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Geodesign Platforms for Node-Based Transportation Facility Location Planning
Transportation infrastructure facilitates humans in moving themselves and material goods, and thereby supports the functioning of human society. Transportation planners, engineers, and decision makers in the 20th century largely excluded local stakeholders from planning processes; the resultant built environment has perpetuated inequity and social division. Transportation system planning has often been conducted in specialized departments with little interdisciplinary collaboration. Integration of diverse perspectives and ontologies throughout transportation planning processes can produce robust, resilient, equitable, and sustainable transportation systems. Geodesign is a framework for planning the built environment that necessarily involves voices from multiple perspectives including local stakeholders, design professionals, geographic scientists, and information technology coordinators. Geodesign uses geographic information systems to create designs that reflect stakeholder needs, values, and priorities while addressing the study area’s geographic context. Geodesign has been used primarily for land use planning and has only addressed transportation planning concerns in relation to land use.This dissertation consists of an introduction, three projects that apply the geodesign framework to transportation planning and a concluding chapter. The introduction details the rationale for this research. The first project is a systematic review of geodesign projects that address transportation systems. The review seeks to identify epistemological alignment between the geodesign framework and participatory transportation planning. The results demonstrate that geodesign comports with transportation planners’ existing practices and uses of planning support systems. The combination of geodesign and transportation planning methods for stakeholder engagement could produce a synergistic framework for transportation infrastructure planning. The second project applies geodesign to locating refueling stations for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles around Hartford, Connecticut. Network designs generated by workshop participants were compared to networks generated by optimization models. The third project applies geodesign to locating sites for micromobility hubs in Tempe, Arizona, via short-form workshop series format. Participants considered the format conducive to collaborative public participatory design. These three projects demonstrate the suitability of the geodesign framework for node-based transportation facility planning via communicative rationality. The conclusion summarizes these three projects and highlights the reproducibility of the geodesign method for node-based transportation facility location planning in other study areas.
Date Created
- Lopez Jaramillo, Oscar (Author)
- Kuby, Michael (Thesis advisor)
- Wentz, Elizabeth (Committee member)
- Ruddell, Darren (Committee member)
- Arizona State University (Publisher)
Topical Subject
Resource Type
138 pages
Copyright Statement
In Copyright
Primary Member of
Open Access
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Cataloging Standards
Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2023
Field of study: Geography
System Created
- 2023-08-28 05:17:13
System Modified
- 2023-08-28 05:17:17
- 1 year 4 months ago
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