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This world promises just one thing: continuous change. As humanity has moved through time much has changed in the worlds of science, mathematics, and physics. These shifts in humanity's comprehension often arrive unexpectedly, driven by education, innovation, and experimentation. Such transformative waves resemble a series of technology shocks that are

This world promises just one thing: continuous change. As humanity has moved through time much has changed in the worlds of science, mathematics, and physics. These shifts in humanity's comprehension often arrive unexpectedly, driven by education, innovation, and experimentation. Such transformative waves resemble a series of technology shocks that are known to cause significant disruptions within an industry and the economy broadly as firms permanently change the ways they produce and distribute goods and services in response to new technologies or information. The recent flurry of innovation and interest in Artificial Intelligence leads us to believe that many industries may be experiencing such a wave of change today. The healthcare industry currently employs the most workers of any other sector in the United States (outside of the government) and is made up of an unprecedented 77% of female workers making the outcomes of changes in its labor market demands particularly important. In this paper we discuss the current state of Artificial Intelligence adoption within the clinical side of healthcare, what sub sectors and occupations are most exposed, and to what extent the FDA approved AI-enabled clinical healthcare products replace or complement those tasks of existing occupations. We also interviewed a few healthcare professionals with different levels of seniority and exposure to AI-enabled products to develop a holistic understanding of current AI adoption, employee preparation, and potential labor market implications over the short and long term. We find that AI implementation within clinical healthcare settings is young in its life cycle yet fast growing. Current use cases are mostly in the earlier stages of the patient’s care journey assisting workers in various capacities in the processes of patient testing, diagnosis, care planning, and post-treatment monitoring. The tasks associated with patient interaction and care administration do not appear to be threatened by AI automation at this point in time. Additionally, approved Artificial Intelligence products for clinical use are disproportionately concentrated in the subsectors of radiology, neurology, and cardiology. Finally, our interviews revealed a concerning lack of consideration and preparation, among healthcare workers, for the potential automation of their fundamental tasks. Going forward, we believe it wise for healthcare workers to monitor the evolution of clinical AI use cases as well as the FDA approval of AI-enabled products and prepare for potential automation by continuing to learn new skills, take on additional responsibilities, and generally inject themselves into as many stages of the patient’s healthcare journey as possible to differentiate among other workers and avoid the coming wave of mass clinical automation.
ContributorsMcElenney, Nicholas (Author) / Dolasinski, Nicholas (Co-author) / Asheim, Brody (Co-author) / Mehta, Ari (Co-author) / Calvo, Paula (Thesis director) / Don, Rachel (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / Department of Finance (Contributor)
Immediately following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Union (EU) activated the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) for Ukrainian refugees, contrasting with its inaction during the 2015 Syrian crisis. This inconsistency revealed double standards in EU refugee policy. This thesis explores the EU's Othering in its responses to the Syrian

Immediately following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Union (EU) activated the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) for Ukrainian refugees, contrasting with its inaction during the 2015 Syrian crisis. This inconsistency revealed double standards in EU refugee policy. This thesis explores the EU's Othering in its responses to the Syrian and Ukrainian refugee situations, showing how the EU portrays migrants to affirm its identity. While the response to Syrians in 2015 depicted refugees as a threat to European Christian identity, the response to Ukrainians in 2022 showed more solidarity due to shared "Europeanness." Using the TPD as a lens, this thesis exposes the EU's selective refugee protection based on racialized Othering, where more "European" groups receive favorable treatment. Media narratives further emphasize the differences between Syrian and Ukrainian refugees. The thesis calls for the EU to prioritize human rights over restrictive identity notions.
ContributorsHaas, Isabel (Author) / Wheatley, Abby (Thesis director) / Levin, Irina (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / School of Politics and Global Studies (Contributor) / School of Human Evolution & Social Change (Contributor) / School of International Letters and Cultures (Contributor)
Concero Partners is committed to pioneering innovative capital solutions in emerging markets, with a strategic focus on Latin America. By leveraging a state-of-the-art online brokerage platform, Concero Partners aims to democratize access to global capital for small to mid-sized businesses in Chile and Brazil, enhancing financial transparency and fostering economic

Concero Partners is committed to pioneering innovative capital solutions in emerging markets, with a strategic focus on Latin America. By leveraging a state-of-the-art online brokerage platform, Concero Partners aims to democratize access to global capital for small to mid-sized businesses in Chile and Brazil, enhancing financial transparency and fostering economic growth. At the heart of our mission is bridging the capital accessibility gap and simplifying transactions by collaborating with regional audit firms to standardize financial reporting, enhance market transparency, and make businesses more attractive to global investors. Beyond facilitating financial transactions, our broader goal is to stimulate economic growth by creating a more interconnected, efficient, and robust M&A ecosystem.
ContributorsSeykora, Colton (Author) / Freiheit, William (Co-author) / Harmon, William (Co-author) / Dalton, Ryan (Co-author) / Byrne, Jared (Thesis director) / Thomasson, Anna (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies, Sch (Contributor) / Department of Finance (Contributor)
Concero Partners is committed to pioneering innovative capital solutions in emerging markets, with a strategic focus on Latin America. By leveraging a state-of-the-art online brokerage platform, Concero Partners aims to democratize access to global capital for small to mid-sized businesses in Chile and Brazil, enhancing financial transparency and fostering economic

Concero Partners is committed to pioneering innovative capital solutions in emerging markets, with a strategic focus on Latin America. By leveraging a state-of-the-art online brokerage platform, Concero Partners aims to democratize access to global capital for small to mid-sized businesses in Chile and Brazil, enhancing financial transparency and fostering economic growth. At the heart of our mission is bridging the capital accessibility gap and simplifying transactions by collaborating with regional audit firms to standardize financial reporting, enhance market transparency, and make businesses more attractive to global investors. Beyond facilitating financial transactions, our broader goal is to stimulate economic growth by creating a more interconnected, efficient, and robust M&A ecosystem.
ContributorsDalton, Ryan (Author) / Freiheit, William (Co-author) / Seykora, Colton (Co-author) / Harmon, William (Co-author) / Byrne, Jared (Thesis director) / Thomasson, Anna (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies, Sch (Contributor) / Department of Finance (Contributor)
DescriptionPage Pilot is a digital application that utilizes gamification incentives to help elementary children master reading comprehension, curbing the growing rate of child illiteracy.
ContributorsFahlman, Anna (Author) / Muccillo, Alyssa (Co-author) / Stoft, Amanda (Co-author) / Byrne, Jared (Thesis director) / Pierce, John (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / Department of Information Systems (Contributor) / School of Accountancy (Contributor)
DescriptionPage Pilot is a digital application that utilizes gamification incentives to help elementary children master reading comprehension, curbing the growing rate of child illiteracy.
ContributorsStoft, Amanda (Author) / Fahlman, Anna (Co-author) / Muccillo, Alyssa (Co-author) / Byrne, Jared (Thesis director) / Pierce, John (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / School of Art (Contributor) / Department of English (Contributor)
Children who experience ACEs are more susceptible to engaging in illegal acts later in adulthood. Despite the frequency of ACEs within the prison population, the criminal justice system continues to employ a punitive ideology in its operations instead of addressing the ACEs that lead people to commit illegal acts. Many

Children who experience ACEs are more susceptible to engaging in illegal acts later in adulthood. Despite the frequency of ACEs within the prison population, the criminal justice system continues to employ a punitive ideology in its operations instead of addressing the ACEs that lead people to commit illegal acts. Many defendants in this study had prior charges and/or were confirmed to have previously served some amount of time in an incarceration facility before they appeared in court to be tried again. The criminal justice system is sometimes referred to as a “revolving door” because it describes the high recidivism rate and how many released ex-offenders return to jail a few years after their release. Every single defendant in the study had current and/or previous drug charges or a history of substance abuse, which goes to show how much the criminal justice system needs to change the way it approaches substance use disorders if the goal is to reduce recidivism. A punitive approach to substance abuse and addiction is ineffective when people who have experienced a multitude of ACEs are released from prison just to return to the same environment that they were arrested from.
ContributorsLe, Aimee (Author) / Yan, Shi (Thesis director) / Henson, Abigail (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / School of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Contributor)
Nitrate (NO3-) pollution in surface and groundwater, worsened by nitrogen-rich fertilizers in agriculture, poses a significant challenge. Conventional methods remove NO3- physically, yielding concentrated reject water needing further treatment. Electrochemical processes use electrons to convert NO3- into ammonia (NH3) or dinitrogen (N2). This project explores photoelectrocatalysis, enhancing selectivity for NH3

Nitrate (NO3-) pollution in surface and groundwater, worsened by nitrogen-rich fertilizers in agriculture, poses a significant challenge. Conventional methods remove NO3- physically, yielding concentrated reject water needing further treatment. Electrochemical processes use electrons to convert NO3- into ammonia (NH3) or dinitrogen (N2). This project explores photoelectrocatalysis, enhancing selectivity for NH3 as an added-value product using a photocathode based on tri-layers. Titanium oxide (TiO2) nanorods modified with Ag and CuOx nanoparticles that exhibit high NO3- conversion rates and exceptional NH3 selectivity. Mechanism evaluation reveals additive effects between photocatalysis and electrocatalysis, surpassing individual performances. This approach offers promising solution for NO3- pollution remediation and sustainable resource recovery in agriculture.
ContributorsButzine, Noah (Author) / Garcia-Segura, Sergi (Thesis director) / Cerron-Calle, Gabriel (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / School of Sustainable Engineering & Built Envirnmt (Contributor) / School of Sustainability (Contributor)
DescriptionExplores Arizona's proposed changes to the cottage food law, and political happenings surrounding such policies.
ContributorsKahn, Jillian (Author) / Magaña, Lisa (Thesis director) / Woodall, Gina (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / School of Politics and Global Studies (Contributor) / School of Civic & Economic Thought and Leadership (Contributor)
DescriptionA critical introduction and narrative exploration of the chimeric nature of mestizaje through the lens of Jeffrey Jerome Cohen's Seven Theses of Monster Culture
ContributorsDuhamell Escobedo, Riqué (Author) / Bebout, Lee (Thesis director) / Viren, Sarah (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / School of Social Transformation (Contributor) / Department of English (Contributor) / School of Transborder Studies (Contributor) / School of International Letters and Cultures (Contributor)