The New Age of Copyright Producers

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Technological advancements have provided ease and accessibility for musicians to produce, publish, and share music worldwide. However, contradictory court rulings in determining what is protected under copyright law have developed an environment where top-of-the-chart and up-and-coming artists fear their records

Technological advancements have provided ease and accessibility for musicians to produce, publish, and share music worldwide. However, contradictory court rulings in determining what is protected under copyright law have developed an environment where top-of-the-chart and up-and-coming artists fear their records will be liable for copyright infringement. Throughout the twelve circuit courts in the United States, various legal tests are applied to copyright infringement cases. Most courts use two specific legal tests; the Second and Ninth Circuit court tests. This thesis analyzes how copyright law is applied to music, focusing on the ambiguous legal tests of the Second and Ninth Circuit Courts. This analysis aims to outline the flaws in the current legal tests and establish a new legal test dedicated to providing structure and uniformity to copyright law and music.
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Recruitment Letters and Reminders

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"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete.

"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete. A new method of education has been introduced to Sun Devil Athletics and could also extend to the NCAA.

Date Created

Survey Preview & Summary Results

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"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete.

"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete. A new method of education has been introduced to Sun Devil Athletics and could also extend to the NCAA.

Date Created

Grooming Presentation - Kahoot

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"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete.

"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete. A new method of education has been introduced to Sun Devil Athletics and could also extend to the NCAA.

Date Created

Grooming Presentation With Speaker Script

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"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete.

"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete. A new method of education has been introduced to Sun Devil Athletics and could also extend to the NCAA.

Date Created

"Defining the Line" Defense Presentation

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"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete.

"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete. A new method of education has been introduced to Sun Devil Athletics and could also extend to the NCAA.

Date Created

Soto Final Project (Spring 2022)

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"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete.

"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete. A new method of education has been introduced to Sun Devil Athletics and could also extend to the NCAA.

Date Created

Defining the Line: Preventing Sexual Assault and Abuse Within Sports

"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete.

"Defining the Line" is an intention to clarify appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors within the athletic community. The objective of this project is to improve sexual violence prevention training to be more specifically catered to the daily interactions of a student-athlete. A new method of education has been introduced to Sun Devil Athletics and could also extend to the NCAA.
Date Created

A Research Review of The Trials and Errors of Predictive Policing

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The era of mass data collection is upon us and only recently have people begun to consider the value of their data. All of our clicks and likes have helped big tech companies build predictive models to tailor their

The era of mass data collection is upon us and only recently have people begun to consider the value of their data. All of our clicks and likes have helped big tech companies build predictive models to tailor their product to the buying patterns of the consumer. Big data collection has its advantages in increasing profitability and efficiency, but many are concerned about the lack of transparency in these technologies (Dwyer). The dependency on algorithms to make and influence decisions has become a growing concern in law enforcement. The use of this technology is commonly referred to as data-driven decision making, which is also known as predictive policing. These technologies are thought to reduce the biases held in traditional policing by creating statistically sound evidence-based models. Although, many lawsuits have highlighted the fact that predictive technologies do more to reflect historical bias rather than to eradicate it. The clandestine measures behind the algorithms may be in conflict with the due process clause and the penumbra of privacy rights enumerated in the First, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments. <br/> Predictive policing technology has come under fire for over policing historically black and latinx neighborhoods. GIS (Geographical Information Systems) is supposed to help officers identify where crime will likely happen over the next twelve hours. However, the LAPD’s own internal audit of their program concluded that the technology did not help officers solve crimes or reduce crime rate any better than traditional patrol methods (Puente). Similarly, other types of tools used to calculate recidivism risk for bond sentencing are disproportionately biased to calculate black people as having a higher risk to reoffend (Angwin). Lawsuits from civil liberties groups have been filed against the police departments that utilized these technologies. This paper will examine the constitutional pitfalls of predictive technology and propose ways that the system could work to ameliorate its practices.

Date Created

Solving other People's Problems: An Analysis of the Theory and Praxis of Management Consulting

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Suitcases packed, armed with a PowerPoint presentation of matrices and frameworks, and an eloquent vocabulary of “synergies” and “core competencies,” another consultant prepares to deliver million-dollar advice to some of the leading executives of Fortune 500 companies. We all know

Suitcases packed, armed with a PowerPoint presentation of matrices and frameworks, and an eloquent vocabulary of “synergies” and “core competencies,” another consultant prepares to deliver million-dollar advice to some of the leading executives of Fortune 500 companies. We all know who they are, but we have no idea what they do. In 2019, over 20% of the graduating MBA class from Harvard university chose to pursue management consulting, a number that has been progressively increasing from years prior. With over 300 million people in the United States, and another 8 billion across the globe, a decision is being made every nano-second. From which stock to buy to which color socks to purchase, to every innovative (and incompetent) decision made, consultants have a hand in it all. While consultants contribute a healthy service in stimulating the economy and keeping big business, in business, there are a multitude of pitfalls that can occur in the profession and have drastic legal and ethical implications. <br/> To further examine this dichotomy of theoretical versus applied consulting, I decided to put my consulting skills to the test. By partnering with the New Venture Group, we delivered consulting services to Marni Anbar, the founder and creator of the DiscoverRoom, a hands-on, self-directed initiative allowing students to explore their curiosity in fields ranging from evolutionary studies to geology and astronomy. In response to the DiscoverRoom’s increasing demand and capacity to grow, New Venture Group consultants engaged with Marni Anbar in an attempt to analyze the important question of “what steps (from a business perspective) should Marni consider to further the DiscoverRoom (in a way that can make it both profitable and continue to serve as a creative space to further child development)?” <br/> This project was a hands-on way to examine the fundamentally complicated relationship that exists between consultants and their clients, and whether or not it was possible for college students to advise an initiative to remove the disparities that exist in STEM education in one of the worst-rated states for public school education in the country. By applying the research and findings uncovered when analyzing the theory of management consulting to this real life engagement, several parallels were discovered. As in the case of many consultants, our solution was never implemented due to external factors, which further creates a gap in allowing us to analyze whether or not our proposed solutions contained any value or not. As seen in our case, consultants often fall victim to not having their solution implemented due to a variety of external environmental trends and factors. This “incomplete” understanding of the picture further creates an aura of skepticism behind consultants and the work they do.

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