Design of a Cable Driven Drone for Perching

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The majority of drones are extremely simple, their functions include flight and sometimes recording video and audio. While drone technology has continued to improve these functions, particularly flight, additional functions have not been added to mainstream drones. Although these basic

The majority of drones are extremely simple, their functions include flight and sometimes recording video and audio. While drone technology has continued to improve these functions, particularly flight, additional functions have not been added to mainstream drones. Although these basic functions serve as a good framework for drone designs, it is now time to extend off from this framework. With this Honors Thesis project, we introduce a new function intended to eventually become common to drones. This feature is a grasping mechanism that is capable of perching on branches and carrying loads within the weight limit. This concept stems from the natural behavior of many kinds of insects. It paves the way for drones to further imitate the natural design of flying creatures. Additionally, it serves to advocate for dynamic drone frames, or morphing drone frames, to become more common practice in drone designs.

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Harvest: A Sustainable Growing Network

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A large section of United States citizens live far away from supermarkets and do not have an easy way to get to one. This portion of the population lives in an area called a food desert. Food deserts are geographic

A large section of United States citizens live far away from supermarkets and do not have an easy way to get to one. This portion of the population lives in an area called a food desert. Food deserts are geographic areas in which access to affordable, healthy food, such as fresh produce, is limited or completely nonexistent due to the absence of convenient grocery stores. Individuals living in food deserts are left to rely on convenience store snacks and fast food for their meals because they do not have access to a grocery store with fresh produce in their area. Unhealthy foods also lead to health issues, as people living in food deserts are typically at a higher risk of diet-related conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Harvest, a sustainable farming network, is a smartphone application that teaches and guides people living in small spaces through the process of growing fresh, nutritious produce in their own homes. The app will guide users through the entire process of gardening, from seed to harvest. Harvest would give individuals living in food deserts an opportunity to access fresh produce that they currently can’t access. An overwhelming response based on our user discussion and market analysis revealed that our platform was in demand. Development of a target market, brand guide, and full lifecycle were beneficial during the second semester as Harvest moved forward. Through the development of a website, social media platform, and smartphone application, Harvest grew traction for our platform. Our social media accounts saw a 1700% growth rate, and this wider audience was able to provide helpful feedback.

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The Airline Industry: How the Pandemic Has and Continues to Reshape the Industry as We Know It

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September 11th, 2001 was a day that affected everyone. The world came to a stop. The aviation industry was affected, and the national airspace system was closed for a few days. The events that occurred on that specific day enacted

September 11th, 2001 was a day that affected everyone. The world came to a stop. The aviation industry was affected, and the national airspace system was closed for a few days. The events that occurred on that specific day enacted changes that affect the industry to this day. This paper analyzes some of the changes that were made and discusses some of the changes the industry is going through again, about 20 years after the events on September 11th. The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we all live our daily lives and aviation is not exempt. Changes to aircraft cleaning procedures, boarding processes, and seat design have all been ways the industry has gone through changes. The results of a potential recovery as well as the long-term changes are discussed.

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Running on Empty

Everyone knows a female who participates in sport; if not you, a daughter, sister, or friend. She started out competing for the love and fun of the game. But slowly that changed. She began to feel the pressure. The pressure

Everyone knows a female who participates in sport; if not you, a daughter, sister, or friend. She started out competing for the love and fun of the game. But slowly that changed. She began to feel the pressure. The pressure to succeed. She steps up to the line, into the blocks, onto the mat comparing herself, thinking, if only she lost those 2, 5, or 10+lbs she could achieve her goals, look more like the competitors around her. Fit the mold of an elite. This narrative manifests itself in far too many female athletes. One where body image and weight are harshly linked to one's potential for success rather than their actual talent, fitness, or strength. Along with this ideology comes a multitude of mental and health problems such as disordered eating, premature bone loss, and nearly 70% of female athletes have experienced some form of athletic amenorrhea (period loss). “Running on Empty” examines this issue and brings awareness to the byproducts, allowing those who are struggling to know that they are not alone.
Date Created

An Exploration of User-Informed Design

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This paper describes the development of a mobile application aimed at facilitating the communication and collaboration of roommates with regards to grocery shopping, food-sharing, and cost-splitting. The approach involves several methods of user-informed design. First, I conducted an analysis of

This paper describes the development of a mobile application aimed at facilitating the communication and collaboration of roommates with regards to grocery shopping, food-sharing, and cost-splitting. The approach involves several methods of user-informed design. First, I conducted an analysis of user needs, interviewing potential end-users to gauge shopping habits and behaviors. Second, using iterative wireframing and a design tool called Figma, I constructed a working prototype of the design. Third, the prototype was used in a usability study, focused on uncovering pain points and other insights regarding the performance of the app. The usability tests were designed to simulate tasks that users might reasonably encounter when using the app. Finally, a second analysis of user needs was conducted, this time on a much larger scale. These methods were used to develop several informed design decisions that could improve the overall usability in future iterations of the design.
Date Created

User Experience Laws in Learning

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The relationship between user experience, learning, and psychology is complex. There are many rules and concepts that guide experience design. It is likely that some of the guidance is valid whereas other guidance is not. This explores some of that

The relationship between user experience, learning, and psychology is complex. There are many rules and concepts that guide experience design. It is likely that some of the guidance is valid whereas other guidance is not. This explores some of that guidance and evaluates how they are linked to learning. Do the guidance’s made 25, 50, 100 years ago still hold true today? Additionally, the psychological background behind the way someone holds memory is important. Knowing how information is stored and processed helps educators provide the best learning experience possible. With an eye toward perception and cognition, this paper examines the relevance of the various pieces of guidance. The results suggest that, overall, this guidance is still valid and valuable to current learning trends and designs. This suggests that user experience designers for education need to pay attention to the guidance provided by psychology when designing learning management systems, placing content in a course, and choosing which aesthetics to follow.
Date Created

Soft Robotics: A Quasi-Passive Knee Brace to Assist in Lifting

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This research evaluated soft robotic knee brace designs that were intended to reduce the risk of injury, chronic pain, and osteoarthritis in laborers tasked with repetitive lifting. A soft robotic quasi-passive system was proposed due to energy efficiency, comfortability, and

This research evaluated soft robotic knee brace designs that were intended to reduce the risk of injury, chronic pain, and osteoarthritis in laborers tasked with repetitive lifting. A soft robotic quasi-passive system was proposed due to energy efficiency, comfortability, and weight. The researcher developed three quasi-passive knee brace systems that would store energy when the user attempted a squat lift and release the energy when the user stood up. The first design focused on using clamped layered leaf springs to create an increased resistive force when the user bends at the knee. The researchers found that because of the unideal clamping of the springs the design failed to produce a significant increase to the forces the user experienced. The second design used a change in length of the layered leaf springs to provide a significant change in force. Through simple tests, the researchers found that the design did create a change in force significant enough to warrant further testing of the design in the future. The third and final design was inspired by a previous honors thesis by Ryan Bellman, this design used pre-stretched elastic bands to create an increased bending moment. Through experimental testing, the researchers found that the elastic bands created a factor increase of 8 from a non-loaded test. Further work would include prototyping a knee brace design and developing a method to allow the user to stretch and unstretch the elastic bands at will. In conclusion, design 2 and design 3 have the potential to significantly increase the well being of workers and increase their knee longevity.
Date Created

Developing a Curriculum to Prepare Software Engineers for the Technical Interview Process

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ASU’s Software Engineering (SER) program adequately prepares students for what happens after they become a developer, but there is no standard for preparing students to secure a job post-graduation in the first place. This project creates and executes a supplemental

ASU’s Software Engineering (SER) program adequately prepares students for what happens after they become a developer, but there is no standard for preparing students to secure a job post-graduation in the first place. This project creates and executes a supplemental curriculum to prepare students for the technical interview process. The trial run of the curriculum was received positively by study participants, who experienced an increase in confidence over the duration of the workshop.
Date Created

Teamwork in Orchestras

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The knowledge of cognitive processes of teams and how they work as a system, has drastically broadened in recent years. However, few researchers have applied their findings to an orchestral setting. In the current study, team cognition was observed and

The knowledge of cognitive processes of teams and how they work as a system, has drastically broadened in recent years. However, few researchers have applied their findings to an orchestral setting. In the current study, team cognition was observed and analyzed based off an 8th grade orchestra, in addition to the middle and highest-level orchestras at a junior high and high school in the Arizona Public School system. It was found, that in the 8th grade orchestra, most communication is either given or received in the form of auditory cues both verbal and musical. Regardless of skill level, groups that have higher interactions during practices have better performances.
Date Created

An Ethical Study: Development of An Electronic Wearable Pregnancy Monitor

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This paper will review past unethical studies conducted in the last 100 years on humans, including studies such as the WWII Concentration Camp studies on hypothermia and sterilization, Tuskegee Syphilis Study, and the case of Henrietta Lacks; Analyze why they

This paper will review past unethical studies conducted in the last 100 years on humans, including studies such as the WWII Concentration Camp studies on hypothermia and sterilization, Tuskegee Syphilis Study, and the case of Henrietta Lacks; Analyze why they were deemed unethical, the laws that emerged from these studies, and how it relates to contemporary technology, with a focus on the issues surrounding the development of an electronic wearable pregnancy monitor. The studies will include details of how they were conducted as well as what deemed them unethical and an explanation of why the results are unusable. Following the studies will be an explanation of the laws that were set into place following the studies with a lead into current technologies and how these technologies created a new set of ethics. The Google Mini, the wearable biosensor onesies for infants, and the intensive care unit at Banner Baywood will be described and so will their role in the development of an electronic wearable pregnancy monitor. The mini-meta analysis includes possible features of the monitor as well as a description of what the ethical consent form will look like. To conclude the paper, the importance of analyzing past unethical studies will help create a new ethical device that will make a point to go above and beyond to ensure the physical health of unborn children, in a way that is both ethical and significant.
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