The Effect of Retail Design on Consumer Purchasing Behavior

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This project researches the potential effects of retail design and layout and how it affects consumer-purchasing behavior. The research can be broken down into three large segments as well as a case study. The first focuses on the consumers and

This project researches the potential effects of retail design and layout and how it affects consumer-purchasing behavior. The research can be broken down into three large segments as well as a case study. The first focuses on the consumers and the target market. The second examines store layout in terms of walkways, wall placements, and major pathways throughout the space. Third, the overall aesthetics and design are studied, focusing on color, texture, shapes, and lighting. Lastly, a case study on a popular women's retail store, Antrhoplogie, is examined based on the above research. This project gives interesting insight into the minds of the consumer in retail environments as well as the effect of design and overall experience the consumers have in many types of retail stores.
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Deeply Rooted: An Evaluation of the Marketing Strategies for Kaleidoscope Juice

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The aim of this thesis project was to conduct a brand analysis for a local juice company, Kaleidoscope Juice. Through this brand analysis, Kaleidoscope's current branding and marketing strategies were assessed as well as their narrow positioning strategy within the

The aim of this thesis project was to conduct a brand analysis for a local juice company, Kaleidoscope Juice. Through this brand analysis, Kaleidoscope's current branding and marketing strategies were assessed as well as their narrow positioning strategy within the juicing industry. As such, the primary focus of the research and field work was Kaleidoscope's positioning, and how expanding their current target customer group would be advantageous for the brand both financially and operationally. Both primary and secondary sources were utilized to help identify key factors and pricing in the juicing industry as well as the competitive marketplace. Additionally, an online survey was created and approved by the IRB that was used to help understand consumer's perceptions of the industry, as well as the brand and brand elements. The questionnaire was distributed online, and a group of 91 participants were sampled for the purpose of the study. The results were extremely useful in understanding price sensitivity, as well as preferred distribution methods for consumers. Additionally, the data supported much of the research and field work conducted in the analysis and helped to solidify branding recommendations for Kaleidoscope. It was concluded that although Kaleidoscope does have a strong target customer base, expanding and educating a new target consumer would be extremely beneficial for the brand going into the future.
Date Created

Working Hard to Look Good: The Influence of Effort in Perceptions of Cosmetic Products

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In today’s society we see a strong encouragement of those who put effort into various aspects of their life. Additionally, we also see a strong push towards making oneself more attractive to reap social benefits. However, a paradox exists between

In today’s society we see a strong encouragement of those who put effort into various aspects of their life. Additionally, we also see a strong push towards making oneself more attractive to reap social benefits. However, a paradox exists between effort and attractiveness. In a society that values both effort and attractiveness, why do we see negative reactions to those who put effort into their appearance, and can we make these effects go away? How can cosmetic companies alter those reactions to suit their advertising needs? Through a pretest and a main study we show how consumers react to differing amounts of perceived effort in a cosmetic product, and how we can alter the effect that effort has by priming consumers with the idea of their ‘natural self’ vs. their ‘ideal’ self.
Date Created

Analysis of Keirsey Composition, Behavioral Types, and Familiarity, and their Impact on Satisfaction, Performance, and Creativity of Groups

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Research on teamwork has shown that teams are more productive and produce better results than individuals working on their own. Yet, research on individuals' work preferences makes it clear that not everyone prefers working in teams. In order to improve

Research on teamwork has shown that teams are more productive and produce better results than individuals working on their own. Yet, research on individuals' work preferences makes it clear that not everyone prefers working in teams. In order to improve teamwork and achieve better results in both the collegiate arena and in the professional world, this study was designed to research different factors that affect a group's performance and creativity: satisfaction, familiarity, and the behavioral styles of individual team members. Additionally, this study addresses if the group's composition of Keirsey types \u2014 temperament patterns \u2014 also play a role in the group's creativity and performance. In this study, students created teams of four to seven students and completed specific in-class activities called Applied Insights. Groups composed mostly of Guardians, one of the four Keirsey temperaments, are able to adapt to the task at hand, which is demonstrated here with creativity. Further, groups who perceive themselves as sharing similar traits with many members are more satisfied and achieve a higher overall performance. Lastly, groups comprised of individuals who were least familiar with their teammates they had not previously worked with, produced more creative results in the short run. Whereas groups comprised of individuals who were least familiar with their teammates they had previously worked with, produced better overall results in short run.
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Internals Versus Externals: Belief in Products for Goal Attainment

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As a self-discrepancy arises between who an individual currently is and who they aspire to become, feelings of tension arise. Reactions to this stress are based on various personal beliefs. Our feelings of our potential to reach our desired state

As a self-discrepancy arises between who an individual currently is and who they aspire to become, feelings of tension arise. Reactions to this stress are based on various personal beliefs. Our feelings of our potential to reach our desired state can be affected by our orientation of locus of control, or where we believe control is derived from within our life. In the present research, we examine how a person's locus of control--whether they are internal by attributing outcomes to their own actions or external believers that fate and chance drive their life outcomes--affects their reaction to a self-discrepancy in a domain that is important to them, and how this affects valuation of the products used in that domain. We found that while internals and externals behave similarly under feelings of high competence (baseline condition) when a self-discrepancy is not evident, reactions differed under the opposing condition of feeling less competent during their goal pursuit. Externals did not significantly change their belief in the product regardless of the condition (high vs. low competence) while internals took the defeat heavily by significantly decreasing their belief that the goal-related product would help them achieve their goals and decreased their willingness to pay for it.
Date Created

Differentiation Through Combination: A Strategic Shift In Brand Image for GEICO Insurance

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GEICO Insurance offers a wide range of insurance options to consumers nationwide. The company has experienced exponential growth over the past 15 years largely due to their low rates, ease of purchase, online business model, and their industry-revolutionizing approach to

GEICO Insurance offers a wide range of insurance options to consumers nationwide. The company has experienced exponential growth over the past 15 years largely due to their low rates, ease of purchase, online business model, and their industry-revolutionizing approach to advertising these competitive advantages. Operating primarily within the enormous Property and Casualty sector of the insurance industry, GEICO faces extremely high levels of competition from many well-resourced companies. The most dangerous of which have begun to respond to GEICO's humorous, charming, and often detached advertising strategy through the employment of one of two general strategies; either imitating and attempting to improve upon GEICO's brand image and advertising practices, or else attacking it, insinuating that a company with this appeal does not truly care about its customers or its services. As GEICO has already solidified their low price point and ease of purchase in the minds of consumers, a tactical shift in response to competitive actions is now optimal. To avoid being labeled as a "cut-rate" insurance provider who cares little about the safety or well-being of their clients, and provides them with low quality insurance products and services; the following integrated marketing campaign is proposed. Spearheaded by the slogan "As long as you have GEICO, Things are looking up.", this campaign will focus on raising awareness of the plethora of customer service programs and initiatives already offered by GEICO that are unknown to the general public. The humorous, lighthearted appeal will remain, but the focus on highlighting customer service benefits and the high quality associated with GEICO's product will serve to shift the public perception of GEICO. As a result of this campaign, GEICO will appeal to a broader segment of the market, retain customers for longer period of time, raise awareness of their helpful customer service products and services, and differentiate themselves from the competition.
Date Created

A Patient-Centered Approach to the Management of Chronic Illnesses

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Currently, the medical industry employs an acute treatment process centered on responsiveness and restoration. This method fails those with chronic illness who require disease management and proactivity. As a solution, the medical industry has implemented programs focused on providing integrated,

Currently, the medical industry employs an acute treatment process centered on responsiveness and restoration. This method fails those with chronic illness who require disease management and proactivity. As a solution, the medical industry has implemented programs focused on providing integrated, coordinated care. This project examines two primary models to accommodate chronically ill patients: Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs). Specifically, this paper examines the data from Pioneer and Medicare Shared Savings Program ACOs. In the aggregate, the data indicate that these programs have been unsuccessful due to several key issues: a lack of patient and physician engagement, failure to incentivize medical professionals and failed collaboration between both ACOs and PCMHs. Remedying these issues would improve the ability of both ACOs and PCMHs to provide integrated, comprehensive care to patients with chronic illnesses.
Date Created

Food messages and freedom of choice

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This dissertation explores conditions under which food messages backfire among consumers leading them to engage in behaviors that are opposite to what was intended by the messages. The first essay shows when and how food-related warnings can backfire by putting

This dissertation explores conditions under which food messages backfire among consumers leading them to engage in behaviors that are opposite to what was intended by the messages. The first essay shows when and how food-related warnings can backfire by putting consumers in a state of reactance. Across three studies, I demonstrate that dieters (but not nondieters) who see a one-sided message focusing on the negative aspects of unhealthy food (vs. a one-sided positive or neutral message) increase their desire for and consumption of unhealthy foods. In contrast, dieters who see a two-sided message (focusing on both the negative and positive aspects of unhealthy food) are more likely to comply with the message, thereby choosing fewer unhealthy foods. My research suggests that negatively-worded food warnings (such as PSAs) are unlikely to work – nondieters ignore them, and dieters do the opposite. Although preliminary, the findings also suggest that two-sided messages may offer a better solution. The second essay shows how certain messages advocating for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can backfire by activating consumers’ thoughts about risk of GMOs. Across four studies, I demonstrate that strong anti-GMO (but not weak anti-GMO) consumers who see a pro-GMO message claiming that GMOs are safe for human consumption (vs. a neutral message) perceive higher risk from GMOs, resulting in more unfavorable attitudes toward GMOs and lower intentions to consume GMOs. My research also suggests that a pro-GMO message claiming that GMOs are beneficial will be more effective in persuading both strong and weak anti-GMO consumers.
Date Created

Putting on a show or showing my true self?: when and why consumers signal accurate versus enhanced self-view information

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This research investigates the conditions under which people use consumption choices to signal accurate versus enhanced information about themselves to others. Across five studies, I demonstrate that activating a self-verification, as opposed to self-enhancement, motive leads consumers to choose products

This research investigates the conditions under which people use consumption choices to signal accurate versus enhanced information about themselves to others. Across five studies, I demonstrate that activating a self-verification, as opposed to self-enhancement, motive leads consumers to choose products that signal accurate information about a self-view, even when this view is negative. I replicate this finding across several self-view domains, including physical attractiveness, power, and global self-esteem. However, I find that this effect is attenuated when consumers have a high fear of negative social evaluation. My findings suggest that this type of consumption, in which choice is driven by the desire to be seen accurately (vs. positively), can explain abundant real-world behavior; contradicting the notion that consumers choose products primarily for self-enhancement.
Date Created

Consumer confessions

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When consumers fail in their environmental, dieting, or budgeting goals, they may engage in a consumer confession about their goal-inconsistent behavior. This dissertation seeks to understand how confessions about consumer goal transgressions affect subsequent consumer motivation and behaviors. Results from

When consumers fail in their environmental, dieting, or budgeting goals, they may engage in a consumer confession about their goal-inconsistent behavior. This dissertation seeks to understand how confessions about consumer goal transgressions affect subsequent consumer motivation and behaviors. Results from a series of five experiments reveal that after reflecting about a past transgression, Catholics who confess (vs. do not confess) about the focal transgression are more motivated to engage in subsequent goal-consistent consumer behaviors. However, results reveal no such effects for Non-Catholics; Non-Catholics are equally motivated to engage in goal-consistent consumer behaviors regardless of whether or not they confessed. Catholics and Non-Catholics differ on the extent to which they believe that acts of penance are required to make amends and achieve forgiveness after confession. For Catholics, confessing motivates restorative, penance-like behaviors even in the consumer domain. Thus, when Catholics achieve forgiveness through the act of confession itself (vs. a traditional confession requiring penance), they reduce their need to engage in restorative consumer behaviors. Importantly, results find that confession (vs. reflecting only) does not provide a general self-regulatory boost to all participants, but rather that confession is motivating only for Catholics due to their beliefs about penance. Together, results suggest that for consumers with strong penance beliefs, confession can be an effective strategy for getting back on track with their consumption goals.
Date Created