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Life History Theory and Evolutionary Strategies to Treat Cancer
Life history theory offers a powerful framework to understand evolutionary selection pressures and explain how adaptive strategies use the life history trade-off and differences in cancer defenses across the tree of life. There is often some cost to the phenotype of therapeutic resistance and so sensitive cells can usually outcompete resistant cells in the absence of therapy. Adaptive therapy, as an evolutionary and ecologically inspired paradigm in cancer treatment, uses the competitive interactions between drug-sensitive, and drug-resistant subclones to help suppress the drug-resistant subclones. However, there remain several open challenges in designing adaptive therapies, particularly in extending this approach to multiple drugs. Furthermore, the immune system also plays a role in preventing and controlling cancers. Life history theory may help to explain the variation in immune cell levels across the tree of life that likely contributes to variance in cancer prevalence across vertebrates. However, this has not been previously explored. This work 1) describes resistance management for cancer, lessons cancer researchers learned from farmers since adaptive evolutionary strategies were inspired by the management of resistance in agricultural pests, 2) demonstrates how adaptive therapy protocols work with gemcitabine and capecitabine in a hormone-refractory breast cancer mouse model, 3) tests for a relationship between life history strategy and the immune system, and tests for an effect of immune cells levels on cancer prevalence across vertebrates, and 4) provides a novel approach to improve the teaching of life history theory. This work applies lessons that cancer researchers learned from pest managers, who face similar issues of pesticide resistance, to control cancers. It represents the first time that multiple drugs have been used in adaptive therapy for cancer, and the first time that adaptive therapy has been used on hormone-refractory breast cancer. I found that this evolutionary approach to cancer treatment prolongs survival in mice and also selects for the slow life history strategy. I also discovered that species with slower life histories have higher concentrations of white blood cells and a higher percentage of heterophils, monocytes and segmented neutrophils. Moreover, larger platelet size is associated with higher cancer prevalence in mammals.
Date Created
- Seyedi, Seyedehsareh (Author)
- Maley, Carlo (Thesis advisor)
- Blattman, Joseph (Committee member)
- Anderson, Karen (Committee member)
- Wilson, Melissa (Committee member)
- Huijben, Silvie (Committee member)
- Gatenby, Robert (Committee member)
- Arizona State University (Publisher)
Topical Subject
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324 pages
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Open Access
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Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2023
Field of study: Molecular and Cellular Biology
System Created
- 2023-06-06 07:32:45
System Modified
- 2023-06-06 07:32:51
- 1 year 7 months ago
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