
My work revisits this accident and the aftermath of my condition. Since I now live with a great gap in my memory, I wanted to explore the idea of absence. Absence of memories and absence of self. How does one

My work revisits this accident and the aftermath of my condition. Since I now live with a great gap in my memory, I wanted to explore the idea of absence. Absence of memories and absence of self. How does one feel when a gap is left in their life story? How does one talk about it or feel any emotions when they do not remember a significant part of their life? How is one’s identity affected by this lack of self? I use photography as a coping mechanism to express what I am unable to talk about; an attempt to fill these voids in my memory.
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The Role of Fashion in Identity and Self-Expression Within Women, Nonbinary, and Trans Individuals

This qualitative study explores how women, nonbinary, and trans individuals define their identities in relation to contemporary fashion. To gather insights about the connection between fashion choices and the expression of complex identity categories, four 45-minute long interviews were conducted

This qualitative study explores how women, nonbinary, and trans individuals define their identities in relation to contemporary fashion. To gather insights about the connection between fashion choices and the expression of complex identity categories, four 45-minute long interviews were conducted and transcribed using software. A two-stage coding approach was used to analyze the data, and the findings suggest that people intentionally use their clothing to communicate aspects of their identities to others. In particular, the study found that clothing helps individuals learn, perform, and embody their gender. Intersectional feminist theory argues that oppressed identity categories combine to create unique experiences for people who belong to marginalized groups, including those related to gender, race, and sexual orientation. The results of this study contribute to the discussion of intersectionality by highlighting the ways in which people are empowered by fashion to both express and celebrate their identities, as well as to challenge oppressive societal norms. The unique combination of traits to make a different lived experience creates a new and improved understanding of who the person is and the different ways they express their activities.
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Family Means Resilience: A museum exhibit proposal demonstrating family survival across historical North America

Family Means Resilience (FMR) is a comprehensive proposal for an interactive museum exhibit that demonstrates the many faces of familial strength across space and time in North America. The exhibit proposal transports visitors into the stories of four families striving

Family Means Resilience (FMR) is a comprehensive proposal for an interactive museum exhibit that demonstrates the many faces of familial strength across space and time in North America. The exhibit proposal transports visitors into the stories of four families striving to overcome the challenges of their environments. Visitors will find themselves welcomed into historically-accurate homes of the following families: An Inuit family weathers a harsh winter on Igloolik Island, c. 1830's. A Hohokam family battles severe drought and heat at Pueblo Grande, c. 1000 CE. A nuclear family in suburban Wisconsin copes with fears of the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. A black family struggles for equality during the Harlem Renaissance, c. 1920's. These four stories are woven together in a handmade 1:36 scale diorama that models the layout of FMR. The proposal is complete with descriptions of interactive elements such as immersive soundscapes, climate effects, and children-oriented activities designed to engage visiting families. Family Means Resilience is an opportunity for families to better understand those who came before them and to better appreciate the impact they have on their own relatives.
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HER2 Targeting Affibody-DNA-Nanoparticles for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Breast cancer is the most common disease among women and the second most common disease worldwide, accounting for 2.09 million new cases of cancer diagnosis in 2018. It accounts for 11.6% of all cancer cases and is the leading cause

Breast cancer is the most common disease among women and the second most common disease worldwide, accounting for 2.09 million new cases of cancer diagnosis in 2018. It accounts for 11.6% of all cancer cases and is the leading cause of cancer mortality for women as well as the fourth cause of cancer death overall. HER2-positive breast cancer is distinguished as a distinct subtype of breast cancer by the overexpression of HER2, a specific protein found on the surface of cancer cells. Because targeted medicines precisely target the overexpression of the HER2 protein, the management of HER2-positive breast cancer has undergone a complete revolution. Monoclonal antibodies targeting the extracellular domain of the HER2 protein were regarded to be a step forward in the treatment of breast cancer; however, affibody-DNA nanoparticles in particular offer a paradigm-shifting picture of cancer treatment and diagnostics. The advantages of affibody DNA nanoparticles include targeted distribution, customization, small size, potential for combination therapy, and unique character. These attributes make them a promising alternative to monoclonal antibodies, the current standard therapy, in the treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer. The purpose of this paper is to provide information on the most promising recently developed nanoparticle-based therapies for the diagnosis and management of HER-2-positive breast cancer.
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Lifesaver's Lane: Personal Hygiene Kits

Life on a college campus can get incredibly busy between classes, work, and a social life. Because of this, it can be easy to completely forget to grab those essential items on the way out the door. The goal of

Life on a college campus can get incredibly busy between classes, work, and a social life. Because of this, it can be easy to completely forget to grab those essential items on the way out the door. The goal of LifeSaver’s Lane is to remedy the need to remember to grab those items by creating a small, easily accessible kit of essential items that can be thrown in a backpack or purse to keep near at all times. Through our research and interactions with the ASU community, we collected data regarding expressed interest, what our target market defines as a daily "essential item," and the products we should include in our bags. The research results showed a need for our product and intentions of a reusable on-the-go kit to ensure daily life runs smoothly.
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Waggle Ballet: Increasing Access to Ballet Performance for Blind and Visually Impaired Audience Members with Wearable Sonification

Waggle Ballet explores the possibility of increasing access to ballet for blind audience members by using a combination of live music, accessible choreography, a sensory based workshop, and wearable sonification technology. Waggle Ballet is a classical ballet excerpt that addresses

Waggle Ballet explores the possibility of increasing access to ballet for blind audience members by using a combination of live music, accessible choreography, a sensory based workshop, and wearable sonification technology. Waggle Ballet is a classical ballet excerpt that addresses the limitations presented by audio descriptions. Where audio descriptions serve to describe exactly what can be seen on stage for audience members with blindness or vision impairments, Waggle Ballet uses other sensory elements to trigger the imagination and create a sound environment that is generated through ballet movements with the help of motion capturing sensors and thematic sound outputs. The piece was performed in front of a live audience of varying sight abilities with the live musical accompaniment of the bass clarinet. A mini workshop was given that incorporated storytelling and touch to help audience members become familiar with the environment created in the piece. With all the elements coming together, Waggle Ballet hopes to evoke a unique experience that draws from the aspects of ballet performance beyond purely visual aesthetics.
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