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Low-Intensity Blood Flow Restriction Training as a Preoperative Rehabilitative Modality to Improve Postoperative Outcomes for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
One of the long-standing issues that has arisen in the sports medicine field is identifying the ideal methodology to optimize recovery following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). The perioperative period for ACLR is notoriously heterogeneous in nature as it consists of many variables that can impact surgical outcomes. While there has been extensive literature published regarding the efficacy of various recovery and rehabilitation topics, it has been widely acknowledged that certain modalities within the field of ACLR rehabilitation need further high-quality evidence to support their use in clinical practice, such as blood flow restriction (BFR) training. BFR training involves the application of a tourniquet-like cuff to the proximal aspect of a limb prior to exercise; the cuff is inflated so that it occludes venous flow but allows arterial inflow. BFR is usually combined with low-intensity (LI) resistance training, with resistance as low as 20% of one-repetition maximum (1RM). LI-BFR has been used as an emerging clinical modality to combat postoperative atrophy of the quadriceps muscles for those who have undergone ACLR, as these individuals cannot safely tolerate high muscular tension exercise after surgery. Impairments of the quadriceps are the major cause of poor functional status of patients following an otherwise successful ACLR procedure; however, these impairments can be mitigated with preoperative rehabilitation done before surgery. It was hypothesized that the use of a preoperative LI-BFR training protocol could help improve postoperative outcomes following ACLR; primarily, strength and hypertrophy of the quadriceps. When compared with a SHAM control group, subjects who were randomized to a BFR intervention group made greater preoperative strength gains in the quadriceps and recovered quadriceps mass at an earlier timepoint than that of the SHAM group aftersurgery; however, the gains made in strength were not able to be maintained in the 8-week postoperative period. While these results do not support the use of LI-BFR from the short-term perspective after ACLR, follow-up data will be used to investigate trends in re-injury and return to sport rates to evaluate the efficacy of the use of LI-BFR from a long-term perspective.
Date Created
- Glattke, Kaycee Elizabeth (Author)
- Lockhart, Thurmon (Thesis advisor)
- McDaniel, Troy (Committee member)
- Banks, Scott (Committee member)
- Peterson, Daniel (Committee member)
- Lee, Hyunglae (Committee member)
- Arizona State University (Publisher)
Topical Subject
Resource Type
183 pages
Copyright Statement
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Open Access
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Cataloging Standards
Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2022
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
System Created
- 2022-12-20 06:19:18
System Modified
- 2022-12-20 06:19:18
- 2 years ago
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