What Lies Below: A Short Horror Film

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Horror as a genre is often dismissed on the basis of its reliance on jump scares and adrenaline highs, but history would suggest that society is just as well reflected in horror films as in any other genre. We only

Horror as a genre is often dismissed on the basis of its reliance on jump scares and adrenaline highs, but history would suggest that society is just as well reflected in horror films as in any other genre. We only truly know our own experiences in real life, but film grants us the opportunity to see the world through another’s eyes, and what a more powerful way than through the experience of fear. In order to contextualize materials for the creation of a short horror film, the first part of this paper explores horror as a genre and the roles women tend to play in horror, both in the past and the present. It also considers how society perceives threats to women and how women perceive threats to themselves. It is important to define the foundation of women in horror and understand their current role in the genre to achieve the overarching goal of making a short horror film depicting a real issue that women face. A script, a storyboard, a timeline, and other materials for such a production are included as well.
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Rhetorical Implications of Sex Trafficking in Popular Narrative Film: A Pentadic Analysis

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This project uses Kenneth Burke’s theory of dramatism and the pentad to analyze popular narrative films about human sex trafficking. It seeks to understand the relationship between a film’s dominant philosophy (as highlighted by utilizing Burke’s pentad), its inherently suggested

This project uses Kenneth Burke’s theory of dramatism and the pentad to analyze popular narrative films about human sex trafficking. It seeks to understand the relationship between a film’s dominant philosophy (as highlighted by utilizing Burke’s pentad), its inherently suggested solutions to trafficking, and the effect that the film has on viewers’ perception of trafficking. 20 narrative feature films about sex trafficking such as the 2008 film Taken were analyzed for this study. Three out of five of Burke’s philosophies were uncovered after analysis: idealism, mysticism, and materialism. Films that aligned with idealism were found to implicitly blame women for their own trafficking. Films that aligned with mysticism were found to rally audiences around violence and racism as opposed to women’s freedom. Films that aligned with materialism were found to be the most empathetic towards trafficked women. The conclusion of this paper is that films about sex trafficking have a high potential to be harmful to women who have exited trafficking. This paper asserts that the most valuable films about trafficking are those that are not simply based on a true story but are created by trafficking survivors themselves, such as the 2016 film Apartment 407.
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Rhetorical Implications of Sex Trafficking in Popular Narrative Film: A Pentadic Analysis

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This project uses Kenneth Burke’s theory of dramatism and the pentad to analyze popular narrative films about human sex trafficking. It seeks to understand the relationship between a film’s dominant philosophy (as highlighted by utilizing Burke’s pentad), its inherently suggested

This project uses Kenneth Burke’s theory of dramatism and the pentad to analyze popular narrative films about human sex trafficking. It seeks to understand the relationship between a film’s dominant philosophy (as highlighted by utilizing Burke’s pentad), its inherently suggested solutions to trafficking, and the effect that the film has on viewers’ perception of trafficking. 20 narrative feature films about sex trafficking such as the 2008 film Taken were analyzed for this study. Three out of five of Burke’s philosophies were uncovered after analysis: idealism, mysticism, and materialism. Films that aligned with idealism were found to implicitly blame women for their own trafficking. Films that aligned with mysticism were found to rally audiences around violence and racism as opposed to women’s freedom. Films that aligned with materialism were found to be the most empathetic towards trafficked women. The conclusion of this paper is that films about sex trafficking have a high potential to be harmful to women who have exited trafficking. This paper asserts that the most valuable films about trafficking are those that are not simply based on a true story but are created by trafficking survivors themselves, such as the 2016 film Apartment 407.
Date Created

Reviews and Analyses of Classic and Modern Films

The goal of this project was to increase my understanding and familiarity with cinema and art by analyzing and reviewing various films. Due to the events surrounding COVID-19 I had to change the initial direction of my project which was

The goal of this project was to increase my understanding and familiarity with cinema and art by analyzing and reviewing various films. Due to the events surrounding COVID-19 I had to change the initial direction of my project which was to originally apply the experience I gained to go to a film festival and review their movies. As movie theaters and festivals were shut down I changed the project to be more focused on studying a variety of films from throughout film history and of a variety of genres. I picked a wide selection of films that I felt I could review and analyze in a meaningful way. By using different angles of approaching the films I was able to analyze each film in a way that would provide the most the depth in understanding.
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Short Film Project: The Mime

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This director’s book is the culmination of my Barrett thesis project, which was originally intended to be a fully filmed and edited short film called The Mime. While ultimately my film has gone unfinished due to circumstances I will detail

This director’s book is the culmination of my Barrett thesis project, which was originally intended to be a fully filmed and edited short film called The Mime. While ultimately my film has gone unfinished due to circumstances I will detail later, I have done my best in this document to create an accurate picture of what it would have looked like had everything gone according to plan. Along with the complete shooting script of The Mime, this director’s book contains breakdowns of the scenes and the shots that comprise them, notes on the characters and locations used in the short, a detailed shoot schedule, and lists of all the shots and equipment required. I have also included a reflection paper at the end to explain my process, the problems I faced along the way, and what I have learned from the experience.
Date Created

Empathy Link: A Podcast Exploring the Universal Problems of College Students

Empathy Link is a creative project that looks at the universal problems that many college students experience. The show is an interview style podcast, in which the students come on and talk about their life experiences, specifically the dilemmas and

Empathy Link is a creative project that looks at the universal problems that many college students experience. The show is an interview style podcast, in which the students come on and talk about their life experiences, specifically the dilemmas and emotional challenges they face. Furthermore, Empathy Link delves into student’s identities, and how many of the more “universal problems” that the students face, are also affected by the identity and background, such as ethnicity, gender, immigration status, class, etc. By analyzing the cross-section between the more relatable problems that almost every student experiences and the more unique identity problems, listeners are able to find common ground with students from different backgrounds from them as well as begin to understand struggles that they may not or will never experience. Empathy Link consists of a six-episode first season. Each episode is somewhere between 20 – 30 minutes long. The topics discussed in episodes were wide-ranging: disagreeing with the worldviews of one’s parents, wanting to pursue a passion but scared because of financial instability, the anxiety of over-working, the feeling of listlessness post-college life, and the passing of a loved one. Before each episode, I would perform a pre-interview for each guest to ensure they would be a good fit for the show, write questions for that guest, and schedule a time and place to record. Afterwards, I would edit each episode for clarity, sound quality, and flow to ensure the content was up to par. Empathy Link is a podcast dedicated to bridging the gap between the perceptions of college students, specifically those from marginalized groups, and the actual experiences and struggles that they face.
Date Created


Sam Gerkin

A Serialized Single-Camera Comedy for Streaming

For my Thesis, I wrote an original TV Pilot Script and a Series “bible”. In lieu of a defense, I wrote a paper about the process

Sam Gerkin

A Serialized Single-Camera Comedy for Streaming

For my Thesis, I wrote an original TV Pilot Script and a Series “bible”. In lieu of a defense, I wrote a paper about the process of writing the Pilot.

Defining Principle:
Though different people often have very different beliefs, we all must fight for the beliefs that hold a society together.

Extremely different individuals from the past, present, and future must find a way to work together to save the universe from evil creatures in present-day Phoenix, Arizona.
Date Created

Exploring the Range of Algorithmic Choreography

The goal of this thesis is to explore and present a range of approaches to “algorithmic choreography.” In the context of this thesis, algorithmic choreography is defined as choreography with computational influence or elements. Traditionally, algorithmic choreography, despite containing works

The goal of this thesis is to explore and present a range of approaches to “algorithmic choreography.” In the context of this thesis, algorithmic choreography is defined as choreography with computational influence or elements. Traditionally, algorithmic choreography, despite containing works that use computation in a variety of ways, has been used as an umbrella term for all works that involve computation.
This thesis intends to show that the diversity of algorithmic choreography can be reduced into more specific categories. As algorithmic choreography is fundamentally intertwined with the concept of computation, it is natural to propose that algorithmic choreography works be separated based on a spectrum that is defined by the extent of the involvement of computation within each piece.
This thesis seeks to specifically outline three primary categories that algorithmic works can fall into: pieces that involve minimal computational influence, entirely computationally generated pieces, and pieces that lie in between. Three original works were created to reflect each of these categories. These works provide examples of the various methods by which computation can influence and enhance choreography.
The first piece, entitled Rαinwater, displays a minimal amount of computational influence. The use of space in the piece was limited to random, computationally generated paths. The dancers extracted a narrative element from the random paths. This iteration resulted in a piece that explores the dancers’ emotional interaction within the context of a rainy environment. The second piece, entitled Mymec, utilizes an intermediary amount of computation. The piece sees a dancer interact with a projected display of an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. The dancer is to take direct inspiration from the movement of the virtual ants and embody the visualization of the algorithm. The final piece, entitled nSkeleton, exhibited maximal computational influence. Kinect position data was manipulated using iterative methods from computational mathematics to create computer-generated movement to be performed by a dancer on-stage.
Each original piece was originally intended to be presented to the public as part of an evening-length show. However, due to the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, all public campus events have been canceled and the government has recommended that gatherings with more than 10 people be entirely avoided. Thus, the pieces will instead be presented in the form of a video published online. This video will encompass information about the creation of each piece as well as clips of choreography.
Date Created

An Analysis of The Quantum-Resistant Supersingular Isogeny Based Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Algorithm

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In the modern world with the ever growing importance of technology, the challenge of information security is of increasing importance. Cryptographic algorithms used to encode information stored and transmitted over the internet must be constantly improving as methodology and technology

In the modern world with the ever growing importance of technology, the challenge of information security is of increasing importance. Cryptographic algorithms used to encode information stored and transmitted over the internet must be constantly improving as methodology and technology for cyber attacks improve. RSA and Elliptic Curve cryptosystems such as El Gamal or Diffie-Hellman key exchange are often used as secure asymmetric cryptographic algorithms. However, quantum computing threatens the security of these algorithms. A relatively new algorithm that is based on isogenies between elliptic curves has been proposed in response to this threat. The new algorithm is thought to be quantum resistant as it uses isogeny walks instead of point addition to generate a shared secret key. In this paper we will analyze this algorithm in an attempt to understand the theory behind it. A main goal is to create isogeny graphs to visualize degree 2 and 3 isogeny walks that can be taken between supersingular elliptic curves over small fields to get a better understanding of the workings and security of the algorithm.
Date Created

Love & Other Colors

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When I first began thinking about what to do my honors thesis on during junior year, I knew that I wanted to do something creative. While I had successfully written a plethora of research papers and such throughout college, I

When I first began thinking about what to do my honors thesis on during junior year, I knew that I wanted to do something creative. While I had successfully written a plethora of research papers and such throughout college, I knew that, were I to try to make my thesis entirely research based, I would not be able to be passionate about it. This thesis is what is going to be left for other Barrett students, current and future, to look at. I do not want to work on something that I would not be passionate about knowing that other people would see it and maybe even look at it when trying to find inspiration for their own theses. In order to accomplish this, I knew working on a creative project as my thesis was my best option. I would be passionate about what I was working on, and it would also allow me to work on something that did not just feel like more schoolwork. In other words, I would not get as “burnt out” working on my thesis if it were something that I enjoyed working on, rather than something that felt tedious.
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