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Built-in Self-Test for RF Impedance Measurement
Impedance is one of the fundamental properties of electrical components, materials, and waves. Therefore, impedance measurement and monitoring have a wide range of applications. The multi-port technique is a natural candidate for impedance measurement and monitoring due to its low overhead and ease of implementation for Built-in Self-Test (BIST) applications. The multi-port technique can measure complex reflection coefficients, thus impedance, by using scalar measurements provided by the power detectors. These power detectors are strategically placed on different points (ports) of a passive network to produce unique solution. Impedance measurement and monitoring is readily deployed on mobile phone radio-frequency (RF) front ends, and are combined with antenna tuners to boost the signal reception capabilities of phones. These sensors also can be used in self-healing circuits to improve their yield and performance under process, voltage, and temperature variations. Even though, this work is preliminary interested in low-overhead impedance measurement for RF circuit applications, the proposed methods can be used in a wide variety of metrology applications where impedance measurements are already used. Some examples of these applications include determining material properties, plasma generation, and moisture detection. Additionally, multi-port applications extend beyond the impedance measurement. There are applications where multi-ports are used as receivers for communication systems, RADARs, and remote sensing applications. The multi-port technique generally requires a careful design of the testing structure to produce a unique solution from power detector measurements. It also requires the use of nonlinear solvers during calibration, and depending on calibration procedure, measurement. The use of nonlinear solvers generates issues for convergence, computational complexity, and resources needed for carrying out calibrations and measurements in a timely manner. In this work, using periodic structures, a structure where a circuit block repeats itself, for multi-port measurements is proposed. The periodic structures introduce a new constraint that simplifies the multi-port theory and leads to an explicit calibration and measurement procedure. Unlike the existing calibration procedures which require at least five loads and various constraints on the load for explicit solution, the proposed method can use three loads for calibration. Multi-ports built with periodic structures will always produce a unique measurement result. This leads to increased bandwidth of operation and simplifies design procedure. The efficacy of the method demonstrated in two embodiments.
In the first embodiment, a multi-port is directly embedded into a matching network to measure impedance of the load.
In the second embodiment, periodic structures are used to compare two loads without requiring any calibration.
Date Created
- Avci, Muslum Emir (Author)
- Ozev, Sule (Thesis advisor)
- Bakkaloglu, Bertan (Committee member)
- Kitchen, Jennifer (Committee member)
- Trichopoulos, Georgios (Committee member)
- Arizona State University (Publisher)
Topical Subject
Resource Type
97 pages
Copyright Statement
In Copyright
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Open Access
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Cataloging Standards
Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2023
Field of study: Electrical Engineering
System Created
- 2023-12-14 01:49:33
System Modified
- 2023-12-14 01:49:40
- 1 year 1 month ago
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