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In this case study, the formal feedback process of the PCC was researched to determine if the process causes a potential threat state within PCC representatives, and, if so, identify aspects of the process that are potential causes of the threat state. Researched was complete via survey, and data was analyzed using open coding and various quantitative methods. Based on the data obtained in the survey, a threat state was determined to exist due to the feedback process, and two potential causes were identified. A recommendation report was built from the data, and two recommendations were presented. The first recommendation was to adjust to process of how feedback is sent to a PCC rep, and the second was around how often that feedback is delivered. Also included in the recommendation report was discussion around limitations to the research and how those are potential options for future research.
- Pollock, Samuel (Author)
- Brumberger, Eva (Degree committee member)
- Carradini, Stephen (Degree committee member)
- D'Angelo, Barbara J. (Degree committee member)
- 2018-05-02 01:44:25
- 2021-06-24 11:13:59
- 3 years 5 months ago