Phase Change Materials for Thermal Management in Thermal Energy Storage Applications

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Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is of great significance for many engineering applications as it allows surplus thermal energy to be stored and reused later, bridging the gap between requirement and energy use. Phase change materials (PCMs) are latent heat-based TES

Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is of great significance for many engineering applications as it allows surplus thermal energy to be stored and reused later, bridging the gap between requirement and energy use. Phase change materials (PCMs) are latent heat-based TES which have the ability to store and release heat through phase transition processes over a relatively narrow temperature range. PCMs have a wide range of operating temperatures and therefore can be used in various applications such as stand-alone heat storage in a renewable energy system, thermal storage in buildings, water heating systems, etc. In this dissertation, various PCMs are incorporated and investigated numerically and experimentally with different applications namely a thermochemical metal hydride (MH) storage system and thermal storage in buildings. In the second chapter, a new design consisting of an MH reactor encircled by a cylindrical sandwich bed packed with PCM is proposed. The role of the PCM is to store the heat released by the MH reactor during the hydrogenation process and reuse it later in the subsequent dehydrogenation process. In such a system, the exothermic and endothermic processes of the MH reactor can be utilized effectively by enhancing the thermal exchange between the MH reactor and the PCM bed. Similarly, in the third chapter, a novel design that integrates the MH reactor with cascaded PCM beds is proposed. In this design, two different types of PCMs with different melting temperatures and enthalpies are arranged in series to improve the heat transfer rate and consequently shorten the time duration of the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation processes. The performance of the new designs (in chapters 2 and 3) is investigated numerically and compared with the conventional designs in the literature. The results indicate that the new designs can significantly enhance the time duration of MH reaction (up to 87%). In the fourth chapter, organic coconut oil PCM (co-oil PCM) is explored experimentally and numerically for the first time as a thermal management tool in building applications. The results show that co-oil PCM can be a promising solution to improve the indoor thermal environment in semi-arid regions.
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Study of Solar Thermophotovoltaic (STPV) Energy Conversion with Selective Metafilm Coatings and GaSb Cell Separated by Glass Microspheres

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Solar energy as a limitless source of energy all around the globe has been difficult to harness. This is due to the low direct solar-electric conversion efficiency which has an upper limit set to the Shockley-Queisser limit. Solar thermophotovoltaics (STPV)

Solar energy as a limitless source of energy all around the globe has been difficult to harness. This is due to the low direct solar-electric conversion efficiency which has an upper limit set to the Shockley-Queisser limit. Solar thermophotovoltaics (STPV) is a much more efficient solar energy harvesting technology as it has the potential to overcome the Shockley-Queisser limit, by converting the broad-spectrum solar irradiation into narrowband infrared spectrum radiation matched to the PV cell. Despite the potential to surpass the Shockley-Queisser limit, very few experimental results have reported high system-level efficiency.

The objective of the thesis is to study the STPV conversion performance with selective metafilm absorber and emitter paired with a commercial GaSb cell at different solar concentrations. Absorber and Emitter metafilm thickness was optimized and fabricated. The optical properties of fabricated metafilms showed good agreement with the theoretically determined properties. The experimental setup was completed and validated by measuring the heat transfer rate across the test setup and comparing it with theoretical calculations. A novel method for maintaining the gap between the emitter and PV cell was developed using glass microspheres. Theoretical calculations show that the use of the glass of microspheres introduces negligible conduction loss across the gap compared to the radiation heat transfer, which is confirmed by experimental heat transfer measurement. This research work will help enhance the fundamental understanding and the development of the high-efficiency solar thermophotovoltaic system.
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Towards High Spatial Resolution Vibrational Spectroscopy in a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope

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Vibrational spectroscopy is a ubiquitous characterization tool in elucidating atomic structure at the bulk and nanoscale. The ability to perform high spatial resolution vibrational spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) with electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) has the potential

Vibrational spectroscopy is a ubiquitous characterization tool in elucidating atomic structure at the bulk and nanoscale. The ability to perform high spatial resolution vibrational spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) with electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) has the potential to affect a variety of materials science problems. Since 2014, instrumentation development has pushed for incremental improvements in energy resolution, with the current best being 4.2 meV. Although this is poor in comparison to what is common in photon or neutron vibrational spectroscopies, the spatial resolution offered by vibrational EELS is equal to or better than the best of these other techniques.

The major objective of this research program is to investigate the spatial resolution of the monochromated energy-loss signal in the transmission-beam mode and correlate it to the excitation mechanism of the associated vibrational mode. The spatial variation of dipole vibrational signals in SiO2 is investigated as the electron probe is scanned across an atomically abrupt SiO2/Si interface. The Si-O bond stretch signal has a spatial resolution of 2 – 20 nm, depending on whether the interface, bulk, or surface contribution is chosen. For typical TEM specimen thicknesses, coupled surface modes contribute strongly to the spectrum. These coupled surface modes are phonon polaritons, whose intensity and spectral positions are strongly specimen geometry dependent. In a SiO2 thin-film patterned with a 2x2 array, dielectric theory simulations predict the simultaneous excitation of parallel and uncoupled surface polaritons and a very weak excitation of the orthogonal polariton.

It is demonstrated that atomic resolution can be achieved with impact vibrational signals from optical and acoustic phonons in a covalently bonded material like Si. Sub-nanometer resolution mapping of the Si-O symmetric bond stretch impact signal can also be performed in an ionic material like SiO2. The visibility of impact energy-loss signals from excitation of Brillouin zone boundary vibrational modes in hexagonal BN is seen to be a strong function of probe convergence, but not as strong a function of spectrometer collection angles. Some preliminary measurements to detect adsorbates on catalyst nanoparticle surfaces with minimum radiation damage in the aloof-beam mode are also presented.
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Tungsten Trioxide-based Variable Reflectivity Radiation Coatings for Optical Propulsion Applications

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This thesis explores the potential application of the phase change material tungsten trioxide (WO3) in optical force modulation for spacecraft and satellites. It starts with a literature review of past space optical force applications as well as potential phase change

This thesis explores the potential application of the phase change material tungsten trioxide (WO3) in optical force modulation for spacecraft and satellites. It starts with a literature review of past space optical force applications as well as potential phase change materials for optical force modulation. This is followed by the theoretical model and discussions of the optical properties of a variety of materials used in the structures explored thereafter. Four planar structures were analyzed in detail. Two of the structures were opaque and the other two were semi-transparent.

The first of the opaque structures was a tungsten trioxide film on aluminum substrate (WO3/Al). It was found to have a 26% relative change in radiation pressure with WO3 thickness of 200 nm. The second opaque structure was a tungsten trioxide film on silicon spacer on aluminum substrate (WO3/Si/Al). This structure was found to have a 25% relative change in radiation pressure with 180 nm WO3 and 20 nm Si.

The semitransparent structures were tungsten trioxide film on undoped silicone substrate (WO3/Si), and a tungsten trioxide film on a silicone spacer on tungsten trioxide (WO3/Si/WO3). The WO3/Si structure was found to have an 8% relative change in radiation pressure with 200 nm WO3 and 50 nm Si. The WO3/Si/WO3 structure had a relative change in radiation pressure of 20% with 85 nm WO3 and 90 nm Si.

These structures show promise for attitude control in future solar sailing space missions. The IKAROS mission proved the functionality of using phase change material in order to steer a space craft. This was accomplished with a 7.8% relative change in radiation pressure. However, this only occurred at a pressure change of 0.11 µN/m2 over a range of 0.4 to 1.0 µm which is approximately 77.1% of the solar spectrum energy. The proposed structure (WO3/Al) with a 26% relative change in radiation pressure with a pressure change of 1.4 µN/m2 over a range 0.4 to 1.6 µm which is approximately 80% of the solar spectrum energy. The magnitude of radiation pressure variation in this study exceeds that used on the IKAROS, showing applicability for future mission.
Date Created

Nonlinear Electrothermal Monte Carlo Device Simulation

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A model of self-heating is incorporated into a Cellular Monte Carlo (CMC) particle-based device simulator through the solution of an energy balance equation (EBE) for phonons. The EBE self-consistently couples charge and heat transport in the simulation through

A model of self-heating is incorporated into a Cellular Monte Carlo (CMC) particle-based device simulator through the solution of an energy balance equation (EBE) for phonons. The EBE self-consistently couples charge and heat transport in the simulation through a novel approach to computing the heat generation rate in the device under study. First, the moments of the Boltzmann Transport equation (BTE) are discussed, and subsequently the EBE of for phonons is derived. Subsequently, several tests are performed to verify the applicability and accuracy of a nonlinear iterative method for the solution of the EBE in the presence of convective boundary conditions, as compared to a finite element analysis solver as well as using the Kirchhoff transformation. The coupled electrothermal characterization of a GaN/AlGaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) is then performed, and the effects of non-ideal interfaces and boundary conditions are studied.

The proposed thermal model is then applied to a novel $\Pi$-gate architecture which has been suggested to reduce hot electron generation in the device, compared to the conventional T-gate. Additionally, small signal ac simulations are performed for the determination of cutoff frequencies using the thermal model as well.

Finally, further extensions of the CMC algorithm used in this work are discussed, including 1) higher-order moments of the phonon BTE, 2) coupling to phonon Monte Carlo simulations, and 3) application to other large-bandgap, and therefore high-power, materials such as diamond.
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Metamaterial enhanced near-field thermophotovoltaic energy conversion

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It is well known that radiative heat transfer rate can exceed that between two blackbodies by several orders of magnitude due to the coupling of evanescent waves. One promising application of near-field thermal radiation is thermophotovoltaic (TPV) devices, which convert

It is well known that radiative heat transfer rate can exceed that between two blackbodies by several orders of magnitude due to the coupling of evanescent waves. One promising application of near-field thermal radiation is thermophotovoltaic (TPV) devices, which convert thermal energy to electricity. Recently, different types of metamaterials with excitations of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs)/surface phonon polaritons (SPhPs), magnetic polaritons (MP), and hyperbolic modes (HM), have been studied to further improve near-field radiative heat flux and conversion efficiency. On the other hand, near-field experimental demonstration between planar surfaces has been limited due to the extreme challenge in the vacuum gap control as well as the parallelism.

The main objective of this work is to experimentally study the near-field radiative transfer and the excitation of resonance modes by designing nanostructured thin films separated by nanometer vacuum gaps. In particular, the near-field radiative heat transfer between two parallel plates of intrinsic silicon wafers coated with a thin film of aluminum nanostructure is investigated. In addition, theoretical studies about the effects of different physical mechanisms such as SPhP/SPP, MPs, and HM on near-field radiative transfer in various nanostructured metamaterials are conducted particularly for near-field TPV applications. Numerical simulations are performed by using multilayer transfer matrix method, rigorous coupled wave analysis, and finite difference time domain techniques incorporated with fluctuational electrodynamics. The understanding gained here will undoubtedly benefit the spectral control of near-field thermal radiation for energy-harvesting applications like thermophotovoltaic energy conversion and radiation-based thermal management.
Date Created

Thermal Interface Materials

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This thesis project explains what thermal interface materials (TIMs) are, what they are used for, and how to measure their properties. Thermal interface materials are typically either a grease like paste or a soft polymer pad that is placed between

This thesis project explains what thermal interface materials (TIMs) are, what they are used for, and how to measure their properties. Thermal interface materials are typically either a grease like paste or a soft polymer pad that is placed between two solids to increase the heat transfer rate. Solids in contact with each other experience a very large thermal contact resistance, this creates a thermal bottleneck which severely decreases the heat transfer from one solid to another. To solve this, particles with a high thermal conductivity are used as filler material in either a grease or polymer. A common application for TIMs is in computer components, where a TIM is used to remove the heat generated from computer chips. These materials allow for computer chips to run faster without overheating or throttling performance. However, further improvements to TIMs are still desired, which are needed for more powerful computer chips. In this work, a Stepped Bar Apparatus (SBA) is used to evaluate the thermal properties of TIMs. The SBA is based on Fourier’s Law of one-dimensional heat transfer. This work explains the fundamentals of the SBA measurement, and develops a reliable way to confirm the SBA’s measurement consistency through the use of reference samples. Furthermore, this work evaluates the effects of volume fraction and magnetic alignment on the performance of nickel flakes mixed into a polymer to create a soft TIM composite pad. Magnets are used to align the nickel flakes into a column like arrangement in the direction that heat will travel. Magnetic alignment increases the thermal conductivity of the composite pads, and has peak performance at low compression.
Date Created

Using Droplet Induced Deformations in Polymeric Functional Materials for Heat and Mass Transport Modulation

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Droplet-structure interactions play a pivotal role in many engineering applications as droplet-based solutions are evolving. This work explores the physical understanding of these interactions through systematic research leading to improvements in thermal management via dropwise condensation (DWC), and breathable protective

Droplet-structure interactions play a pivotal role in many engineering applications as droplet-based solutions are evolving. This work explores the physical understanding of these interactions through systematic research leading to improvements in thermal management via dropwise condensation (DWC), and breathable protective wearables against chemical aerosols for better thermoregulation.

In DWC, the heat transfer rate can be further increased by increasing the nucleation and by optimally ‘refreshing’ the surface via droplet shedding. Softening of surfaces favor the former while having an adverse effect on the latter. This optimization problem is addressed by investigating how mechanical properties of a substrate impact relevant droplet-surface interactions and DWC heat transfer rate. The results obtained by combining droplet induced surface deformation with finite element model show that softening of the substrates below a shear modulus of 500 kPa results in a significant reduction in the condensation heat transfer rate.

On the other hand, interactions between droplet and polymer leading to polymer swelling can be used to develop breathable wearables for use in chemically harsh environments. Chemical aerosols are hazardous and conventional protective measures include impermeable barriers which limit the thermoregulation. To solve this, a solution is proposed consisting of a superabsorbent polymer developed to selectively absorb these chemicals and closing the pores in the fabric. Starting from understanding and modeling the droplet induced swelling in elastomers, the extent and topological characteristic of swelling is shown to depend on the relative comparison of the polymer and aerosol geometries. Then, this modeling is extended to a customized polymer, through a simplified characterization paradigm. In that, a new method is proposed to measure the swelling parameters of the polymer-solvent pair and develop a validated model for swelling. Through this study, it is shown that for this polymer, the concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient can be measured through gravimetry and Poroelastic Relaxation Indentation, simplifying the characterization effort. Finally, this model is used to design composite fabric. Specifically, using model results, the SAP geometry, base fabric design, method of composition is optimized, and the effectiveness of the composite fabric highlighted in moderate-to-high concentrations over short durations.
Date Created

Optical Simulation and Colloidal Lithography Fabrication of Aluminum Metasurfaces

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Solar energy has become one of the most popular renewable energy in human’s life because of its abundance and environment friendliness. To achieve high solar energy conversion efficiency, it usually requires surfaces to absorb selectivity within one spectral range of

Solar energy has become one of the most popular renewable energy in human’s life because of its abundance and environment friendliness. To achieve high solar energy conversion efficiency, it usually requires surfaces to absorb selectivity within one spectral range of interest and reflect strongly over the rest of the spectrum. An economic method is always desired to fabricate spectrally selective surfaces with improved energy conversion efficiency. Colloidal lithography is a recently emerged way of nanofabrication, which has advantages of low-cost and easy operation.

In this thesis, aluminum metasurface structures are proposed based on colloidal lithography method. High Frequency Structure Simulator is used to numerically study optical properties and design the aluminum metasurfaces with selective absorption. Simulation results show that proposed aluminum metasurface structure on aluminum oxide thin film and aluminum substrate has a major reflectance dip, whose wavelength is tunable within the near-infrared and visible spectrum with metasurface size. As the metasurface is opaque due to aluminum film, it indicates strong wavelength-selective optical absorption, which is due to the magnetic resonance between the top metasurface and bottom Al film within the aluminum oxide layer.

The proposed sample is fabricated based on colloidal lithography method. Monolayer polystyrene particles of 500 nm are successfully prepared and transferred onto silicon substrate. Scanning electron microscope is used to check the surface topography. Aluminum thin film with 20-nm or 50-nm thickness is then deposited on the sample. After monolayer particles are removed, optical properties of samples are measured by micro-scale optical reflectance and transmittance microscope. Measured and simulated reflectance of these samples do not have frequency selective properties and is not sensitive to defects. The next step is to fabricate the Al metasurface on Al_2 O_3 and Al films to experimentally demonstrate the selective absorption predicted from the numerical simulation.
Date Created

Thermal and Vibration Characterization of Flexible Heat Sinks

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In nature, it is commonly observed that animals and birds perform movement-based thermoregulation activities to regulate their body temperatures. For example, flapping of elephant ears or plumage fluffing in birds. Taking inspiration from nature and to explore the possibilities of

In nature, it is commonly observed that animals and birds perform movement-based thermoregulation activities to regulate their body temperatures. For example, flapping of elephant ears or plumage fluffing in birds. Taking inspiration from nature and to explore the possibilities of such heat transfer enhancements, augmentation of heat transfer rates induced by the vibration of solid and well as novel flexible pinned heatsinks were studied in this research project. Enhancement of natural convection has always been very important in improving the performance of the cooling mechanisms. In this research, flexible heatsinks were developed and they were characterized based on natural convection cooling with moderately vibrating conditions. The vibration of heated surfaces such as motor surfaces, condenser surfaces, robotic arms and exoskeletons led to the motivation of the development of heat sinks having flexible fins with an improved heat transfer capacity. The performance of an inflexible, solid copper pin fin heat sink was considered as the baseline, current industry standard for the thermal performance. It is expected to obtain maximum convective heat transfer at the resonance frequency of the flexible pin fins. Current experimental results with fixed input frequency and varying amplitudes indicate that the vibration provides a moderate improvement in convective heat transfer, however, the flexibility of fins had negligible effects.
Date Created