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Solving SPDEs for Multi-Dimensional Shape Analysis
Statistical Shape Modeling is widely used to study the morphometrics of deformable objects in computer vision and biomedical studies. There are mainly two viewpoints to understand the shapes. On one hand, the outer surface of the shape can be taken as a two-dimensional embedding in space. On the other hand, the outer surface along with its enclosed internal volume can be taken as a three-dimensional embedding of interests. Most studies focus on the surface-based perspective by leveraging the intrinsic features on the tangent plane. But a two-dimensional model may fail to fully represent the realistic properties of shapes with both intrinsic and extrinsic properties. In this thesis, severalStochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs) are thoroughly investigated and several methods are originated from these SPDEs to try to solve the problem of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional shape analyses. The unique physical meanings of these SPDEs inspired the findings of features, shape descriptors, metrics, and kernels in this series of works. Initially, the data generation of high-dimensional shapes, here, the tetrahedral meshes, is introduced. The cerebral cortex is taken as the study target and an automatic pipeline of generating the gray matter tetrahedral mesh is introduced. Then, a discretized Laplace-Beltrami operator (LBO) and a Hamiltonian operator (HO) in tetrahedral domain with Finite Element Method (FEM) are derived. Two high-dimensional shape descriptors are defined based on the solution of the heat equation and Schrödinger’s equation. Considering the fact that high-dimensional shape models usually contain massive redundancies, and the demands on effective landmarks in many applications, a Gaussian process landmarking on tetrahedral meshes is further studied. A SIWKS-based metric space is used to define a geometry-aware Gaussian process. The study of the periodic potential diffusion process further inspired the idea of a new kernel call the geometry-aware convolutional kernel. A series of Bayesian learning methods are then introduced to tackle the problem of shape retrieval and classification. Experiments of every single item are demonstrated. From the popular SPDE such as the heat equation and Schrödinger’s equation to the general potential diffusion equation and the specific periodic potential diffusion equation, it clearly shows that classical SPDEs play an important role in discovering new features, metrics, shape descriptors and kernels. I hope this thesis could be an example of using interdisciplinary knowledge to solve problems.
Date Created
- Fan, Yonghui (Author)
- Wang, Yalin (Thesis advisor)
- Lepore, Natasha (Committee member)
- Turaga, Pavan (Committee member)
- Yang, Yezhou (Committee member)
- Arizona State University (Publisher)
Topical Subject
Resource Type
98 pages
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Open Access
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Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2021
Field of study: Computer Engineering
System Created
- 2021-11-16 05:24:10
System Modified
- 2021-11-30 12:51:28
- 3 years 1 month ago
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