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Interview with Natalie Morris, Adjunct Faculty - Sustainable Food Systems Program, Mesa Community College
Natalie Morris is an instructor at Mesa Community College School of Sustainability and a promoter of Local First Arizona. She uses her deep love of food that she developed at a young age to develop a career around food systems. Experiences both in culinary school and her travels abroad helped Natalie to develop a passion for local food systems and education. One of her biggest projects to achieve this goal was Truck Farm Arizona, a mobile farm focused on the experience, education, and message of hope to under privileged youth. This project helped to show the next generation the importance and possibilities of growing local produce. Natalie also took her positive attitude to help Good Food Finder, now merging with Local First Arizona, to help connect the community, farmers, and local businesses to create a local food economy that promotes sustainability. Natalie’s focus goes beyond the classroom as she seeks to educate her community, focus on sustainability on a day to day level, and actively seek to grow Arizona’s local food systems.
- Morris, Natalie (Interviewee)
- Navarro-McElhaney, Kristine (Interviewer)
- 2016-04-08 06:33:13
- 2021-08-30 10:41:53
- 3 years 4 months ago