may cause within patient-clinician relationships, misuses outside of medicine, and privacy. This paper draws on the opinions of medical providers and other professionals outside of medicine, which finds that while many are excited about the potential of AI to improve medicine, concerns remain about the ethical implications of these technologies. We discuss current legislation controlling the use of AI in healthcare and its ambiguity. Overall, this thesis highlights the need for further research and public discourse to address the ethical implications of using facial recognition and AI technologies in medicine, while also providing recommendations for its future use in medicine.

Date Created

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Facial Recognition and its Ethical Implications in Medicine


This thesis explores the ethical implications of using facial recognition artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in medicine, with a focus on both the opportunities and challenges presented by the use of this technology in the diagnosis and treatment of rare genetic

This thesis explores the ethical implications of using facial recognition artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in medicine, with a focus on both the opportunities and challenges presented by the use of this technology in the diagnosis and treatment of rare genetic disorders. We highlight the positive outcomes of using AI in medicine, such as accuracy and efficiency in diagnosing rare genetic disorders, while also examining the ethical concerns including bias, misdiagnosis, the issues it may cause within patient-clinician relationships, misuses outside of medicine, and privacy. This paper draws on the opinions of medical providers and other professionals outside of medicine, which finds that while many are excited about the potential of AI to improve medicine, concerns remain about the ethical implications of these technologies. We discuss current legislation controlling the use of AI in healthcare and its ambiguity. Overall, this thesis highlights the need for further research and public discourse to address the ethical implications of using facial recognition and AI technologies in medicine, while also providing recommendations for its future use in medicine.

Date Created

Detection and Quantification of Tissue Eosinophilia in a Pig Model of Eosinophilic Esophagitis


Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an allergic disease characterized by eosinophilic inflammation, tissue remodeling (e.g. fibrosis), and dysfunction of the esophagus. Symptoms include trouble swallowing (dysphagia), food getting stuck in the esophagus (impaction), regurgitation, abdominal pain, and GI distress/vomiting. Clinical limitations

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an allergic disease characterized by eosinophilic inflammation, tissue remodeling (e.g. fibrosis), and dysfunction of the esophagus. Symptoms include trouble swallowing (dysphagia), food getting stuck in the esophagus (impaction), regurgitation, abdominal pain, and GI distress/vomiting. Clinical limitations include: 1) Diagnosis and monitoring of EoE requires multiple invasive upper endoscopic procedures to retrieve esophageal biopsies for histopathological assessment of eosinophilic infiltrate. 2) The manual quantification of tissue eosinophils is a laborious and subjective process. 3) The disease mechanisms of EoE are not well understood and treatment options are limited. Mouse models that recapitulate pathology seen in human EoE have been critical in advancing our understanding of EoE to help address these limitations. Recently, there have been efforts to develop pig models of EoE, as pig esophageal anatomy better resembles that of humans. We designed and optimized an immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining protocol targeting eosinophil peroxidase (EPX), an eosinophil-specific granule protein, to assess esophageal eosinophilia in a pig model of EoE. The optimized IHC protocol demonstrated successful positive staining of eosinophils in pig esophageal tissue samples and distinguished a pig model of EoE from controls. EPX staining is a useful tool for evaluating pig eosinophils by IHC. This novel IHC staining protocol provides the opportunity to further our current understanding of the histopathology, immunologic mechanisms, and potential treatment options for EoE.

Date Created

Analyzing the Biochemical Properties of Ancient Remedies and Their Uses
in Modern Wound Care

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Wounds are a routine, daily reality. It is a testament of the ingenuity of our ancestors to have survived minor or major wounds without the benefit of 21st century techniques or knowledge. They had to design innovative methods for treating

Wounds are a routine, daily reality. It is a testament of the ingenuity of our ancestors to have survived minor or major wounds without the benefit of 21st century techniques or knowledge. They had to design innovative methods for treating injuries through deadly trial and error as well as observation with which modern people must no longer concern themselves. Human beings have long survived without the help of modern, Western medicine through the use ancient remedies. Some of these methods included the use of honey, silver, and leeches. However, these ancient remedies were held in high esteem for good reasons, and in fact, some of these methods are still being used today due to their effectiveness. This thesis serves to inspect the historical background and current uses of these ancient remedies while also inspecting the biochemical properties that preserved their place in modern, Western medicine. Lastly, student experiments were designed based on this research to educate students on biochemical reactions that occur between these ancient remedies and the human body.

Date Created

Case Study of CNN in Crafting the Narrative About Vaccines in Relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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The COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted the necessity of accurately and simply relying scientific discovery and information to the public. Among scientists, the practice is to reduce jargon, engage the audience through storytelling, and include enough detail to give a

The COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted the necessity of accurately and simply relying scientific discovery and information to the public. Among scientists, the practice is to reduce jargon, engage the audience through storytelling, and include enough detail to give a broad understanding of a narrow topic. Conflict between journalists and scientists leads to a creation of a different narrative for the general public. The news site was searched with the google archive function by year for articles that included the keyword vaccine. Articles were sorted into categories of main focus such as political, cultural and scientific or mixed. Results were analyzed and conclusions made about the amount of content in each category for the kind of narrative being written about vaccines, with most years having most articles in the political category. Possible effectiveness of mixed categories were discussed and areas future research identified.

Date Created

Closing the Gap: Developing a Mobile App to Help Combat Health and Education Disparities Among Refugee Populations

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Navigating different systems in the United States can be challenging, especially for those who migrate here and have to start their lives from scratch. This thesis project attempts to alleviate the challenges faced by refugees who arrive in the Arizona.

Navigating different systems in the United States can be challenging, especially for those who migrate here and have to start their lives from scratch. This thesis project attempts to alleviate the challenges faced by refugees who arrive in the Arizona. A mobile app containing resources for government, healthcare, and well-being assistance was built to provide refugees with access to resources in these three areas. Through the use of a simple, user-friendly platform, the app is built to offer easy navigation to a wide range of resources that can be especially used for recently arrived refugees.
Date Created

Closing the Gap: Developing a Mobile App to Help Combat Health and Education Disparities Among Refugee Populations

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Upon analyzing the literature that is available on refugee populations in conjunction with our personal experiences with these populations, we ultimately decided to develop a mobile app that targeted the source of the numerous disparities we saw. These disparities ranged

Upon analyzing the literature that is available on refugee populations in conjunction with our personal experiences with these populations, we ultimately decided to develop a mobile app that targeted the source of the numerous disparities we saw. These disparities ranged from increased prevalence of chronic diseases to difficulty in going to doctor's appointments due to transportation challenges. We focused on the three areas of government assistance, clinical health, and general well-being through our mobile app, Refugee Aid Initiative. This mobile app is designed to provide refugee populations with the resources necessary to build healthier, happier, and more independent lives for themselves and their families. Here, we focus on not only highlighting resources that are available but also adding supplementary information that helps refugee populations fully take advantage of the resources that are available to them.
Date Created